Chapter 19: Bishop and Gift

"I'm guessing the dark overlord known as your final Bishop is getting released, right?" Keiji asked, arms in his pockets while he and the others stood in anticipation, especially him, Xenovia and Asia. "Looks like you're going to have a partner in arms," Keiji said to Asia, who smiled back.

"For it to be heavily guarded like this, I wonder what they are like?" Xenovia questioned, looking at the yellow tape sprawled over it as well as the large chain and padlocks.

"You'll find out soon enough. This person is one of the highest earners, though it's usually done by computer," Rias explained, releasing the seal as the chain came and broke.

With the door opened, the others came in as they looked to see a coffin. "What was that?!" the person screamed from the suffocating sleeping place.

Keiji covered his ears in minor annoyance. "So damn loud."

Rias removed the coffin. "Come on, you can get out now."

"But I don't want to! I hate going outside!" the girly voice shouted out.

Everyone got a look at the androgynous-looking person, with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. Their hair is styled in short bob cut with several small fringes over their forehead, and they have pointed ears.

"A girl, huh? But what's with the whole coffin deal, Rias?" Keiji asked, only to perk up at Yuuto's sudden laughing. "Did I say something wrong?"

Akeno smiled as she moved to Keiji's side. "That's a he," she explained.

Keiji took a moment to comprehend that fact. He had been bamboozled so hard. "Oh, my bad, I guess. But there was no way I could have known that. I feel a bit silly."

Rias gave the now identified boy a hug. "This is Gasper Vladi. He was a half-human, half-vampire before becoming a devil, too."

"Please stop touching me!" he bashfully begged.

Keiji sighed as he crouched down. "Why is he so scared?" Keiji asked, waving his hand in front of the nervous lad. "Being cooped up in there must have made you all stiff, you need help getting out?" Keiji asked, making skin contact with Gasper.

Fear crept up onto his face, and he vanished from the face of the coffin. "D-don't touch me like that," Gasper announced, now sealed in a cardboard box in the corner.

"What is this? That TIME I got reincarnated as a cross-dressing vampire. Let's just hope that he doesn't despise a bunch of people with star-shaped birthmarks."

Rias smiled at the reference but moved on from that. "This is what I mean, Keiji. That was his Sacred Gear, Forbidden Balor View. It allows him to stop time from whatever he views. But he kept on growing more and more powerful, so it was decided he'd be sealed."

"Isn't that a bit cruel?" Keiji asked.

"He had no problem with it but I understand you point. I don't like it either, knowing I can't be there for a member of my Peerage. In any case, me and Akeno have to be going, so I hope you can help Gasper a bit with controlling his power."

"I mean, I'm not sure"—Rias was already leaving through a portal with Akeno, the Queen giving a shake of her plump ass right before she disappeared—"or you can just ignore me, too," Keiji finished up, sighing. He turned his attention to Gasper. "What am I even going to do?" Keiji asked.


Getting Gasper outside. Already one miracle. Instructed to help his power, Keiji watched with a deadpan expression as Xenovia waved Durandal with fanatic passion towards the running devil dhampir. 'Impressive he can steal run while being cooped up.'

Xenovia smirked as she dug Durandal into the ground. "Good. A strong body constitutes a strong mind!"

"Here, Gasper. These will make you feel better," she said, showing off a handful of garlics, then proceeding to chase the scared Gasper.

'Is this training or bullying?'

"Is this what you devils do, playing house?" Azazel asked, dressed in a grey yukata, and a smirk on his face.

"Do you know him, Keiji?" Asia asked.

Asia was gently moved back by Keiji's arm. "What's it to you, Azazel? Anybody tell you that you're a real creep."

Xenovia plucked Durandal from the ground, aiming her sword at the fallen angel leader and Koneko readied herself.

Azazel ignored them, aware they couldn't hurt him. "I don't see the holy-demon sword user here. That's a shame." Azazel then turned to Gasper. "You, behind the tree. I see you're the Forbidden Balor View user."

"I don't like repeating myself but you're really fucking creepy, Azazel. You put cameras in the room?" Keiji sarcastically said.

Azazel laughed at the comment, irritating Keiji. "You're trying to control him, but you don't have any idea, do you? Take you, the wielder of Vritra," Azazel said, pointing to Genshirou, who happened to see the group. "You can use the Absorption line to drain him of power."

"Oh, who is the cute girl?"

"Cross-dressing devil dhampir. Don't ask questions," Keiji said, watching Genshirou mope about the cruel reality of the world. 

"And drinking the blood of the Red Dragon Emperor should suffice. Have you tried that?" Azazel asked, to which Keiji gave him the point on that one.

Gasper shrieked. "No, please! I hate drinking blood!" he cried out, shaking his head, and making Keiji sigh in disbelief while Azazel laughed at the difficulty challenge.

"Well, I've had my fun. I'm gonna get a drink, probably laid, too. You can understand the last bit," Azazel said with a smirk, further creeping Keiji out.

'I can't tell who is worse between him and Kokabiel.'


"Still no luck?" Rias asked to Keiji, who weakly nodded.

"It's like taking care of a kid but hard," Keiji groaned out. "Just what made him so sensitive? Like a vampire that doesn't drink blood? Seems almost paradoxical."

Rias sat on the couch with Keiji. "It's from his past. Vampires are more focused on bloodlines than even devils, so Gasper has been neglected and abused. Plus, his powers were seen as deadly, so he was feared and rejected because of it. It's likely that's had an effect on him."

"So it's like Asia's problem?" Keiji remarked, with Rias nodding.

"I've got things to do, so I'm going to head-out. I'll come back as soon as possible," Rias said, making sure to spank her fat ass before heading out. "I almost forgot you say Akeno do it, so I can't lose to her."

Keiji smiled at how competitive the two can be. 'Still, I should try and inspire Gasper or something. I'm not sure what will work, but I guess I can try.'

Gasper shrieked as he heard Keiji knocking. "Leave me alone! I'm just a disappointment! I can't even control my power, so I'm always letting the President down!"

"If that's true, then why does Rias still consider you a precious member?" Keiji spoke, stopping Gasper from complaining right away. "Rias even told me that leaving you there alone wasn't nice for her. She can be a handful but she's caring. She put up with me and my shenanigans, I even banged— Never mind, story for another time."

Gasper felt his heart throb at that statement. "A-are you sure?! I can't even control my power. And I'm just so shy!" he remarked.

Keiji moved closer, the vampire not teleporting away. "See, you're staring at me, but you haven't disappeared away. You're already growing up. Some people are different, so don't be afraid for your situation. It's okay to be weak, but staying weak isn't acceptable. You don't need to be an almighty confident vampire already, take things slow and steady because we're all here for you."


"But what?! If you are worried about what you've experienced, I can't help you with that"—Gasper looked a bit downcast—"but I can teach you to ignore them and get over it. Fuck those stupid vampire pricks! It doesn't matter, because you have all of us. If they don't act like you're family, you don't need to accept them. You've already got all of our support, so it's fine. Learn to become a reliable man that Rias can trust even more."

"A man," Gasper muttered with glistening eyes.

Keiji nodded. "Disregarding your interest in cross-dressing, yep. Being a man can vary but being reliable is important. A man should be able to hold himself. It's not hard, but it's not impossible, especially for a member of the Gremory household. So... you want to go on a journey? Besides, between you and me, your power is amazing. I've got a lovely power, too, but you're amazing as well. When it comes to versatility, you could beat me like I'm not even there."

"Really?! Is that true?!" 

Keiji gave a hand to Gasper. "You betcha!"

"Looks like you've helped Gasper come out of his shell," Yuuto said, smiling. "Gasper has been shy a lot, so it's good to see him outgoing. Well done, you two."

"Yuuto, I should warn you that Azazel was interested in you. I've heard he's a bit of a fanatic for Sacred Gears, but he's still so weird, so just be careful."

Yuuto saluted. "Roger."

"Now... let's start with a manly exercise... JoJo poses!"


"Talk about long-ass steps. This shrine's got some confidence," Keiji joked as he strode up to a shrine.

"Welcome, Keiji," Akeno said with a smile, wearing traditional miko attire, consisting of a white haori with red accents, a red hakama, and a pair of zōri with white tabi.

Keiji sat down on a small pillow mat. "I never knew you had a shrine in here. What's the special occasion? I'd figured you would have pulled this earlier."

"Before that, you have a guest," Akeno explained.

A golden sphere bursted out, blinding the two of them. It unravelled itself, with wings forming out before a figure came into the light. Out came a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. His golden wings settled into reality as his whole frame did. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.

"Just standing near him is making my senses tingle," Keiji spoke.

The angel gave a gentle smile. "I apologize for my presence. I hope I did not keep you waiting too long."

Akeno waved his concern, making him smile. "It's fine, Michael. Keiji just got here."

Keiji knew this person was a big deal, but it didn't occur to him this was Michael. It could have been one of the other archangels. "You mean the current leader of Heaven is visiting me. I'm pretty sure this is way above my level."

Michael gave a small chuckle. "Apologies are in order. Many things have been happening, so I wanted to greet you before the Three Factions meeting. I understand it must be a lot, given you've only recently taken upon such a mantle."

"It's fine, honestly. I'm used to living a bit of a rough life. Plus, I've had plenty of support. I'm not a self-made man, devil, dragon devil - you get what I mean."

Michael nodded. "I don't have much time, so I shall be brief. I wanted to thank you for helping our exorcists deal with Kokabiel. A reward is in place."

Keiji blinked. Sure, angels were supposed to be kind, but this was a bit too humble. It almost made Keiji feel bad. "I know I helped those you sent, but I think you're being a bit too generous! What about the fallen angels? I'd like that creep Azazel to be making amends."

Michael chuckled. "Azazel is a strange one. He's always had a fascination for Father's creation, but he isn't one interested in war. As strange as he is, you'll be fine. But as for the reward."

Appearing in front of him from a golden dimensional crack was a hilt. It further came out in its entirety. The guard resembles four golden dragon claws sticking upwards. The sword has the appearance of a European sword with a grey hilt, a red diamond design imprinted on it surrounded by four blue lines that curve slightly and a golden pommel in the shape of a cone-like arrow. The blade is also notched three times on both sides near the bottom and the fuller, which reaches slightly above the notches, has a gold edge in the shape of a large pearl and the rest is coloured purple.

"I know this is supposed to be a present, but I can't shake the menacing vibes I'm getting off of it."

"That is only natural. After all, not only is this a holy sword, but Ascalon was St George's weapon to slay a dragon. Its in this blade's nature."

"Doesn't that mean I'd be unable to wield it?" Keiji replied.

"It's fine, Keiji. Those of the Three Factions have already modified it so that you can wield it safely," Akeno explained.

"Partner. Assimilate it into the Boosted Gear. It will be more convenient."

Heeding Ddraig's words, Keiji let the dragon do the hard work as Ascalon soon vanished into the Boosted Gear. "Painless. I guess it did work. Thanks, Michael."

Michael bowed his head. "You need not thank me, but your own hard work. Regretfully, I cannot talk any longer, so I must take my leave. If you wish to talk to me again, you must wait until the conference. Farewell."

Keiji thought about what just happened; the leader of angels gave him a reward for being himself. "Hopefully every angel is like this."

"Keiji," Akeno purred, her miko outfit starting to slip off. "I think one reward isn't enough. You helped the devils, too. So why not another reward?"

Keiji couldn't help but agree with the Queen as they both helped slip each other out of their clothes, doing it by instinct the closer they got to being nude as they were already kissing each other. 

Akeno massaged his back muscles, smiling at the physique he gained. It was really robust, thanks in part to being part dragon; those genes built different and power. "Just feeling up your body is getting me hot," Akeno muttered.

"Same to you," Keiji groaned out to her, giving her apple-shaped ass a nice red imprint, then using the same hand to soak up the fatty good into his hand.

The two of them only stopped when the doors to the shrine slammed open, and a horny red-head came in. "I knew this would happen," Rias mumbled. "This must be why you two were late," Rias added, discarding her clothes and getting ready to join in.

Akeno smirked. "Now we're really going to be late," Akeno joked.

Rias huffed as she bent down, her hands glossing over his titanic testicles, then slowly stroking him to the long horse-cock length that she knew him for. "This is a special occasion," Rias argued, shutting her mouth as she began to adventure on his cock with her mouth.

"Getting drained like that will make you thirsty. Take this!" Akeno seductively said as she drew Keiji's mouth to her larger-than-rias tits. "They're better than Rias, but don't let her hear me say that," Akeno said, purposefully loud.

Rias' eyes snapped open. "Stop mentioning that!" Rias complained. "I'll have you know that—"

"Just carry on, Rias!" Keiji muttered, feeling dizzy with pleasure as he used her hair to leverage her down on his dick.

Rias gulped as Keiji just shut her up by forcing her face against his dick, cheeks expanding and her breath suddenly getting reduced to a low level. 'I should be mad, but I can't. At least I'm getting it even more in my throat. Plus, I've always wanted to do this.'

"Oh my, how naughty," Akeno remarked. "Must be nice to put Rias in her place," Akeno joked, her fantasies coming into play.

Akeno swiftly moaned as Keiji started to nibble on her chest, slurping and licking over them while his erection grew more. Akeno was aware of the growing thickness, and helped it by rubbing her meaty thighs against the throbbing Titanboa.

'You're not getting one over me!' Rias determinedly thought. As best she could, Rias heaved her chest against his cock and worked on the wide wang as best she could before she fully found her face getting fucked hard.

A blush came upon Akeno's face at seeing her best friend being dealt so rudely. "I'm all wet you now," Akeno whispered into his ear, her body jerking up from the fat finger Keiji sent up it. "Oh, you spoil me!"

Rias was face-first and deep inhaling his musk and his balls was tickling his chin. Ignoring the funny sensation it brought her, Rias felt her throat bulge as she managed to intake all his semen, only some drips spilling out his chin.

"T-there... all done!" Rias presented her mouth as proof.

Rias yelped as Keiji went down on her, hooking her leg over his shoulder and placing the tip of his dick right at her cunt. Hooking his right arm behind Akeno, he grabbed a tit-full, then went right into the wet well.

The King's robust rack danced with each time she felt her powerful Pawn bash into her. The familiar feeling never got old but only better as the moment passed on. "Look me in the eye as you fuck me, Keiji!" she begged.

"He's busy with me," Akeno replied with a smug smile as Akeno smooched with him lewdly right in front of Rias.

Rias pouted at Akeno, always getting in the way. Her brain racked to any possible ideas, though it got difficult when your addicted dragon dick pussy was getting pounded by said dragon dick. She almost lost her thoughts completely due to the pleasure.

Randomly, Rias went back to her roots in this sex session and began to jerk on his testicles. The sensation was enough for Keiji to grunt in shock through his kiss with Akeno. "Fine, I'll play!" Keiji spoke, already having tore his lips from Rias.

The Gremory grunted loudly as Keiji stole her breath and broke into her pussy, smashing her G-spot over and over again in horny rage, leaving her a mess, something Akeno took as a reward as she watched Rias' legs twitching.

They straightened out as Keiji removed himself from her minutes later. A rope connecting both their mouth and sex organs, as Rias had a fucked-funny look on her face. "So warm," she muttered. "Don't be late," she weakly muttered.

Akeno shuddered as she felt Keiji lift her up by the legs, wrapping his arms underneath them and putting her head in a lock. "How KINKY!" Akeno shouted the last part as Keiji slammed into her anus, his cock not fully there.

The sensation was both hot, painful and pleasurable as Akeno mewled in joy at being defiled in such a holy place. It really helped make things hotter. "Isn't it just so hot to fuck me in a shrine, you horny heathen?!" 

"Coming from the penis-addicted priestess, who wanted to celebrate after the archangel visited us! Now take your reward!"

Her anus slowly opened up as Akeno found herself tightening up while being stretched out at the same time. The conflicting feeling was enough to get her cunt quivering into a climatic situation.

"Fuck, you're trying to rip my dick off! Just give up already!" Keiji called out to her, leaning back and knocking against her back as he managed to stabilize himself and hold Akeno in place as he splashed his seed up into her.

The tickling became full blown molesting as Akeno drooled at her backdoor insides being drenched in hot goo. 

Keiji kept his cock locked in that pocket as he laid on the shrine floors with all of them sweaty. "I need to take a shower but I'm kinda loving your ass," Keiji commented.


Several days since Ascalon, and with the Three Factions meeting drawing near, Gasper was getting in some practice in improving his power. Such as using volleyball, with them throwing balls at him. 

Thanks to Keiji's speech to him, as well as the JoJo posing, Gasper was showing much improvement.