Chapter 33: Khaos in Kyoto

"Still no response? Tch, what a shitty lot!" Keiji swore, looking at the unresponsive audience of former Boosted Gear wielders. "No matter how hard I try, they just keep on ignoring me like I'm not even there," the male mumbled.

Having recently been taught by Ddraig about entering the depths of the Boosted Gears to reach the ancestors of the destructive device, Keiji was mildly excited to actually learn a bit about the past users. Of course, it turned into disappointment at their brain dead attitudes.

Cursing his failures, someone was there to comfort him. "It's too early to give up, young Red Dragon Emperor."

Turning around, Keiji met with a busty, blonde bombshell of a babe. Her long, luscious locks were perfectly symmetrical and two iris armoured cosmetics rested on the side of her hair, connected by a silver line. Her gorget was a similar colour but the middle was left unguarded and a silver bar with a diamond amethyst sealed it. Her armour was a slightly darker colour, though it had full patches of smooth orchid paint. Most of her sternum was unguarded, showing her large jugs, white armour covering it and only giving Keiji a minimum view of it.

"Greetings. I am Elsha, a former Red Dragon Emperor."

Keiji admired her warrior beauty, maybe it was because she was the Red Dragon Emperor before, but there was something that made Keiji gaze at her in bewilderment. "It's been a long time, Elsha."

"As to you, Ddraig."

"At least one person can talk."

"She was my host before, as I'm sure you can already tell. She was the strongest female wielder, and the second strongest wielder all together."

Elsha approached the young dragonling. "I'm quite interested in your potential and your way of handing problems," she spoke, turning back from him.

"Your leaving already?" Keiji asked. "I just saw you!"

With a spin of her ass, Elsha gave a wink to the young man, tempting his hormones. "Farewell. I'm sure we'll meet again."

With Keiji leaving the deep dungeon of the Boosted Gear, Elsha looked to the side with fascination. "I wonder if he noticed this," she muttered, seeing a glowing golden shard appearing and disappearing, torn between the two options.

Keiji's eyes fluttered back open as Ingvild pulled on his side. "Come on, Keiji! We're at Kyoto! There's so many things I've never seen before!" Her eyes wandered the very vehicle they were in, arms stretched out to try and capture its beauty. "Even this train! It's such a unique experience."

"She's right, Keiji," Asia said, then turning to Ingvild. "I can understand how you feel, Ingvild. I was new to such things as well," Asia added, both of them sharing a small laugh as Xenovia and Irina also chimed in on their thoughts; the baby-making obsessed Durandal wielder going into tourist most at all the sights she wanted to capture in their time in, with Aika, Murayama and Katase joining in on the excitement.

Getting off the train, Rossweisse got in front of the group of students. Having gotten a job as a teacher at Kuoh thanks to Rias, the valkyrie was wearing a simple gray-purple business suit with black heels. "Alright, everyone! Group up as we head for the hotel."

'Nice to see she's more confident than before,' Kejii thought.

With them on the business trip was the forever negligent fallen angel, wearing his same suit as before. "Let's see where is the best place to get the booze? Kyoto is gotta have the good stuff!"

'Guess he hasn't changed one bit. That's nice, I guess. Him being unpredictable is a nightmare; he'd probably unleash some apocalyptic beast if he was bored.'

Probably due to some favouritism and tampering, Keiji was equipped with the best room in the hotel. The group got to unpacking their things in the room and immediately heading out for sight seeing, with Ingvild joining them.

Keiji stopped near a torii gate, his eyes narrowing. "There's a barrier around us," Keiji muttered, the barrier becoming more transparent.

"Return my mother!" a young, feminine voice shouted out.

The group looked to see a young girl with golden, butter hair in a ponytail and matching eyes. Her defining feature, which just sprouted out, was nine furry foxy tails that matched her fox ears. Befitting her voice, the fox girl was miniscule in stature.

Despite her anger, Keiji was more focused on the appearance of her. Being a Japanese person made him understand how unique this girl was. 'A Nine-Tailed kitsune?! That's rare as fuck!' Keiji thought in shock, not ignorant to how major that was.

"We're not here to fight!" Asia responded. "We have no idea about your mother."

Irina looked a bit nervous as she glanced to the others. "We really shouldn't be causing problems with the youkai," Irina began, but drew her katana and posed, "but we have to defend ourselves if push comes to shove!"

"How dare you?!" the girl seethed out, fury creating rolls of skin in her forehead. "Attack them!" she ordered the bird youkai to attack.

The response was an onslaught of the ocean, completely sending them all into the ground and threatening to drown them from the wide water wave. Everyone looked in shock at half the temple submitting to the sea.

Deadpan eyes looked to the sweat-dropping Ingvild, her index fingers pressing against each other at the looks, blushing. "I-I've been practicing a lot!" Ingvild spoke with a proud but cute expression.

"Yeah, good job," Keiji said, walking towards the coughing Kyoto natives. Their sopping wet forms were distracting but their attention was immediately coerced as the individual's intimidation was enough to paralyze them as Keiji stared down at them like ants.

Fear was quickly replaced with confusion as Keiji offered her hand. "We're not who you are looking for when it comes to finding your mother but we don't mind helping you out. Anyone who has had their mother stolen from them would no doubt want to get them back by any means," Keiji responding.

Red-faced, the girl had tears as she hugged him. The other youkais looked uncertain at trusting a stranger but relented while Keiji patted the young girl's head. 'A girl at Koneko's age shouldn't be dealing with things like this. She's pretty strong to act like a leader when she could be complaining about it.'


After the misunderstanding, the group were being given a tour of Inner Kyoto. Keiji whistled at the sight of lights. Ingvild was bright-eyed at everything. Xenovia, Irina and Asia were smiling like sunlight at the level of design and the amazing architecture of this portion of Kyoto.

Kunou gave a humble bow. "Once again, I apologize for attacking all of you so suddenly. I was immature," she spoke to the increased numbers, the Sitri Peerage now present, minus Sona and Tsubaki.

Wearing a yukata, right side indigo and the left side pained red with flower decorations, Serafall's slim stomach was fixed up with a purple covering, followed by large yellow sash and a green knot to tie it all up. Her hair was also styled up, two buns neat the back and the right side of her hair all dazzled up and longer strands falling down; the left side was more subdued, smaller spikes that teased the top of her eyelid.


"The kidnapping of Kunou's mother can't be ignored, even if we wanted to. Being a nine-tailed fox, she is the linchpin to the magical energies in Kyoto. Without her, Kyoto would collapse into ruin."

"Your mother is that important, Kunou," Keiji mumbled at the serious explanation, though it looked like the latter wasn't taking it as serious due to the fact the kitsune was having her head pet over and over, jealous looks from the other girls while Azazel found amusement at the sight. Genshirou jealous at the attention being given.

Serafall's cheery countenance was arranged into a more formal look, turning to look at Kunou. "We'll be sure to offer as much support as we can to the youkai. Most likely, it is the Khaos Bridage who have kidnapped your mother; they are a terrorist organisation."

"What are they doing to my mother?" Kunou questioned.

Serafall shook her head. "We don't know their reasonings but they are definitely planning something bad. If there is anything that makes Kyoto special which you might think a terrorist organisation would want, that might be a goal."

Keiji stopped patting Kunou's head as the girl had a moment of deep thinking, but she came up short with a shake of her head. "No, I can't think of what it might be."

"Serafall, do you think you could ask Katerea if she has any idea if anyone who could be behind this idea?" Keiji asked, making Serafall give a sideways peace sign, making Kunou cock her head and Serafall cough as she nodded seriously. 

Kunou's orange eyes met Keiji's onyx orbs. "Don't worry about this. We promise to find your mother," Keiji spoke, wrapping his fingers around hers and shaking them for extra reassurance.

Ignoring the burgundy blemish her skin underwent, Kunou graciously nodded. "Thanks for your help. It isn't much but would you like me to be your guide for Kyoto as an apology!" she offered, everyone accepting with a smile at the maturity displayed and kindness.

'So much for a calm school trip,' Keiji thought.

Late at night, Keiji was resting and thinking about the troubles at hand. In came Rossweisse with a silky silver lavender gown over her dark blue bra and panties.

"How are you doing, Keiji? I was hoping I could keep you company for tonight," Rossweisse asked, a hopeful smile on her face.

Interrupting Keiji's answer was the rest of the present girls crashing into the room, with even Serafall coming in. "Serafall? Aren't you supposed to be busy with your affairs and duty as a Satan?" 

Serafall giggled proudly. "Well, I still need to help the youkai, so I'll be staying here with you, Kei-kun!" Serafall said in her usual magicl girl tone, a lewd smile.

Seeing he inevitable, Keiji allowed the night to take him over as even his school trip was not clear of the fun times popping up. The Red Dragon Emperor had accepted it as a natural event in his life cycle, one his high libido didn't complain about.


As promised the other day, Kunou was guiding them through the sights of Kyoto. Despite the reminder that her mother was kidnapped, she remained relatively calm about the whole matter and happily held Keiji's hand as she continued her guide.

"Should we stop for dinner?" Xenovia asked.

A greyscale atmosphere ate way the colour of their surroundings as Kunou let go of Keiji's hand and everyone went into battle mode as a purple haze began to menacingly stare them down, isolating them at the bridge.

Flying over were their two teachers. "Looks like you lot have been caught in a barrier," Azazel mentioned, floating down and folding his wings back.

Rossweisse's magic circle was destroyed against it. "I'm not sure if we can break out of this one. I fear not even boosting our powers would be viable."

"That's not even the half of it. It's gone beyond hiding us but sending us to a completely different dimension. The only thing that can so casually do his would be Dimension Lost, another Longinus."

Keiji groaned. "Great, they have a Longinus user on their side. But what do we do now?" Keiji wandered. "It's completely impenetrable, right?"

Kunou's eyes were shaken as the heather haze triggered the time she first heard the new of her mother's kidnapping. "I remember hearing that there was a strange fog that showed up the moment my mother was taken away."

Xenovia gritted her teeth in annoyance. "This isn't good. I don't have Durandal with me because it's still being upgraded at the church.

"Here!" Yuuto used his Sword Birth, a light sword and a devil sword both being thrown Xenovia's way. "It's no Durandal but it should be good enough."

 Keiji and Xenovia smiled at Yuuto, the male Knight nodding, as the female Knight pointed her blades ready and steady. "Now I can finally fight these perpetrators! Just wait for me my Durandal!" Xenovia spoke in a yandere-esque way.

'I-is she turned on?' Keiji thought, almost taken aback but not even surprised when he thought about it.

A proud laugh reached their ears as a young Chinese man stepped forward, baby blue eyes and dark hair. His attire was a combination of a gakuran and ancient Chinese attire. However, what most stood out to the group was the over-sized spear he held, repulsion flooding their veins and inflating it at the unnatural feeling; like it was the boogiemen for all supernatural in weapon form.

"Greetings, I am Cao Cao, a descendant of the same man from the Three Kingdoms era." He smiled as he turned to the two strongest opponents. 

Pointing his spear, a blue beam shot out at it. Several magical circles was thrown up to Azazel but the power pushed him back. "It's good to see you, Governor General Azazel."

Lastly, he put his look to Keiji, making him tense. "Pleasure to meet you, Red Dragon Emperor. Well done for killing the leader of the Old Satan Faction," he facetiously spoke, getting Keiji to glare at him. "Now you'll have to face the wielder of the True Longinus!"