156. Prep talk

Maurice was brought to Lance, having more than a few bruises, but overall looking alright.


"Let's go home?" Lance asked, wanting to leave already.

James stood to the side and smiled,

"How about letting this one stay here to oversee the work I'm going to do? Is he informed?"

"He knows…" Lance nodded. He had to let Maurice in because just following his instructions blindly wouldn't have helped with the overall situations when searching for the life forces.

As Maurice himself had a military background, he quickly believed the documents that were given to him.

Though he was shocked, he agreed silently with Lance's decision to retaliate.

"Maurice, James is going to build a bigger bunker. Would you like to oversee it?" Lance asked for the other's opinion, albeit already knowing the answer, seeing his eyes.

"Yes, Sir, I will inform you about everything."