Chapter 45: Aftermath of Anarchy

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Sinking into the world of the Boosted Gear, Keiji looked to find himself staring at the floating orbs of raw power; energy so visible they shook the very air they sat on. One of a scorching red while another bleaker than the primordial darkness.

Two familiar figures greeted Keiji, as Elsha and Belzard were summoned at feeling the current hosts' appearance. "Do you two have any idea what this is?"

The men shook their heads at the sight, mumbles of marvelling at the fact he managed to receive fragments of both dragon gods' powers. A sense of relief filled them, purposeful smiles at seeing their faith in Keiji from back at Sairaorg's battle wasn't misplaced.

"Such power was never meant to be contained by the Boosted Gear. If you try to use them at the same time, the most likely result would be dying, and your body exploding from the overload," Elsha explained, making Keiji's face crease at imagining it.

Keiji's face soon shifted into a heavy sigh. "Then is there any point in time I'll be able to use this power? If not, it's an inconvenience."

Elsha flashed her smile. "However, given you are the most unique Red Dragon Emperor for many reasons, it's fine. Not only do you have that fragment of the Sephiroth Graal within you," she stated, on cue, the golden orb manifesting in flight above them, "but it's slowly but surely refining you body so it can absorb the powers naturally."

'He's making his way to being the greatest Red Dragon Emperor,' Belzard thought, noting the circumstances.

"Normally, this would take hundreds of years, but because you've been in"—Elsha released a sultrily smile and winked—"regular contact with the rest of the Sephiroth Graal, and the actual nature of the Boosted Gear has created a power loop. Essentially, the Boosted Gear boosts the grail fragment, with the grail fragment working faster on removing weaknesses and enhancing the body, which in turn allows the Boosted Gear more power to boost it, which lets it work even faster."

"Yeah, I get it," Keiji replied.

"The time has been dramatically shortened, but this is unknown territory that none of us have ever touched."

"Probably because this is the first time this has ever happened to a Red Dragon Emperor," Belzard said, him and Elsha laughing.

"Indeed, Elsha!" Ddraig's booming voice reaching the whole audience of his partners. "At the rate he's going, it might take anywhere from a few days to a year for his body to become capable of using at least one of the powers temporarily, and a year to a few for him to be able to wield both fully. Be proud, partner!"

With a heave of his shoulders, Keiji nodded. "Well, it's not really my problem right now and I guess I don't mind playing the waiting game; I'm not one of those crazy weirdos looking for absolute power."

The whole lot of the smiled at the attitude. It was exactly this subversion to so many of those who had claimed the mantle of the Red Dragon Emperor that had allowed Keiji to grow into where he was right now. They all knew it.

Snapping back to reality, Keiji found a naked Rias straddling him with a smile glazed on her face, a sight Keiji had seen so many times. "Did you sleep well?"

Keiji snorted. "As if you didn't know," Keiji replied, his eyes trailing to the other girls of the Gremory Peerage naked on the bed, chests heaving and legs aching at having been giving it good last night.

Rias chuckled as she embraced him like a scarf, chest spilling eagerly against his body; most importantly, grinding against his morning wood. "Perhaps you would like some morning service before breakfast?" Rias breathed with shallow gasps, lidded eyes.

His words were stopped by the slamming of the door, and Raynare coming out of it. Rias sighed at her moment being interrupted. It was extinguished at seeing the blanched face of the fallen angel maid, while the others were beginning to wake up at the sudden rush.

"Keiji-sama! Azazel is here... and something has happened!" Raynare frantically warned, sweat dripping down her face.


Arriving at the main room, Keiji and the rest were dressed up to find their room was populated by a lot of people he didn't know. His eyes locked onto the familiar faces of Vali's team, most of those present carrying pain that gripped and pulled their faces down tightly. One noticeable trait was the uncharacteristic fury; his hands coverings his eyes, trembling legs of ire, and the aura he was threatening to leak out.

'A dog,' Keiji thought, looking at the large dog walking with a slight stump, trying to vainly cheer up the group as it ran around to each new person (to Keiji) and ruffled himself against them.

Even the usual carefree Azazel wasn't joking about; it was the first time Keiji witnessed it, but he already knew that he wouldn't want whatever happened to happen again.

"Azazel... who are these newcomers? What's the problem?" Keiji asked, feeling himself use caution with his speech. 'I can't get rid of this dread I'm feeling.

"Mom!" Irina shouted right after, sweeping down the stairs and rushing to embrace the black-haired woman.

Irina's mother resembled her daughter in similar ways; verily, Irina's body definition could easily connect the two with a relation together, especially with the shaded purple eyes they both shared. The only difference was her black hair.

Softened blue eyes gazed at the sight of mother and daughter reuniting. 'If only it was in a different way... it should have been!' the new face exorcist thought, clenching her fists.

"Master Griselda!" Xenovia shouted out, falling head first into the bouncy castle of the nun-clad woman. "It's so good to see you!" Xenovia said, almost on the verge of tears.

Griselda smiled back. "Likewise, Xenovia. We don't have time to discuss you recklessly turning into a devil," Griselda said, a hint of innocent anger that made Xenovia weakly smile back, "but I'm glad you are safe!" Griselda finished in a motherly tone, the one Xenovia had heard so much back when she was younger. "It's been some time since we've seen each other."

"Suzaku?" Akeno muttered, seeing the Himejima Clan leader.

A sad smile was thrown back to her cousin. "I wish we could have seen each other under better circumstances, Akeno."

Rushing down the stairs, Suzaku looked at the ghost of the past with disbelief; a past source of regretting coming to either taunt or relieve her of her worries. It was enough to leave Suzaku at the mercy of overflowing tears.

"I heard the rumours but I was too afraid to see them," Suzaku muttered, slowly inching forward, and shooting off into tears.

Her dear aunt was there to cheer up while Akeno joined in comforting the Himejima member. 'I shouldn't interfere with their moment,' Rias thought, walking closer in worry but still not wanting to join in on the family reunion. 'Still, I'm worried about this announcement.'

"These people are the Slash Dog team, Gremory Peerage. They're the top agents of Grigori, but an unexpected incident has caught as off-guard. We shouldn't have been naïve for lowering our guard with the Khaos Brigade seemingly over. Apparently, one last faction of it, Qlippoth, have been hiding in wait while hoarding all the resources left behind by the other factions we've defeated. They were led by—"

"Rizevim Livan Lucifer," Ophis finished, not actually eating anything for once, but it didn't stop others from narrowing their gaze at Ophis knowledge yet lack of action; Keiji's mind flashed back to his time in Romania. "He was amongst the first ones to show up... and offer me help to get rid of Great Red."

Vali threw his hands off his hair. "He's also my dear grandfather, and the son of the original Lucifer himself," Vali vomited out, his fury fluid and burning in his veins. "And now he's decided to be a killer of an old friend of mine!"

Irina lost herself in tears as her mother embraced her teary-eyed daughter. Like Vali, Keiji found an explosion of hatred erupting against another bastard that tried to hurt one of his loved ones. "Azazel... what has happened!?" Keiji asked, shallow gasps of heat escaping.

"Keiji," Koneko muttered, gripping his hand hard to keep him composed.

Azazel's mouth closed just as it was about to happen. The man took a step back to compose himself. 'Pull it together... You shouldn't be the emotional type,' he told himself.

'I've never seen such a loss of composure before,' Rossweisse noted, having seen enough of Azazel to piece a good chunk of his personality.

"Last night, the wielder of the Longinus Canis Lykaon, Tobio Ikuse, one of my best agents and the leader of team you see present, was killed... alongside Touji Shidou, a retired exorcist and father of Irina. He ambushed the pair as they were in the middle of a mission. It's bitterly ironic... it would have taken them to Japan, to this very house, that day if they hadn't been interrupted."

"Are these the other Slash Dog members, then?" Asia asked, staying silent and watching the group talk before coming to talk.

Azazel nodded, giving a sway of his hands. "You'll be need to know each other, so introductions should be in order."

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lavinia Reni, a human magician from the organization Grauzauberer; it means Gray Wizards, and a member of the Slash Dog Team. Like our leader, I possess a Longinus, too. It is Absolute Demise, which allows me to manipulate ice on a large scale."

Lavinia is a beautiful buxom young woman with long flowing blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She wore a white with a triangle exposure of her creamy skin. A six-pointed star ornament sat on the right side of her hair.

The next person was a beautiful young woman with brown hair tied to her back and twin pigtails, with green eyes. Similiar to Lavinia, she had ornaments, except they were lilies with a blue core and on both sides of her hair. A yellow-beaded bracelet on her left wrist that was flipped, creating an infinity-like design. She wears a red, short-sleeved sailor-school suit with a white upturned collar and a crimson line, and her neck is barely exposed. The rest of the top is red, with the exception of a green tie nestled in between the valley of her breasts. It cuts at the midriff but is covered by the remaining red of the shirt.

"I'm Sae Toujou... a close friend of Tobio," she said, sighing afterwards to recompose herself from having to say those words. "I have Utsusemi called Cowardly Leo, which were created as artificial substitutions for the Four Fiends Project."

Standing up from the couch was a man with a white cat atop his. His hair was rough around the edges and spiked to the sides. He wore a usual white suit that exposed his clavicle and with no tie. An untucked shirt, a black belt to hold his pants and his fingers lazing about in his pocket.

"Ah— The name is Kouki Samejima. I got a Sacred Gear that has the spirit of Táowù." Kouki pointed to the white cat on the shoulder. "The bad boy is right here is one of the things that project couldn't replicate."

Following after the delinquent-dressed male was a lovely lady with brown hair and bronze-amber eyes. Her hair had a bun at the back with spiral curls and a fair amount of locks positioned in the middle of her forehead while the left and ride side streamed downwards in thinner amounts and curled. She wears a above-thigh-length strapless dress that is combined with a bolero jacket. The top half of the outfit features thick black collars flapped down with a white exterior near the edge of the black. Similarly, the cuffs on her sleeves follow the same pattern whereas the rest of the outfit is cobalt blue. The halter top-like section is covered white and it predominantly drips black with white-silver symmetry designs. The bottom half composes a maid dress with a fashion split at both sides and the frills were more akin to shredded edges.


"My name is Natsume Minagawa! It's nice to meet all of you, especially you, Delinquent Dragon. I have an independent Sacred Gear, like Tobio, which I've called Griffon. It's one of the Four Fiends Sacred Gears; bearing the spirit of Qióngqí. It's main power is wind but it has a true form as well."

The last member shared a similar outfit with Natsume, though her legs were clad in tights. Her looks were European, with her eyes falling under the effect of heterochromia, with her right eye being light blue while her left eye is pure black. Her blonde hair had large bangs covering her forehead and they spread out int longer locks to the side; two retained down low and at her shoulders, thanks to the frilly white hair accessories.


"H-hello... My name is Nanadaru Shigune. I'm a member of the Slash Dog team. My ability is also from one of the Four Fiends, which carries the spirit of Tāotiè."

"Now that you have been introduced to all the members of Slash Dog, I should explain myself, too. I'm an auxiliary ally. My name is Suzaku Himejima. I'm sure you are well aware of my relatives Akeno and Shuri. Unfortunately, being a Clan leader has limited my opportunities to go and greet family. Forgive me."

Suzaku bore an almost perfect resemblance to Akeno. The subtle differences separating them were the crimson eyes as opposed to Akeno's violet ones. Her ponytail was wrapped in a white and red fan with her hair at the back formed to almost resemble a crown on top.

A cough came as everyone turned to a petite girl. "Apologies for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Genbu Doumon, the current head of the Douman clan. You can consider me an ally, too."

The young girl has long silver that has a series of bangs in front of her forehead with a single hair strand (known in Japan as ahoge) sticking out from the top, as well as two green beads on two tied portions of her hair and purple hair. She is dressed in a unique yellow outfit that has unique turtle-like features, a white scarf around her neck, green turtle ear muffs, and a green turtle backpack.

While Keiji would have made some off-hand topic, he couldn't shake his focus on Jin. "Now that we've got all of that out of the way, can someone tell me what's up with the dog?"

Sae cradled the dog, the weak puppy now nuzzling in her lap. "It's Jin," she solemnly remarked, choking on tears. "Even after Tobio died, he still stayed by his side and tried to fend of Rizevim when we arrived. But it wouldn't work. That disgusting man"—her voice found venom at just seeing the smirk of the devil—"found it amusing to himself to kick Jin, only to kill time before he did anything else to their bodies."

"Can that even work? I understand the Regulus Nemeas' case, given it was reincarnated. I suppose it is possible," Azazel remarked, still confused but thinking over the situation with genuine thought rather than his usual Sacred Gear obsessed mode.

"That isn't all you should know. Our arrival was delayed by a man, who is most likely Rizevim's subordinate. He introduced himself as Euclid Lucifuge," Suzaku explained, a shock of revelation hitting all at the surname. "Thankfully, Griselda helped us to drive him off."

Griselda nodded her head. "Griselda Quarta," she added. "I requested to be allowed to go to Japan to see what my adoptive daughter and my former disciples were doing. I'm glad I did now."

"That bastard!" Kouki spat out. "The prick spouted some nonsense about his goals of showing what it is to be a true devil and pissing off after!" Kouki gripped his fists. "He even had the gall to leave the holy sword impaled on the exorcists' back!"

Irina's heart was squeezed by the inhumane thought, pumping out more tears from her pupils. Along with her tears came Keiji's rage, tightly holding Irina by his side. 'He's dead!'

A small kiss on the forehead by Keiji, others came to help console Irina. Some of the mother-daughter duos in particular, being able to sympathise with the suffering the two of them faced.

"Once again, I'm sorry. Tobio was my 2nd cousin, and he was looking forward to when I could officially welcome you and Akeno back into the family now that I'm assumed the Head position of the Himejima," Suzaku spoke, cuddling in with Akeno and Shuri for comfort.

While not directly responsible in any way, a burden fell on Keiji. 'I'm an idiot! I sensed nothing and continued on! Not knowing these two were fighting for their lives! I got too lax,' Keiji thought to himself, blood beginning to pour from the tightness at which he gripped his skin.

Yuuto put a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of it. "Keiji... don't blame yourself. We all were caught off-guard. It shouldn't be shouldered entirely on you."

Keiji nodded. "You're right. I have an amazing power, Yuuto. It's only right I should expect myself not to slack."

"And you'll slack off if you doubt yourself. Never forget those words I told you at our first meeting. Hold your head high. Are you not the Red Dragon Emperor?!"

'The Red Dragon talked!' Natsume thought, feeling a small amount of happiness amongst the turmoil that had come. 

Keiji stopped to think, shaking his head to change his frown into a smirk. "Always a cheerleader. Thanks for that."

"Your emotions are turbulent," Kuroka told Vali. "Want to explain, Vali? You have the closest relation to that fiend..."

Vali looked away. "I wish I didn't share the blood of that cursed man. But I have nothing to hide! I'll gladly tell everything. You already are aware I was born from a devil and a human mother. It was around the time my Longinus came, but my piece of shit of a father began to abuse me, because of my orders of that scummy grandfather of mine; something ridiculous about trying to make me stronger. Eventually, I ran away and found myself under Azazel's care in the first place. Only my mother made me feel any comfort..."

Keiji laid a hand on his heart. 'I guess Vali had his own problems. It's not like me to be emotional but his reasoning for strength is at least understandable. Maybe I should talk to him more...'

"I still remember back when we all met, you looked so adorable, always trying to pick a fight with Tobio," Lavinia mumbled.

Vali turned to his big sister-like figure with traces of his lips turning down. His eyes adopted a reverse response as they brimmed with full-fledged intention. "Rizevim is paying everything back!"

"You really haven't changed at all," Genbu stated.

The White Dragon Emperor looked down at Genbu. Soon, his lips trembled, struggling to hold back his energetic emotions. "You really haven't changed at all, Genbu. We used to be the same height but I now tower over you."

Genbu's face creased at the comment. "It's not my fault my growth spurt seemingly never comes!" she argued back.

Azazel strode forward with his arms crossed. "Despite your looks, you're 17, just like Vali," Azazel remarked, stroking his facial hair. 

Evidently, it was a surprise to a large portion of the group, even the pint-sized Koneko's eyes opened up at the new info.

Koneko's gaze fell between her sister and her mother. Her hand gained the attention of Genbu, who looked at the nekoshou's hand on her shoulder. "I understand your pain."

The Red Dragon Emperor moved to Irina and her mother. Xenovia and Griselda, and Asia as her best friend, were there to comfort the two of them and the slightly bloody case near them.

Keiji reached to put his hands out but his brain had to pilot the words to say. Whenever bad things happened in his youth, he'd just bottle it up and hide it away, thinking it would soon dissolve at its' own rate. Of course, this was a different situation, and him and Irina were different people.

'Can I even offer any support?' Keiji thought, doubting himself further. 'Fighting is all I've really known... what can I even do?'

Gasper pulled on Keiji. "Are you struggling?" Gasper asked. "You aren't afraid, are you?" Gasper questioned, genuine concern.

"I... don't know if I have the right words to say."

"Words aren't miracles, Keiji. But they don't have to be. You love Irina. I'm sure you can find the right words for you to say," Ingvild told him. "You'll never walk alone, so don't let Irina and her mother go without your aid."

Keiji's face lit up at the support, making him move to greet the grieving mother and daughter. "Are... Are you still fine?" Keiji remarked, nervously waiting for a response.

Irina's gaze flipped to him. The staring was short as the next moment had Irina hugging him while sobbing. "I... I just can't believe father... I didn't even get to..."

'This is hard,' Keiji thought, feeling his heart racing at the words that clenched his heart strings, making him lose breath.

Irina's mother also came to join in on the intimate moment. "Thank you for being there for my daughter. I'm Sophia..." she muttered, falls of water flooding her eyes. "I've heard a lot about you... and I'm happy we have met... it's only unfortunate that we couldn't have met under better circumstances."

Keiji nodded with his head down. "Yeah." A look of discontent on his face. 'Irina... I'm sorry you have to cry. I should have done better.'

 Griselda walked forward. "I'm in agreement with Sophia. Red Dragon Emperor, thank you for helping both my adoptive daughter and my disciples. I feared for their safety when they came to inquire about the stolen Excalibur fragments."

"What's inside the case? I can feel a holy aura coming out of it," Xenovia pondered.

Griselda sighed at Xenovia's curiosity. Pulling open the case, they looked to find a glistening golden blade. The handle guard had a diagonal cylinder design with a small orb as a pommel, a carving in the middle of it like the equator line. The cross guard was nudged upwards into an elongated V-shape, a crimson orb seated in the middle of it. The start of the blade had a concave push into it and it rises perfectly, with a convex push near the top transforming the tip into a diamond shape.


"This is Hauteclere, another legendary Holy Sword with strong purification powers. Originally belong to Oliver de Vienne, the best friend of Charlemagne's Paladin Roland, ironically, the first wielder of Durandal."

Sophia caressed the case. "This was what your father meant to give to you, saying he thought it would be best for you to be the wielder given your strong friendship with Xenovia, Durandal's current wielder."

Irina freed herself from Keiji's warm embrace as she gazed at the sword. Tears swelled at seeing the bloodstains still not fully cleaned on the handle; an obvious signifier of what happened. A bitter taste of irony, Touji found death at the last sword he ever wielded.

The boiling of blood came about once again, but Keiji's outrage was tamed by Sae's sudden cry of urgency. Everyone looked to see Jin's diminishing form flickering on the boundary of existence, while her futilely at trying to hold it was on display.

"Jin doesn't have enough energy to be stabilized! It's not the same case with Saiaorg, who had both his mother's clan triat and Evil Pieces to help him ground Regulus' existence."

"Valerie!" Keiji cried out.

Instantly, the two of them went into recovery mode as Valerie brought out the grail. 'Everyone's mood is going further if Jin goes away! He's the last thing they have of Tobio!'

Two of the grails popped out of her body, an aurelian aura covering the creature while Keiji didn't waste time going into his Balance Breaker. 'I can't waste time waiting for Boosts!' he thought, rapidly using the famed power.

Hesitation was hanging by the line as everyone watched as nothing seemingly happened. Only for Jin's barking to make Sae open her eyes. Keiji and Valerie continued to go at it until they saw the black beast looking healthy again.

Sae scoped up the black dog in happiness with tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad! I'm so glad you're still here!"

"I don't know if it's permanent, but it should keep the creature around for a while," Valerie stated, being helped up by Keiji.

Azazel exhaled loudly. "You kids are going to give his old man a heart attack if you keep this up," Azazel joked, looking up to the sky. "You sure made some incredible devices, old man," Azazel joked, a tone of respect for his original creator.

Irina jolted, violet orbs bouncing uncontrollably. "Can't we use the grail to resurrect my father and Tobio?!" Irina asked, just being reminded of the miracle of the grail, which transferred back to Keiji, the others and the Slash Dog team turning back from the bombshell news.

The confused Slash Dog team were informed of how Shuri and Fujimai's successful resurrection came about from the Boosted Gear and Sephiroth Graal, fuelling the hope they had once abandoned. 

Sae (carrying Jin) and Suzaku, the ones closest to Tobio, and Irina and Sophia walked forward while Valerie prepared the ritual. Keiji was still in his Balance Breaker to boost her as much as he safely can as her grail's power expanded, resonating with his own fragment.

Valerie's eyes scanned before shaking into submission. "I can't find them!" Valerie fearfully muttered. "Unlike when I resurrected Koneko and Akeno's mothers, I can't feel their souls!" she cried out, turning to the dreaded audience.

Confusion and outrage made Keiji's body twist back to Azazel, who cursed. "Azazel, what happened?!" he unjustly shouted, too heated up to be more formal about it.

"The original Lucifer, who I once had the displeasure of fighting, had such control over the darkest sides of devil magic he could destroy his enemies down to their very soul. It's likely that Rizevim has inherited this power. I suspect the bastard must have used it when he killed Tobio and Touji, to further drive us into despair as he is fully aware we would try and use the grail to bring them back since he planned to use it himself for his dark purposes."

Hope was crushed under the legs of Lucifer as the second wave of sadness spread amongst the group once again. No miracles this time. Even death could not take a claim to their souls... it was all over.

Irina's face became red and blotchy, noise twitching and a lump in her throat as Keiji looked to see the bloodshot eyelids, right before Irina dropped into her mother's chest. Sophia could only hold back her tears as the embrace from her daughter was the only thing holding her together.

Keiji's blood ran loose from his palm, the pain finally registering enough for him to realize that. 'Oh... I'm bleeding... whatever!' 

The air around him began to bend as his aura began to flex its might, his demonic power slowly rising at the omission of his outrage. Everyone stood at attention to the sudden display of murderous intent, minus Ophis, who only looked at her mate with a small stamp of approval on her face.

"I'm going to destroy that Rizevim fucker! NO! That's too easy! I'll make him wish his dead! He's gonna be greeting annihilation! I fucking swear on it!"

Vali grinned. "There's finally something me and you can fully agree on, Keiji," Vali remarked.

Irina pushed her tears away and offered him a grateful look while Sophia did the same. Those just introduced to Keiji were already looking at him in admiration at his bold declaration, especially the new girls.

Fujimai, Koneko, Kuroka, Akeno and Shuri all took it upon themselves to still provide a warming hug to the grieving Shidou mother and daughter.

"At this point, it's beyond obvious that Rizevim has essentially declared war on all of us with what he has done, so he will bring out everything he has to confront us. Therefore, you must all do the same."

More resolved than ever, everyone nodded, some rolling their eyes at the patent response they had to give back. None of them were letting Rizevim get away with the shit he pulled. His mistake would be his death, and they were all adamant on nailing the coffin.

Azazel turned to Keiji. "All of you get ready. I'll go to the Underworld and call out the rest of the leaders, as this next battle might be the greatest fight you'll ever have to face."

"I'm ready for it!" Keiji snarled back.


Deep in the Underworld, a group meeting was being held with the Four Great Satans. Grayfia, the Queen of Sirzechs, was also present. Her fists were knitted to her palm as Azazel spoke about the recent events. "I can't believe my brother was not only alive, but also working under that degenerate devil!" Grayfia mumbled.

"Grayfia," Sirzechs gently muttered, breaking her out of thinking. "Do you need a moment?" he asked, but his Queen shook his head.

Azazel looked at the brief interaction before turning to two of the Four Great Seraphs present on the screens. "Has Heaven been affected in any way since Rizevim's comeback?" Azazel inquired.

Michael shook his head. "Not directly. I have felt disturbances all over the world through God's system, which means that Rizevim is planning something big, so we cannot rely on only ourselves for this."

Sirzechs nodded. "We'll be sure to pass on this information to inform our allies, like the youkais, Norse Gods, and the vampires. As devils, we cannot afford to look the other way, and we shall put our all into putting an end to Rizevim's menace."

Serafall grimly nodded. Her outfit lacking some of the cosplay element as a serious devil wizardry attire was worn. "I'm not going to let that bastard destroy the world my dear So-tan and Kei-kun have barely begun to enjoy!"

"Michael, do you think we should give that to Keiji?" Gabriel inquired.

The main archangel nodded. "We might as well. Whether we like it or not, the Red Dragon Emperor will play a big role in the upcoming battle," Michael pointed out, all sides nodding at the statement.

"There's no need to worry, because I know my beloved will be up to the task."

Like the Titanic being hit by the iceberg, Serafall rose from her seat in such hurry it almost made Falbium jump from his seat. "WHAT?! Gabriel! What do you mean by your beloved?!" Serafall shouted, pointing her magic staff.

"Huh?" Gabriel cocked her head.

Sirzechs facepalmed at the sight while Ajuka sipped a cup of coffee. "Seems the potential end of times won't change some things."


Back at the manor of many stayers and visitors, Sophia walked along the hallways in a simple nightgown. 'It feels odd. It was nice to be offered a room in this house for preparations of the upcoming battle. I hope Irina is doing well with her friends. Griselda went to have spar with Xenovia to see her growth. She appeared to have come exhausted but happy, saying how Xenovia has found another purpose to empower her. I hope it's the same for Irina.

Through her thought process, it clicked again why she was strolling around the maze. They had all gone to sleep together, but she had woken up to find Irina and Xenovia gone, and Griselda exiting the room.

Now she was being led by curiosity and following the exorcists, then finding Griselda standing a near a half-open door in shock. Faint sounds became more lucid in volume as she took a peek and her cheeks went red at seeing both Irina and Xenovia engaged in a threesome with Keiji.

Xenovia laid on her side and was comforting Irina, who was busy being stretched out and having her other side intimately embraced by Keiji.

Her daughter's chest rose with heavy rump into her. The bed shaking caught both her and Griselda's eye as they looked in astonishment at the force, speed, and emotions Irina was displaying every fraction of a second.

Xenovia tilted Irina's head to her and the both of them gently kissed with each other; Irina giving a small smile while Xenovia's one was more sensual. "Let Keiji make the pain go away."

Irina blindly nodded as her fingers clasped around Keiji's jaw and goaded him into snogging, something they both did passionately. Bending down that much allowed for Griselda and Sophia to see the way his balls struck and obscured so much eye space with the thickness. Never mind that his hips had to retreat to the past in order to fully let Irina's body soak his whole length. 

The Durandal wielder took the time to allow herself some fun as she rubbed her breasts against his arm and had her hand riding under his balls as the same testicles continued to smash head-first against Irina.

"So... good... Please... c-continue..." 

Agonized gasps pricked Keiji's appetite, and his only response was to not leave Irina suffering, and continue to deliver the need she so desperately needed. Each stroke into her core of femininity was struck down by the mace of masculinity.

The domineering form of Keiji was painted red with love as Irina's gentle gasps were sharply followed by the sound of their two organs connecting as one, as lovers normally would. "Irina... relax... Let me do everything."

Sophia almost coughed but Griselda silenced her before anything could get out of hand. 'I'll have to thank all my training for allowing me to pull that off,' Griselda thought, slowing her breath as much as possible. 'Xenovia really has grown...'

"Don't devour it. Make it gentle," Xenovia remarked in Keiji's ear, sliding down and sticking her tongue out to feel the weight of his planets dropping on her.

Her heaving treasures drew the young dragon's sight, as he made way for them. His teeth playing them along the the row of fangs he bore, the slight twitch and movement sending acres of joy into her shivering body.

"Everything will be good... I promise..." Keiji smoothly promised, bringing her close in and proceeding to rock her core to the extreme, uncaring for Xenovia and whoever was nearby as only Irina was the focus.

Sweet and sugary was the climax as Keiji had himself on top of Irina, fully letting his load soak into her insides and not spill a drop. Until not a single speck of semen was left, that was how Irina and Keiji were.

They both had their hands through each other's hair as they both breathed and basked in the afterglow of their orgasm. "Thank... you," Irina muttered, dazed eyes.

Xenovia's smile greeted the two lovers. It was then shifted to the guests at the door. "Are you enjoying the show?" Xenovia asked, making the two horny woman jolt in shock at the bold question from the baby-making obsessed Holy Sword user. "Do you want to join for some extra comfort?" she added.

Sophia's shock went from a frying pan at hearing Xenovia speak so casually and then went into the fire at seeing Griselda walk into the room and watch as Keiji flew back to fully unsheathe himself out of Irina.

"I'm surprised my daughter has become so cheeky. Honestly, this generation's Red Dragon Emperor must be something else if you have made her like that from how Xenovia was before," she praised, a grin at her end. "Why don't I find out myself?"

Instantly pouncing on the heated male, the immediate sweat was beginning to fall against her skin as the both of them became lubed up and were moving like silk against each other, allowing for no cock-blocking friction to take place.

Griselda got to kissing right away, ravenous and going for the victory. Her hands snaked and she humped and heaved against him, making sure to cement herself against his fabulous frame. Keiji doing the same as her fat ass was clear just from feeling up the shape of her hips and her back, exciting the hard on more than it was before.

Feeling the heated horn stinging for attention, Griselda licked her lips. "I shouldn't have to wait any longer," Griselda said, allowing her butt to enclose on the member and work against it. "But I need those sweet lips against me more!"

The slutty slurring from Grisleda was making Xenovia furiously do herself in delight at seeing her mentor and legal guardian act even more lewd than she was the first time she had sex. 

Sophia felt tempted to shut her eyes but the sounds of Xenovia's heated hissing and looking at Irina's dicked down frame, her petals opening up and cum arising at the cliff of her cunt but sinking back in.

'I shouldn't be thinking like this,' Sophia thought, biting her lip as she continued to admire how beautiful her daughter was. Some would say it's good to know if a person is cute, it's normal. While Sophia couldn't help but feel conflict stirring up in her body as she knew it wasn't normal to think of her daughter in such a fantasized way.

Loud grunts ensued from Griselda as her form was becoming entwined and Sophia was able to catch sight of the truck between his thighs. No, even that was an understatement. The word to describe it alluded Sophia as she continued to watch Griselda start to be put in her place.

"Irina. Since it's your lucky day, I won't be so greedy as to take Keiji's seed from you. I can still have many opportunities to create children," Xenovia spoke.

Irina showed a small smug smile. "You better not. I'm going to have his child first," Irina shot back, gripping Xenovia's firm chest.

Xenovia grinned, gasping at the sensation, and taking a turn at Irina's more plump and jiggly breasts as the both of them grinded against each other, smooth waves of sensual joy injected into their individual ichor stream. 

The grizzly growling of Griselda immediately shot Sophia out of her shock at the yuri action between Griselda's two disciples as the latter was currently being used in an unknown position that elicited all sorts of feelings into Sophia.

Thick thighs lined up in the shape of a V. Keiji wrapped them up in his arms like a school bag, and held her in place with his elbows locking things up and fingers reaching behind Griselda's hair.

"She's getting opened up so much," Sophia muttered, watching the scene of Griselda being drilled into a new toy for the dragon.

Eyes skyward, tongue on the highway to hell. Griselda was in a new heaven as she continued to experience the joy of the full nelson. "W-what do you... even call... this?! I love feeling your sturdy blade inside me! Is your Ascalon being boosted?!" she cheekily replied, turning back with her attempt at trying to kiss him.

Keiji gave only a peck before driving himself home at her, everything going in at the hilt and coming out again. The vicious cycle on her vagina continued to provide Griselda the opportunity to show how strong her vocals were from the amount of times she kept on screeching at the pleasure being delivered to her.

The sounds of earthquakes echoed from the needy pussy of Griselda as she continued to flex her inward muscles and put as much pressure on his dick as possible. 'Even the veins are thick enough for me to feel! I think I found something I can serve as well...'

In a flash, Keiji quickly changed and was now using Griselda's own bulging breasts as a mode of safety holding as his whole weight continued to flex and point into Griselda's stretched out love garden, genital fluids dripping as a shiny sheen took over Keiji's kebab. "I can see where you get some behaviour from, Xenovia. Looks like you had a similar role model!"

'M-maybe I'm like that,' she thought to herself, watching Griselda's joyful look as the lewd lance continued to claim her from head to toe. With the length, she wouldn't be surprised.

The noises of rifles continued to go off as Keiji continued to use Griselda as the breeding stock she was painting herself up to be. "Unload it all in me! Give me the same strength that you've given Xenovia! I'm better than her! I'll prove it in no time!" Griselda madly spouted off, chuckling at hearing Xenovia go off in disagreement.

Irina looked to see her mother's hesitancy, and she gave a hand, making her mother look at her with multiple emotions. Irina flashed her same smile that she held when starting with Keiji. "Dad wouldn't want you to suffer for him forever, and even if it's only once, Keiji can help you hurt less," Irina offered.

"Drink it all up!" Keiji grunted, throwing himself back far enough that Griselda's whole body was pointing towards the ceiling as Xenovia, Irina and Sophia all came together. Griselda's moans came out as a blurred mess of bliss as Keiji's heavy heaving and gasping was a clear indication he was doing his dragon duty well and pumping Griselda plenty with plenty of cream to share; her inner most functions serving as a megaphone for all of them to hear the flooding of the wombs.

Xenovia felt her pussy gush as she saw Griselda's squashed face of sexual desire present, with cum leaking out from the tightest of openings and from the extreme degree at which she had been widened. "I... I love this dragon dick... forever and ever..." Griselda moaned, falling limp and Keiji carrying her to Xenovia, who allowed her face to be covered by the cum-covered cunt of her legal guardian.

"I will steal Keiji's seed from you, mother," Xenovia replied, drinking it up with fanatic devotion while Griselda struggled to feel her body at being suspended and pounded raw.

Only for Xenovia to feel Griselda's thighs wrap around her and start to beg her for oxygen. "I'm not over yet, daughter. Just try and see what happens," Griselda menacingly replied back, smirking at feeling Xenovia strike back with a long lick.

"Keiji!" Irina called out to her dragon lover, making him turn to see Irina behind her naked mother. "Be gentle with her, and help her feel some happiness," Irina begged.

Happy to follow the idea of Irina, he allowed Sophia to spill herself on top of him. Her large bosom coming in first then her rosy lips, easily devoured and carried on into a battle of tongues, excitement running down each other.

'Tastes sweet,' Keiji thought as his body continued to roam all over, tracing her outline of her curvaceous figure. Underlines of toned training and a fuller body than her daughter. All the more to tempt Keiji to fuck.

Sophia gasped at feeling overwhelmed in a manner of seconds. The moment their tongue collided, she was already losing and Keiji was already 4 parallel dimensions ahead of her with every move she took.

His sweat-soaked body didn't detract from his hotness. Gazing at him from whenever she stopped closing her violet eyes whenever they kissed, a feeling of interest spiked up in her body as Keiji continued to enjoy her body, and vice-versa.

'I'm caked in sweat like him now, and we've barely started,' Sophia remarked in surprise, her body becoming warmer as the curved cock was already rubbing against her swollen clit, loins going molten at the dire need of some release.

Keiji removed his lips from her after feeling how needy she was at the top of her legs, making him gently place her down on the bed and cast a shadow of supremacy over her. "Do you want to be resting, or would you like to have a go up top?"

"T... Top..." Sophia breathed out.

Still in line with Irina's request, Keiji allowed Sophia to take top mountain as she began to allow the cock passage. Clasping his hands for support, her breathing was already becoming shallow. Heart thumping faster than the blood travelling towards the tip of the titan.

A leap of faith and breath as Sophia immediately found herself gasping for air as the first amounts came in. Slow and steady, Keiji reeled her in, loitering lewdly and allowing Sophia to gyrate her body as she continued to slowly stir and intake more of the meat in, fulfilment looming on her face.

"Sounds like Sophia's doing well with that dragon. How are you, Xenovia?" Griselda asked, biting her lip as she looked to see Xenovia tapping her cherry butt. 

'I still can't beat Griselda... I can't let her have Keiji's babies before me!' she thought, fighting back and gaining laughter from Griselda at a "child challenging her."

Irina smiled as she saw that the two of them were happily solving their problems together. Her eyes flashed in excitement at seeing her mother working her hips more frantically, swirling in waves as she slowly sunk deeper onto the monster meat provided. "Are you having fun, mom?" Irina asked.

Sophia gave a small chuckle, which melted into a gasp. "Y-yes... It makes me feel... better... happy," Sophia admitted, less shame in her desires this time as she continued to ride and roll herself into him.

Sooner or later, Sophia could no longer being given all the supremacy as her body twitched at feeling Keiji start to suction cup her breasts with his mouth, face glued to the large teat as his tongue continued to circle the rosy ranged ruby. 

His speed began to pick up as Sophia's words soon became harder to decipher and she found herself too busy trying to stable herself and focus on inhaling and exhaling fast enough to keep up with the rapid rate Keiji was going at it. 'I can see how he easily made a mess of Griselda. He must be so experienced, and he's so young! I could get used to this.'

Sophia once again moved for a kiss but her hair was gripped and pulled back, leaving her face-to-face with her grinning daughter. "Keiji is busy with your breast, I'll help you," she purred, tracing around and nibbling on her mother's neck.

"How about I use both those breasts?" Keiji whispered, something Sophia was ignorant of until she found both breasts of hers in the youthful dragon's mouth, greedily sucking on them and drooling as he had to use both his hands to keep them secure.

Being double-teamed by her daughter and her lover certainly was driving Sophia into an inevitable defeat as her womb walls could only hold against the battering ram for so long, and her gates were at their breaking point. His difference in girth, speed, skill, and her lack of experience was setting her up for a defeat... that she was all for!

Similar to Xenovia, Keiji took a note from his lover's book as two drums went off and Irina blushed at seeing Keiji spank her mother like that. She found it inexplicably arousing for an unknown reason, so she did everything she could to help.

Irina assaulted her mother's back while Keiji took the rest of her to town; Sophia's peripheral vision was seeing blurs underneath Keiji's upper body as her core continued to shake from the vibrations, starting from her vagina and erupting to every cell and nerve in her body, invigorating it and leading to her senses beginning to lose their sense of individuality with how much of Keiji was going into her.

"I... I'm so happy!" Sophia managed to scream, a few tears of joy.

Perfectly timed, everything went off in celebration of her cunt. The love sweet arrow claimed not only her core but was piercing her heart as the hardened heat he demonstrated allowed him to passionately bury himself within her and continue to swim into the depths of her dark haven, ready to create a spark in her life and Keiji made that his mission.

Irina chuckled at seeing how funny Keiji looked with two nipples in his mouth, jaw flexing their biceps, as Keiji continued on against the onslaught of Sophia's orgasms. The stroking of her flesh against his continued to give Keiji his ammunition to keep pumping inside her, and his release was still upcoming.

All went loose the moment Keiji fully submitted to the swollen sabre. Immediately, Sophia's whole body became clouded against the wave of white. Every force delivered paled in comparison to the earthquake of his egg-giving energy, blasting thick loads of lava that threatened to overwhelm the very white blood cells that stopped a person from giving birth to multiple babies.

Irina and Keiji sandwiched the smiling Sophia in each other as the both of them gave a happy smile to each other. "Good night, Irina... Sophia..." Keiji muttered.

Xenovia and Griselda both finished coming down from their sexual high and were happily resting against each other like mother and daughter.

Elsewhere, the other Slash Dog members were well aware and awake at everything they heard. "What a noisy lot! Not surprised for the delinquent!" Kouki complained.

Yuuto gave a small laugh. "I've gotten used to it," he explained, while Kouki muttered a what the fuck at how you get used to loud banging each night.

"I guess he really is a delinquent... being so loud and casual, but he does what he wants because he wants too... nothing else~!" Natsume mimicked with a blush, with Keiji getting a shudder after her comment.

Shigune snacked on a rice cracker. "Nothing could have eaten away at that sound," she remarked with a flushed face.

Lavinia's hands travelled her body as she slowly made them back up to her mouth and giggled. "Looks like one Dragon Emperor certainly isn't afraid to be himself in tough times. I like that."

Yuuto soon greeted Tohru, who was a bit sad it wasn't her master asking to fuck her senseless, but she knew the Knight wouldn't do anything dodgy. "Next time, try and give the guests room further from Keiji's bedroom. It'll do Keiji good."

"Right! I'll do it next time!" she remarked with a thumbs up, making Yuuto nod with a smile and walk back to his room. 


Hazel eyes of heat stared at a vaguely humanoid form oozing menace. Many containment seals flagged the abomination; a small ruffle of his hands as the Super-Devil admired his own work.

"All the troops are ready for battle," Euclid spoke, getting closer to his master, who was so entrapped in his own fantasies that Rizevim hadn't even realized. "Are you sure of what you will be doing, my lord?" Euclid asked, bowing to show a respectable question rather than questioning authority; he knew his place was below and serving those of the Lucifer Household.

The son of the original Lucifer laughed. "Euclid, you shouldn't be doubting me at this point. Even if it costs me my life, I'll make sure the world ends up completely ruined for those bastards!" Rizevim replied.

Euclid prostrated once again at his master's command. "Of course, my lord. I wouldn't dream of interfering with you."

"Will such pointless madness really amount to anything?!" a booming voice inquired, neither angry or meek. More one of interest and introspectiveness. 

A twisted turn came on Rizevim's face. "It doesn't matter, because my final crusade will bring all of the strongest people from the Three Factions and beyond to fight at the forefront, which is exactly what you want, right, Crom Cruach?"

The tall man moved forward from the shadows, his frown heavily inverting and almost splitting his face with how wide it was. "Indeed! All I want to fight is the strongest ones!"



New characters introduced are from Slash/Dog, one of DxD Author's previous works, but they do make an appearance late DxD.