244. Stockholm

When she was finished, Anjuly just looked at the ground.

Paige looked at Meier, questioning silently if Anjuly had understood her, only to get a shrug back.

"Okay. There are others here. Meier is our doctor, so if you encounter any problems with your body, you can talk to him. And if you need psychological care..." She paused; everyone would get issues just seeing Liam, and talking would just deepen the issues mentioned, so she made a leeway,

"You can talk to me; my room is at the end of the corridor." She motioned in that direction before standing up.

There was still no answer. Paige started to get unsure if they even spoke the same language, but then remembered the files Lance gave her. The country Anjuly came from had the same language and alphabet, so she should be able to understand.

Meier was already out of the door when Paige looked back.