196. Her Hazelnuts

The car ride back home was especially silent.

When they came back, Jane and Terrence waited in front of the house; apparently, the driver had informed them.

Lance ignored his parents and stomped in the house.

Jane put the hand back she had risen to stop Lance and turned to Paige,

"What happened?"

Paige saw the two of them, her family, and suddenly, her eyes stung.

Partly terrified of them being disappointed with her, if they knew she had let that girl die, and partly overwhelmed with guilt, she crouched down and started crying.

Jane practically lunged at her, enclosing her in a hug, making soothing sounds to calm her down. 

She had never seen Paige like that, not even when she came back from being kidnapped.

"My lovely girl, what happened?" Jane had crouched down too and was half sprawled over Paige, not sure how to hug the little crying ball in the most sufficient way.

She looked at Terrence in worry.