222. Honest Confession

After taking the printouts, he brought Paige back into her room. Placing her on the bed, he sorted out the files after taking a tucker from her desk.

"There will be a landline phone that will allow us to communicate. Should anything go wrong and the landline stops working, inside the hatch is a Morse code machine. If we can't communicate through the landline, I want you to use it every twelve hours. "

Paige marveled at Lance's creativity. Lance still stapled the files together on the floor before the bed.

Feeling her admiring look, he straightened up to make sure to look especially handsome.

"We will determine three kinds of codes. One for 'everything is fine'. One for 'we need resources'. Although we cannot send something down by now, we can still try to find a solution. Either regarding water or regarding food, there will be a short tone or a long tone at the end of the second code."

"Okay. And the third?" Paige nodded.