Chapter 35: Parade of Heroes and Devils

The two leaders stayed still as they continued to gaze at each other, debris kicking up in forms of tornadoes as Genshirou continued to box the linchpin of Kyoto. "Would you look at that battle? Looks like a battle between two monsters. I must say, Vritra is doing better, as expected of a Dragon King. Who will win, I wonder?"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Keiji asked.

Cao Cao just chuckled as he looked to Keiji. "Maybe not. But you are awfully confident to face me alone instead of helping your friends. My fellow heroes will crush your allies because of your carelessness."

Keiji activated his Scale Mail as he approached Cao Cao. "You really don't know shit about my girls here, do you?!" Keiji asked, confusing the spear user, who raised his weapon for battle.

Siegfried grinned as a silver dragon arm appeared, holding another weapon. "Do you like my subspecies of my Twice Critical? It allows me to show you my Demon Sword Nothung!" Siegfried shouted with a grin, revealing the weapon. Nothung has a much lighter colour, the baby blue appearance differing other demonic swords. It was like a broadsword with a much wider blade, a blue cross guard that extends up the dark-blue coloured filler with a light blue diamond in the middle with a hardening line that appears to be wave-like on both sides, a golden grip and unique-shaped pommel.

Xenovia just smirked as she revealed her Ex-Durandal. The difference was in how thicker it was, with a revolver-like chamber, gold with silver bars. Coming off at the bottom of the fuller was a golden arrow protrusion, with a thicker piece of gold protruding at the bottom and connected to the golden knob. "I don't fear you with such a blade on my hands!" Xenovia shot back, blushing a bit at being able to use such a thing; Durandal was already amazing, this was just getting her turned on.

A chuckle came from Siegfried. "That doesn't matter when I have FIVE legendary Demon Swords!" Siegfried pointed out, showing his coat and revealing it, making both Yuuto and Xenovia's eyes widen in surprise, never mind the elite light sword he was already holding; a double M-styled cross-guard as its defining feature.

"It's not only that! He has Gram, its known as the Strongest Demon Sword!" Yuuto mentioned, dreading the power of the Demonic Emperor Sword.

Proudly, Siegfried even showed off the blade like it was a trophy, and it could certainly pass as one. Gram is a large double-edged sword that has vibrant colors despite being a Demon Sword. The pommel is a gold cone-like shape with the addition of a triangle attached to the pommel, the triangle is missing the base and the middle of it because of the pommel and the handle is colored with a mix of red and purple. The crossguard is a rectangular bar colored black, with gold symbols etched onto it a brown X-mark in the middle, and features a red semi-circle protrusion on both sides of the crossguard. The blade is black with a red edge, but a red aura sometimes shrouds it giving it a dark red color all around. The blade itself is fairly long and near the tip, it curves upwards, then curves back in. The blade also sports three hollow holes in the form of a triangle and is located in the middle of the blade curving upwards. At the bottom of the blade, there is a piece of metal, acting as a fuller, it has red lines on it that increase in height but it stays on the golden part and the fuller at the bottom is in the shape of a rectangle standing upwards, the difference is that the top left has a large amount taken of off it, which makes the left side shorter compared to the right. Further along the blade is a golden design, which looks like a blade, with two black rectangles connected by a line and the tip of it goes out by a small degree and goes back into the tip of the blade, the tip part of the blade design is two black modified squares and a black diamond-like circle shape.

"It's more than a match for your upgraded Durandal, and you'd be best to know that I'm one of the best swordsmen of the Khaos Bridage, on par with Arthur Pendragon himself!"

"Um... isn't it a bother to carry six swords when you can only use three at most," Ingvild innocently asked.

Laugher ensued from the demon exorcist, making Ingvild blink in confusion while Yuuto and Xenovia were uncomfortable. "Your naivety is laughable! I've yet to show you this... Balance Breaker: Chaos Edge Asura Ravage!"

Suddenly, three more arms sprouted out as they clutched each blade and pulled out. "Demon sword Tyfring," Siegfried said, pointing to his upper left hand; a long double-edged sword colored all black from the grip handle to the blade with four green diamond shaped patterns on the center and bat-winged shaped crossguard. "And demon sword Dainsleif!" Siegfried ushered to the blade on his right The last blade was the most malevolent in appearance: the blade was grey but it was washed in violet. The hilt which appears to be similar to that of a demon's wings on the right side, a horn-like addition pointing downwards, a jagged black blade that has three reddish diamond-shaped jewels embedded inside of the blade near its base, three protrusions along the edge, a portion of the blade pointed upward in front of the three protrusions and a curved tip. Lastly came a long sword with a darkish purple color, which reach up to half the blade nearing towards the upper portion where it is silver, it has a unique crossguard, a light purple part placed onto the crossguard extending up the purple-colored fuller with a small yellow circle in the middle making it seem almost like an eye, a yellow two-handed grip, and a purple pommel that has light purple ornaments around it. "And Demon Sword Balmung!"

"This isn't good," Xenovia commented, sweating a bit and hoping her Ex-Durandal would be able to perform a miracle.

"Don't forget my power is doubled for each arm!" Siegfried then turned to Ingvild. "Well, devil girl, do you think my dragon arms are a bother?!" he asked.

Hearing the word made a smile come on Ingvild's face. Her words were vocals as she began singing, confusing Siegfried.

Only to be shocked as four of the legendary cursed blades pierced his chest and mid-section, making his eyes sputter rapidly and Siegfried to freeze in puzzlement at what happened. Xenovia and Yuuto blinked at the sight, not really sure what to do after the anti-climatic moment, so they just watched him choking on his own blood and falling to his knees.

"So even if they are arms, I can control dragons," Ingvild mumbled, glad that she tested out the theory.

Both swordsmen of the Gremory team looked a bit awkward at the moment. "I'll just see if Irina needs help," Xenovia mumbled, still not able to feel completely satisfied with how things went but still accepting of it.

"I'll be there soon. I think securing this guy's demonic swords would be best; they look dangerous to leave around."

"I'll do the same as Xenovia!" Ingvild said in a cheery tone. 'I hope Keiji is really happy that I managed to do something helpful! Auntie always goes on about being a good Leviathan woman.'

Growling in frustration was a two-meter tall man, well-built and shoulder-length gray hair. Greek-inspired armour was draped over the traditional Japanese school uniform.

Meanwhile, Ilulu was laughing as she kept bouncing around in an unpredictable fashion, clashing evenly with Heracles fists. As much as he tried, his Variant Detonation explosions looked to not even be phasing Ilulu in the slightest, despite the practicality of it.

While Heracles swung and matched Ilulu's fist, a Senjutsu-enhanced Koneko rushed to give a strong rising punch to his gut, dodging this attack with a heavy lean back, which she combined into a back-flip kick and rapidly punched him multiple times, finally backing out when Heracles attempted a sledge hammer.

'He's tough but I can feel him slowly going down. Even mountains can be worn down by rain!' Koneko thought determined.

Heracles dropped back, panting. "I didn't want to get serious with two little girls, but I can't take you two lightly anymore! Both of you are monsters in your own right."

"Only Master can say that to me!" Ilulu shout out, blowing a raspberry.

"Balance Breaker! Detonation - Mighty Comet!" he shouted, the orange aura covering him as his shoulders, hands, and legs were covered in spikes plates with his hands looking like missile heads.

Firing them off in an explosive expression of his minor respect and anger towards them, it was countered by Ilulu's deadly but signature attack from her maw; a bubbly pink-orange explosion of flames that echoed out into the sky, splitting the clouds.

Due to Heracles not even being able to get the missiles far enough, they exploded a meter away from him and combined with the damage he maid. His body a seemingly charcoal corpse as Koneko rushed in from a height above and drop kicked him in the head with her strongest Senjutsu-enhanced kick, blanche burst from her aura as she definitely knocked him out by this point.

"Why didn't you do that from the beginning?" Koneko asked.

The busty dragon's only response was to just laugh, bringing out the inevitable of her large jelly jugs swinging up and down, making the nekoshou growl at the injustice.

At another side, the inheritor of Joan of Arc's soul was gracefully gliding away from Irina's dark halo rings attack. "Nice, nice, devil! Although you can't do much against my Blade Blacksmith!" Jeanne shot back, confidently.

Irina didn't want to admit it but the girl had a point. Her opponent was beautiful young foreign woman with blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Similar to Heracles, she also wore armour, though hers was more resembling those made in France.


"I can't believe I have to face the spiritual successor of Joan the Arc!" Irina muttered, excited but still in disbelief. 'Although I can't be too excited with how things are going. My Rook piece isn't helping me much against her Sacred Gear. Plus, it's extra worse for me because she creates Holy Swords, my weakness.'

Continuing on with the fight, Irina came too close and Jeanne seized the opportunity and unleashed a rising mountain of Holy Swords. "Too close, devil girly!"

Irina groaned as blood squirted out of her shoulder. A green glow coming around her as Asia was vigilant on her struggling ally. 'You can do it, Irina!'

With the things slowly moving into Jeanne's favour, things almost ended as Ex-Durandal was swung by an energetic Xenovia. Jeanne barely got her rapier out in time, narrowly avoiding the fate of being bisected.

Blue eyes broke out in shock. "What the hell is Siegfried doing?!" the rapier-user snapped out in annoyance.

Whilst still awkward, Xenovia pulled her weapon out for another go. "It's better that you just give up. We outnumber you!" Xenovia said, though her awkwardness still showed in her voice.

Jeanne huffed at the statement. "It will take more than two former church girls that surrendered themselves to a dragon-turned-devil and a useless healer who did the same!" Jeanne replied back, the emotional sting not affecting the others as they had come to accept and love their new lives.

Irina tightened her fists around her katana. "Don't underestimate us!"

"I'm not. Matter of fact, why don't I show you both a reward?" Jeanne said, a questionable face as she couldn't hold back the flushing of her face. "Balance Breaker! Stake Victim Dragoon!"

Several Holy Swords mixed in together like a stuffed box, a crystal cave formation forming before it eventually broke out and revealed a roaring dragon. With golden eyes, the rest of its body was porcelain silver and the wide three-pronged wings were navy blue. It stood on its four legs, thick silver melted and applied hundred times over. The long neck helped made it more intimidating as the holy-sword-made-dragon towered over the two surprised devil girls.

"This is the true power of the one who has inherited the soul of the legendary Holy Maiden!" Jeanne confidently spoke, laughing as she did.

Xenovia's Ex-Durandal glowed as she was ready to unleash a cataclysmic attack but she stopped when she Asia of all people stepping forward. Her and Irina were even more shocked, eyes bulging when they witnessed a certain golden object she was holding in her hand.

"I don't tolerate you talking as if being with Keiji was a mistake!" Asia shouted, holding a golden mini lance. With a blush from being so embarrassed at being so forward, Asia cried out, "COME, FAFNIR!"

An intense force was exerted from the artificial Sacred Gear as it broke and revealed the massive form of the golden Dragon King. His existence making even Jeanne's dragon look like a sapling, both in strength and form.

Jeanne's face was gaping in horror at the unforeseen apparition, her fears only becoming worse once Fafnir roared.

"I won't let you hurt Asia-tan!" it called out in a menacing voice, though the girls deadpanned at the nickname while Asia laughed in embarrassment.

To cement his point, Fafnir simply crushed Jeanne's Balance Breaker with his tail. 'H-he's a monster!' Jeanne thought, words not being able to come out of her mouth as gulping was a difficult action as it was; instinctively, she took a step back.

And Jeanne's head was assaulted by the blunt side of Ex-Durandal, Xenovia looking down at the defeated opponent with a heavy sigh. 'That was anti-climatic again... They are really lame,' Xenovia thought.

"How did you get Fafnir, Asia?!" Irina asked in surprise.

Asia strung her fingers through her hair, avoiding eye contact and moving from side-to-side, contemplating whether to explain or not. "Azazel approached me early about how the Dragon King was talking with him. He said that he wanted to protect me, because of my determination when I rode Ilulu to save Keiji, so we made a pact. It turns out that I have good affinity for dragons, I guess. But did he really have to call me like that?! It was so embarrassing!"

Walking into the conversation with a subject change was Xenovia. "What should we do with Jeanne?" Xenovia asked, looking down on her.

"Killing her now that she's knocked down would feel bad to do, even if I'm a devil," Irina mumbled.

Asia was the only one to 'innocently' smile at such a situation. "Well, she did insult us for surrendering to Keiji, and more information on the Khaos Bridage could always be useful, so why don't we show her how wrong she is?" Asia suggested, getting two naughty smiles from Irina and Xenovia.

Elsewhere, Georg was grunting as Rossweisse continued to unleash an onslaught of ice, fire, water, lightning, wind, thunder, light, and explosive-based magic. However, he managed to get a good fire attack to envelop her after he combined it with teleportation magic.

"Stubborn valkyrie!" Georg cursed out. 'She can't hold out forever! I can feel it! I'm getting close to victory!' Georg thought.

That hope was crused when Ilulu , Koneko, Kiba and Ingvild suddenly appeared to help the valkyrie.

Weakly, Rossweisse flashed a grin at him. 

"I-impossible! There's no way you could have defeated all my comrades!" Georg shouted, seeing the odds now stacked in his favour as his use of Dimension Lost was increasing dramatically. His hands flailing all over the place as Yuuto's constant summoning of holy-demonic swords, Xenovia's beam attacks from the mighty Ex-Durandal, Senjutsu flames, poisonous dragon flames, and even Rossweisse continued whenever she could.

Light glinted off Ascalon as Keiji hit nothing, Cao Cao going in for a spear thrust, but Keiji jumping over it and Cao Cao had to rescind his head back to avoid his throat being pierced. A few more attacks from the True Longinus were all perfectly countered by Keiji as extra insurance was put on making sure that not even the tip penetrated.

Cao Cao had a tighter grip on his weapon at Keiji as the brief pause between the clashing of weapons allowed him to get a clear grasp at the situation. 'How the hell is this happening?! Not only that, the Red Dragon Emperor is frustratingly annoying! I haven't been able to hit him once... as that even happened before! My allies are falling, too! Don't you dare fail, Georg!'

"What's wrong? Your bravado from earlier is gone! Now... are you going to use your Balance Breaker? If not, I'll gladly finish you off right now!"

While this would have normally riled up Cao Cao, rationality was surprisingly the first answer as the young man stopped to think, nodding. "Very well," Cao Cao said, making Keiji straighten up in surprise. "You've earned the right to fall against my strongest skills, given how angry you've made me!"

Putting the spear upright, Cao Cao closed his eyes as a universal light covered the area and seven similar orbs were released. "Balance Breaker, Sub Species: Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin!"

'I can't help but feel like I might have fucked myself over,' Keiji thought, an eerie feeling overcoming him at sensing the orbs. He couldn't pinpoint it exactly but a menacing aura was echoing out, the force of it so strong that it covered the other orbs, making Keiji unable to know which one it was. 'Ah, fuck!'


An armada of warrior-like creatures spawned out. All of them sculpted in the image of general from the Three Kingdoms Period. They all carried a spear with them.

"So what? Is that supposed to be Annihilation Maker? This isn't a Longinus bargain sale!" Keiji commented.

Cao Cao grinned, and Keiji flew upwards as rays of light were shot from the spears. Already sure that he didn't want to be hit by them, Keiji raised his hand and dragon magical circles poured forth. From it, lightning rained down on them.

To his surprise, Keiji saw they weren't immediately destroyed into bits. Even worse was that Keiji felt his life flash before his eyes as the True Longinus extended forward, a narrow miss. "Don't forget I'm your opponent!"

"Then don't summon creatures, dumbass!" Keiji shouted back, his delinquent side coming out as Keiji fire an infernal blast that fully vanquished the summoned creatures. "Do you understand?!" Keiji replied.

Keiji cocked his head when an orb touched Cao Cao, the latter saying, "Assaratana" as it happened.

"Ass?!" Keiji repeated, only to look all around in surprise when Cao Cao disappeared. "This better not be another invisibility trick with those Excaliburs!" Keiji swore, too caught up to realize the irony; seven Excalibur fragments, seven orbs from a holy relic.

Cao Cao revealed his location from the light blast he put forward, Keiji spinning around it as he met Cao Cao's gaze. "Looks like teleporting does no good if my opponent moves around! Shall we see how long it takes for you to stay still?"


'This guy is trouble,' Keiji thought, using the added strength to summon a whole armoury worth of magic circles. 'Should I just rain down hell and hope for the best?' Keiji thought.

Cao Cao looked at the magical circle rain with a grin, even as Keiji unleashed what could only be called a magical weather storm against him. "Maniratana!"

In a flash, Keiji looked to see a bright rainbow flash at his side. He grunted when he felt all his efforts repaid to him, crashing him into the ground but Keiji was still standing. "Great, he can send my attacks back at me from a different direction!"

"I can do more than just that!" Cao Cao said with a grin, bringing the True Longinus to kill Keiji, fully confident in his ability that one blow would be enough to completely kill the devil-dragon.

Keiji pulled Ascalon back for a clashing of weapons but surprise took him when an orb touched Ascalon, breaking it in half; Keiji didn't hear Cao Cao calling out the Cakkaratana orb, but seeing Ascalon break was enough to make him immediately back up as quickly as possible. He didn't even have time to feel anger at the beautiful weapon and the gift from Michael being destroyed.


Massive was a pitiful word to describe the behemoth of the beam, as it engulfed the delinquent dragon faster than even Cao Cao could say anything. Seeing the empty sight, Cao Cao allowed himself to laugh in joy. "I'VE DONE IT! I'VE WON AGAINST THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR!"


Picking himself up from the ground, Keiji found himself in the inner workings of the Boosted Gear. The old users stirring subtly caught Keiji's eye. "Are they gonna start their chanting again?!" Keiji growled.

"It will not happen!" Elsha's voice called out.

Keiji smiled at seeing someone he could trust. However, he stopped when a new face showed up. The man had green hair and pink eyes. His outfit was a black noble outfit, with golden symmetrical designs flowing around it. Finishing it all was a crimson cape, golden epaulettes finishing it off.

"Who are you?" Keiji asked, able to feel the experience from them.

"I am Belzard, I was regarded as the strongest Red Dragon Emperor after defeating two White Dragon Emperors in my lifetime."

'I wonder if the White Dragon Emperor of his time were jerks as well?'

Belzard stoically looked at Keiji. "You can either fall into the Juggernaut Drive again, or reach a new path. The second option is forged in hardships; it may only be obtained by falling ever so close to the curtain of death against your opponent."

Taking a deep breath, Keiji had a moment of repose and replayed at everything that had occured with him ever since he became a devil, perhaps even moments before that. 'The women I've grown to know and love and care for. The people I've met and known, gotten to understand. I can't allow this arrogant, pompous idiot to hurt any of them for such an egocentric goal! Kunou cried for her mother, all for his pathetic pride!' 

Growling angrily, a golden glow overtook the blank atmosphere as Keiji looked in surprise while the sane past wielders smiled. "This is a piece of Valerie's Grail that I absorbed," Keiji muttered, getting closer to it, only to feel it enter inside his current spectral projection.

Like heavy chains, Keiji couldn't help but notice a difference inside him as Keiji visualized his Pawn Pieces. Looking back to Belzard and Elsha, he smiled. "I know what I have to do! Thank you, Elsha, Belzard!" Keiji said with a happy smirk, one of purpose.

Belzard laughed, breaking his stoic facade. "Good luck!"

Elsha decided to reward Keiji's revelation with a kiss on the lips, much to his surprise, an additional wink being given. "Now go kick that fake hero's ass!" Elsha told him, Keiji's grin glowing as he left the dimension.

Belzard laughed once more, making Elsha perk up. "You've been wanting to do that for a long time, haven't you, Elsha?" Belzard asked.

"Your goddamn right!"


"WELSH DRAGONIC ROOK!" Ddraig's voice echoed out.

Cao Cao probably should have snapped his neck from how quickly he turned it, but the shock stopped that as Cao Cao's brow was bouncing at seeing Keiji back from the blighting blast.

Cracks were splayed on the form but Keiji still remained intact. Not only was the Scale Mail more bulky, the gauntlets had enlarged to almost match the whole body. The design of the giant shield-hands were similar to that of a simple Twice Critical, albeit this new form possessed spikes around it.

 "I've never felt so powerful before outside of Juggernaut Drive!" Ddraig commented, his side of Domination proud to have been able to reach new heights once again.

"Now it's my turn to screw him over!" Keiji commented.

"WELSH SONIC BOOST KNIGHT!" Ddraig announced.

Confusion hit Cao Cao as the thick armour shredded itself off. In this new form, the dragon helmet had become synonymous with a velociraptor head. The two boosteers on its back were thin and shaped like legged blades. The legs had ridges, giving it the look of wearing shin pads. The thin arms were plated with dragon-shark shields, with the fingered claws becoming more pronounced. However, Cao Cao soon realized the purpose as Keiji continued to dodge all of Cao Cao's attacks. Even the orbs could not reach him, forcing Cao Cao to use the Hatthiratana orb to fly up to Keiji.

"HOW DID YOU GET THIS POWER?!" Cao Cao demanded, victory being a distant memory as ultra-sonic hits bombarded him.

"Fuck you, that's how!" Keiji responded, twisting and turning to give Cao Cao the dizzy eye, something that worked as Keiji sent Cao Cao flying off his orb with an ultra-kick.

Taking advantage of this, Keiji then transformed once again, while in mid-air this time. "Welsh Blaster Bishop!" 

With the calling of the third form, an aura formed a backpack around the Scale Mail armour. It was the most similar to the original Scale Mail, but the only difference were the two cannons at the back of his armour.

Glowing brightly from the sockets, the green gems near the shaft of the sides of the cannon glowed as Keiji pointed to the fallen Cao Cao's direction and let off a burning bright beam, green growing around it as it cackled in the air.

Cao Cao quickly reacted to the full-power force of nature by using the destruction orb again to counter the attack. This resulted in the ensuing explosion ending with both of them on the ground.

Keiji was the first to get up. 'This transformation sure does take a lot out of me. But it's worth the stamina drain,' Keiji thought.

Meanwhile, Cao Cao coughed up blood; his one shut eye was already bleeding to match. Weakly, Cao Cao up righted himself with the assistance of his own spear, almost lounging on it as he gained his breath back in pained and jaw-exhaustive gasps. His outfit was completely ruined, burned scars, blood trickling down to the floor and some flesh in disrepair.

Despite the situation, Cao Cao managed to laugh. "I never expected you to become so absurdly strong!" Cao Cao praised, though there was a sense of fury in there. "That moveset of yours should be named illegal Move Triana." Cao Cao brought his spear up one last time. "That is the last act of kindness I will give you!" he exhaustively spat out.

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God—"

Cao Cao's harangue was stopped as a bleeding Georg covered his mouth. "Cao Cao, we have to run! Everyone else is down! If we don't, we're fucked as well!"

Snarling in ire, Cao Cao shoved Georg away. "We need just a little more time for the ritual! Call Leonard for the anti-monsters to back us up!" Cao Cao ordered.

An ignition of electricity broke out like the rage of Thor, making everyone blink. Their blinking turned into staggering staring as they saw a feathered white dragon with blue eyes and gray claws.

The massive feathered dragon floated down them, her tail throwing the fried and twitching Leonardo on the ground.

A bright glow from the dragon died down to reveal Kanna back in her form. "Sup," she causally spoke. "I got done with my family duties, so now I can spend more time with my new mate," Kanna explained.

Keiji stared in surprise before laughing at the series of events. Now, Cao Cao was looking worried while Georg's heart rate was a number that kept on accelerating. 'I think my heart is going to try and escape out of my own body,' Georg thought.

Cracks in the air ensued as the dragon seal broke, garnering everyone's attention. "Did Great Red come early?" Cao Cao asked.

A scowl appeared on Kanna's face. "No, it's just that childish idiot!" Kanna answered.

Kanna's claims appeared contradictory to the visage of the large green Asian Dragon. It had red eyes, and a lime, scaly underbelly, while the rest of it was shrouded in jade. Near its arms, where his body laid, were bronze curving shards.

"Whose the guy riding the dragon?" Keiji wondered.

Coming into view was a monkey youkai, not to mention being one of the shortest people that Keiji had met. The man was covered in golden, dark beige fur, wearing a monk's cassock, a wrinkled, creased face and beige skin, wearing prayer beads around his neck and a golden headband around his forehead.

They let off a puff of smoke from their smoke pipe. "Looks like we got here late."

"T-t-this isn't good! We're screwed!" Georg spoke, his legs bashing against each other. "Sun Wukong is here!

Cao Cao wanted to tell him to shut up but he was sharing a similar sentiment. "That monstrous Buddha is here!" 

"I would have insisted on not coming even more!" Yu-Long whined as he inched closer to the surrounding people. His eye freezing, losing their light, as he gaped at Kanna's presence. "W-what is the heir of the Kamui doing here?!" he asked.

Sun Wukong shrugged his shoulders. "What's the big problem?" he asked. "Your a Dragon King, aren't you?"

"Ignorant Buddha! Don't you know how scary she is?!" Yu-Long warned him, looking at the dragon midget... who was busy sticking her tongue out at the fear-filled dragon.

"Ah, they escaped," Keiji muttered, seeing the two Longinus users not about. 

Seeing there was nothing he could do about it, Keiji sighed. His human form showing as he broke out of his armour, clutching his knees and panting from the exertion today. He stretched outwards and looked to see the others arriving, carrying the remains of the Hero Faction.

Keiji was looking at Kanna just wanting all the smoke with Yu-Long, the cowardly dragon trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible.

Sun Wukong landed down. "Are you all fine?" he asked, the group nodding. "Congratulations on saving Kyoto from those delinquents!"

Vritra vanishing caught their eye. "Oh shit, I forgot Genshirou was actually fighting."

"I'm never... doing that again!" Genshirou said, landing near them and looking like he had ten rounds with Mike Tyson.

Yasaka's unconscious body landing atop of him, making him groan and flat line. "Good job, Genshirou," Keiji muttered, lifting the MILF off of him. "You made sure Yasaka wasn't hurt."

"Gee, thanks..." he muttered back but still took the compliment.

"MOTHER!" Kunou shouted, rushing for her mother from her hiding spot. Clinging tightly, Kunou tried holding back her tears, while everyone slowly walked over.

Asia knelt down as Twilight Healing started to work in effect. "I'll try and help."

Kunou felt Keiji kneel by her side as he gripped her mother's hand. "Please... wake up... for your daughter," Keiji earnestly requested, a glowing glow from his hands, which extended out into Yasaka.

As esoteric as it was, miraculously, Yasaka's eyes fluttered open to the world around her. Like a princess seeing her beauty, the first thing Yasaka was met with was the delinquent dragon's surprised face at seeing her actually awaken from her slumber. Her face turned red, not only from the cold but at the presence of the dragon.

Kunou's cry distracted her glassy gazing as the jubilation from Kunou made her hug her daughter back, the family bonding moment making all of the smile at the wholesome moment.

"All's well that ends well."


With the Hero Faction practically dismantled, the real heroes were treated to a celebration as thanks for their aid to Kyoto. Not one to turn down the chance at experiencing the beauty of Inner Kyoto, they accepted without hesitation. A whole banquet being thrown in their honour, some funny moments surfacing, like Xenovia and Irina arguing over who got the last piece of kushikatsu.

Keiji moaned as he soaked into the warm waters of the Inner Kyoto hot springs, a pleasant way to rest up. "Ah, I ate too much. Although the food was too good not to devour," Keiji told himself, huffing heavily. "Well, nothing to do but enjoy the rest of this school trip; it's near the end, after all."

Indeed... it was best to relax, but Keiji blinked at feeling a perky and potent presence near him. Opening his eyes, Keiji was admiring the nude form of Yasaka.

She dipped into the waters with him and took to his side. "Is the water to your liking?" she purred at him.

Keiji nodded, while continuing to applaud her voluptuous figure with her eyes. 'I think something is rising, and it isn't the Shield Hero.'

The young dragon was straddled as Yasaka smiled lewdly at him. "A proper thanks is in order for saving me and Kyoto," Yasaka said, wrapping her arms around his neck but not fully enveloping as she turned to the side, "but it appears I'm not the only one," Yasaka finished, turning to the side and looking at her daughter.

Kunou was both blushing and pouting as she strode, pushing the water to get closer to her goal, as she was now side by side with her mother. "I saw him first, mother!" Kunou argued.

Laughter ensued from Yasaka. "Keiji is strong enough a mate for the both of us," Yasaka suggested, making Kunou relucatantly nod in agreement. "Now, let us begin, our dragon hero."

Immediately, Keiji pulled the two of them into his arms. The both of them grinned, with mutterings of how eager he was. 'I guess I can exercise a bit,' Keiji thought with a grin, one hand going around to pleasure and delight in their flesh.

Kunou was the more sensitive of the two as she felt herself whimper and be paralyzed against his touch, her loins already burning up as Kunou gripped Keiji's arm and began to pseudo ride it, grinding her pussy against his arm as she moved her hips in motion.

"You've already got my daughter dripping wet, I see. Don't worry, I'm not as easy as her," Yasaka promised, making Kunou sputter out in embarrassment while Yasaka laughed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Kunou. Women are different."

Having enough of idle chat, Yasaka started to kiss Keiji passionately. Her tongue slipped in the moment their mouths made contact with each other, Keiji reaching out and pulling her tighter with his left arm as their bodies grinded against each other.

While their tongues revolved around each other, an important lower organ began rocking hard enough that, while in her lustful stupor, Kunou could see the rippling in the water before her eyes transformed into hearts as she looked at the arousal womb wrecker popping out. 'It's not even fully hard?' Kunou realized, her excitement increasing further at the revelation.

Breasts were pressing against Keiji's chest as the both of them humped against each other more passionately, with Kunou following her mother's guide was she didn't stop herself from just grinding against Keiji's arm, but grabbing his own fingers and piercing her virgin pussy with it. A high-pitched feminine moan resonating from it.

'Oh, he's certainly heating up now,' Yasaka thought, her ass starting to jerk back and clap on his energetic erection. The moans of her daughter fuelled her tongue techniques, allowing her to clash back against Keiji's dominance; however, she was as unexperienced as the male eventually lunged hard enough and shattered her defenses.

With her jaw weary, Yasaka retreated and gasped. Drool ran across her face as she smirked. "Aren't you just full of surprises?" Yasaka groaned out, smiling as her hand ran down his figure from the top to the bottom, ending at the prize known as the penis. "Well, let's give this big boy what he wants!"

Kunou looked like she wanted to make a complaint but her mother gently shushed her with a finger. "Now, now. Don't be greedy, Kunou. Here, I'll show you how to ride a cock like this, then you can follow my lead. I am still a leader!"

'I'm pretty sure that logic is flawed but fuck it!' Keiji thought, making Yasaka yelp as he lifted her up and smooched her, plunging his penis into her pussy without any hesitation. Like a strong punch, the resistance of her pussy didn't offer much as Keiji was quite deep in from the moment. Furthermore, Kunou also found herself lacking Keiji's arm to grind on as he embraced Yasaka while pressing himself into her.

Kunou watched as her mother's back arched and she withdrew from the kiss in cock shock, not expecting the blitzkrieg to smash her insides in one go. Seeing Yasaka beginning to be bounced on the monster cock, Kunou was slowly getting more aroused at seeing the leader of Kyoto, her own mother, being used like a common oiran. 'I can't wait for my turn!' Kunou thought, licking her lips.

Yasaka was on cloud nine as joy was injected into her veins each time Keiji pistoled his bratwurst into her tight twat, his large balls rippling against her ass as Keiji's hips sped up as each moment passed by. "Even your kissing is dominating me! You must have done this to plenty of women before, haven't you?! And I'm just your latest conquest, right?!" 

The dirty talk from Yasaka was successful in igniting the passion of both Keiji and Kunou as Yasaka shrieked in surprise from his cervical spear thickening against her womb walls, her toes curling as each time his lewd lance striked at her insides, Yasaka could feel her cervix being brutalized and her womb having a very girthy guest to accommodate.

"Your damn right about it! So prepare to be next!" Keiji shot back, equalling surprising both kitsune mother and daughter at being blatantly open about his sex life. But that didn't stop her from being more excited at the experienced stud breeding her.

Yasaka blushed fiercely as she bashed her back against the air, trying to ride down his elephant gun as hard as possible before she succumbed to being filled. Her mouth opened up widely, drool slipping down and coming down her breasts as Keiji began to suck on her breasts. "You'll have to knock me up first, if you want my milk!" Yasaka wrapped her arms and suffocated Keiji into her chest as she looked down at him with respect, admiration, and drunken lust. "So do what you do best and unleash all that dragon goodness inside me! Go on! It's the only way you'll be able to enjoy my big breasts! Have you ever seen bigger breasts?!"

Unable to respond clearly from the horny haze clouding his mind, Keiji mindlessly growled in agreement as Kunou couldn't help but reach her limit first. Her head flying back as she rested her back against the hot springs and panted. "I haven't even rode him yet," Kunou spoke, feeling exhausted but determined to gain enough energy back to ride the ravishing rollercoaster.

All her vaginal muscles contracted like her heart depended on it as Yasaka's legs bent around his back and sealed him in place, the thick testicles radiating their musk as Keiji rammed into her like a bloodlust bull, no restraints on his action and fully immersed in his infernal instincts as Keiji did everything he good to bring Yasaka on the precipice of pleasure, and fully drown her in it, which involved him bear hugging her or pulling her nipple out with his teeth.

The culmination of all of it bore its fruit as Yasaka's eyes rolled like a speed run of an amateur doing a golf course. Yasaka's tongue flopped out as her pussy threatened to devour his dragon-devil dick as Keiji gave a bestial roar while still sucking her tits. The moan vibrating all over her body, further inducing her into a mind broken state.

Yasaka's clenching cunt did a great job at fully milking Keiji for all it was worth, her pussy doing a great job at closing itself and sucking up all the fertilizer exploding inside of it. Even while they had pretty much stopped moving, Keiji's custard launcher didn't stop releasing hot loads into her womb, determined to breed her and get that MILF breast milk. Meanwhile, Yasaka could only talk in sounds as even her mind needed a cooldown before she could praise Keiji again.

Pulling out, Kunou looked to see that Keiji was harder than ever. Her mother's use of Senjutsu flared up, making the both of them look to her, with Yasaka giving a small chuckle. "With just a bit of Senjutsu, I'm making sure not a drip of cum leaves me. You'd be wise to do the same, Kunou," Yasaka explained.

Shyly but still very willing, Kunou approached Keiji as she looked at the stiff shaft twitching and throbbing. Even with all this water, the might of his must was overpowering as Keiji snatched Kunou and had her waist captured by his hands. "Are you ready? Cause when I start, there is no going back," Keiji warned her, still rational enough to not force himself on Kunou.

"I accept! I'm also a proud Kitsune!"

Her last words were exaggerated out into a moan as Kunou was pierced in an instant, obviously tighter than her mother and bringing some sanity back to Keiji when he felt how tight she was. "Your a tight one! Guess it just means more exercise!"

Kunou lifted herself up to Keiji as her one eye was shut in discomfort but Kunou nevertheless adventured forward as time passed on and her body was slowly adapting to all the pain and discomfort, those sensations transmuting into both comfort and pleasure as Kunou was energetically riding Keiji's pussy destroyer.

The daughter's eyes widened in surprise when she felt Keiji be the one to lurch his head forward and make out with her. New feelings flooding Kunou as she kissed back but was hopelessly overwhelmed by Keiji as Kunou was falling limp against the attack on both her top and bottom hole.

"With a sturdy penis like that and his frantic hip movements, Kunou is gonna be a mess very soon," Yasaka remarked, pulling at her own areolas. 

From his peripheral vision, Keiji caught the erotic sight, a light bulb going off on his head as Kunou panted from the kiss, eyes glassy from the pleasure and a salmon sheen on her pure skin as Kunou audibly gulped from feeling herself reaching close to the base and her belly began to stretch out from the rod.

Like tweezers, Keiji pinched at her nipples, making Yasaka look in surprise and laugh while Kunou had a sudden orgasm, clutching his cock tighter as Kunou bit her lip and gazed at Keiji with unbridled want. "I need you..."

For some reason, those words were the key to Keiji's limit. Even Yasaka took a moment to stop fondling herself as she watched her daughter get battered by his kielbasa, the outline of his cock becoming more and more visible in her belly and reaching towards her abdominals as Kunou's mouth was frozen into permanent pleasure and Yasaka was fully fisting herself at her daughter being turned into a fleshlight, especially with the height difference.

"Prepare to use your Senjutsu!" Keiji managed to joke, before reverting to going Juggernaut Drive into Kunou, her whole body moving on his wide wang's whim. Kunou's erect nipples were fully plump and being toyed between his dragon digits as Keiji smashed his figure against Kunou, loud splashes that sometimes hit Yasaka echoing beyond the hot spring as Kunou was being sexually screwed into shock.

At last, the moment of truth came and Kunou was not ready for the burden on her belly as Keiji's baby batter came in heavier than it did with the pleasure package that her mother received as Kunou's whole world turned blank as her insides were being bleached and being marked as Keiji's intellectual property, something that Kunou was unaware of but a change that she was definitely going to accept.

"Keep doing that... keep filling me up," Kunou begged with her eyes closed, both Keiji and Yasaka looking at her in surprise before chuckling.

Yasaka came to Keiji's side and kissed him. "Well, now you have to do that. Your in our territory, and she's technically a princess!" Yasaka purred.

The MILF gasped when she felt Keiji slap her rear end. "Then I guess I have no choice, queen!" Keiji joked. "I suppose this counts as a reward!" Keiji said, lifting Kunou up, while she was still impaled on his flesh flute, and carrying her with Yasaka in tow, reading to go all night.


After the very, very rewarding night, it was time for them to say goodbye at the train station. Kunou and Yasaka both gave a kinky goodbye kiss to Keiji, making the girls pout at the new additions.

"I can't wait for your next visit," Yasaka spoke, Kunou nodding with a blush.

Keiji smiled as he then began to embark on his departure with the others. "I guess this did end up being a fun trip in the end," Keiji mumbled.

"Our mate picks up lots of new mates easily," Kanna spoke.

Ilulu laughed in agreement. "Yep, because Master is the best!"