Chapter 3: Defeat with Three Swords

Six years passed in the blink of an eye!

The boy who was twelve or thirteen years old back then has now grown into a young man, and the little child far away in Qingyang Town, Yancheng, has now grown into a teenager, determined to seek justice for his father!

During these six years, Lin Yunhao had been practicing in the Lin clan with all his heart, and had never been tempted by Lin Dong's opportunities.

Firstly, Lin Yunhao knew that Lin Dong would not harm the Lin clan, which was very important.

The second point is that everyone has their own destiny. Lin Yunhao has never envied or been jealous of others, and he will never want to take it for himself.

The most important thing is, compared to the ancestral stone and the Heavenly Demon Marten inside it, Lin Yunhao believes more in the sword in his hand and his own sword heart!

The sword is the foundation of the swordsman, and the swordsman is the foundation of the sword. The two are bound to each other and complement each other. Everything else is just external things.

As the saying goes, be sincere with the sword and be sincere with the heart!

In the past six years, with the help of many high-level martial arts and many earth-level spiritual treasures in the clan's collection, Lin Yunhao's realm has advanced by leaps and bounds!

On this day, Lin Yunhao finished his contemplation in the clan's vault as usual and was about to return to the cabin in the back mountain for retreat, but he happened to run into Lin Langtian who had come to the clan's vault to claim his reward.

When enemies meet, they become extremely jealous of each other!

Lin Langtian, who has always claimed to be the number one genius in the Lin clan, has to make a lot of contributions if he wants to enter the clan's treasure house. So far, Lin Langtian has only entered it three times, including this time.

And what about Lin Yunhao? As mentioned before, the clan storage is Lin Yunhao's other home. When ordinary people enter the clan storage, they all have a pious heart, but Lin Yunhao is the only one who is still sleeping inside the clan storage.

This kind of differential treatment made Lin Langtian jealous beyond recognition. If Lin Yunhao was not the son of clan leader Lin Fan, and if great elder Lin Mu did not fully support him, Lin Langtian would have gone to Lin Yunhao's house and cut him into pieces to vent his anger.

At this moment, Lin Langtian had just worked hard to get a chance to enter the clan's treasure house, but he met Lin Yunhao here. All the suffering he had experienced during this period of time came to his mind.

"Haha, Master Lin Yunhao is indeed worthy of being the clan leader's son. Even if his strength and talent are average, he can still manage the clan's treasures. The clan leader is indeed amazing!"

To have come this far, Lin Langtian is no good-for-nothing.

Lin Langtian knew very well that he must not take the initiative to attack, otherwise he would not be able to bear the consequences when the clan leader came to settle the score with him. The elders who stood on his side would not be able to help him either, after all, he was the one who violated the clan rules first.

Therefore, Lin Langtian could only fight back. As long as Lin Yunhao took the initiative to attack, as long as he did not kill Lin Yunhao and beat Lin Yunhao into a cripple, he would be safe with the elders speaking for him.

Lin Yunhao frowned as he looked at Lin Langtian who was blocking his way. Lin Langtian had something against him, and Lin Yunhao knew it very well. Not to mention Lin Langtian, there was no one in the entire Lin clan who did not envy and jealous Lin Yunhao. Even Lin Fan was no exception. He had repeatedly whispered in Lin Yunhao's ears, "Why didn't I have this kind of treatment back then?" and "Why isn't my father the clan leader?"

Therefore, Lin Yunhao generally does not bother with other people in the Lin clan. Even if those people ridicule him, Lin Yunhao will just pretend not to hear them.

With Lin Yunhao's personality, he would not play around with those kids. He would rather practice sword skills more if he has that time.

But Lin Yunhao would never allow anyone to insult Lin Fan. Not to mention that he could be where he is today entirely because of Lin Fan's support and help in bearing the pressure, even if Lin Fan had not brought him back to the Lin clan, he, Lin Yunhao, would have been eaten by the monster long ago, and the grass on his grave would have been several feet high by now.

So, facing Lin Langtian's sarcasm, Lin Yunhao got angry for the first time. He found that if he didn't argue with those people, they would become more and more aggressive.

Today, Lin Langtian dared to ridicule and insult Lin Fan so blatantly. Who knows what those tribesmen will do to Lin Fan behind his back.

In order to eliminate these things and protect Lin Fan's reputation and prestige, Lin Yunhao must show his talent to everyone and let everyone know that he, Lin Yunhao, deserves such special treatment from Lin Fan.

Lin Langtian in front of him is a good stepping stone.

"Three swords!"


Lin Yunhao's indifferent words made Lin Langtian a little puzzled.

"As long as you can take my three sword strikes, I will tell my father that from now on you can enter the clan's treasure house at will!"

"Hahaha, fine, that's what you said. Of course I won't need three moves. I, Lin Langtian, am the number one genius in my clan. Why would I need three moves to defeat you?"

Seeing that Lin Yunhao was really enraged as he expected, Lin Langtian was overjoyed. As for Lin Yunhao's claim that he could defeat him with three swords, Lin Langtian didn't believe it at all. As the first genius of the Lin clan, Lin Langtian was confident that no one of his peers in the entire Great Yan Dynasty could defeat him within three moves, let alone the mediocre Lin Yunhao in front of him.

"The first genius? Ha~"

Lin Yunhao was quite disdainful of Lin Langtian. This man had no talent, no character, and even less understanding. If he had not happened to get an opportunity and had not had the help of that soul that was connected to the demon, Lin Langtian would probably be worse than Lei Bao of Qingyang Town.

Compared to these, what really makes Lin Yunhao sick and disgusted is Lin Langtian's character. He is narrow-minded, heartless, selfish, treacherous, and not a good person!

In the original novel, in the ancient tomb, Lin Dong, who was also a member of the Lin clan, obtained a treasure. People from the Wang clan slandered Lin Dong, but Lin Langtian asked Lin Dong to hand over the treasure without saying a word.

Lin Dong's treasures, in a sense, belonged to the Lin clan, but Lin Langtian actually used his own clan's treasures to humiliate Lin Dong.

Moreover, Lin Langtian is particularly cruel to his fellow tribesmen, even more cruel than to outsiders, because his fellow tribesmen will compete with him for resources. And those who may be able to compete with him are also geniuses of the clan, right?

After a disdainful sneer, Lin Yunhao didn't want to say any more to Lin Langtian, fearing that he would disgust himself, so he immediately raised his sword to attack.

"The first sword!"

Lin Yunhao first showed disdain, and then showed contempt for himself, which made Lin Langtian, who had always been the focus of attention, furious. He activated the Yuan Power in his body, and a wave unique to the Formation Realm, one of the three realms of creation, came from Lin Langtian.

However, Lin Langtian's full-strength palm attack at the Formation Realm was repelled by Lin Yunhao's simple yet extremely fast sword.

Looking at Lin Langtian who had just stood opposite him, Lin Yunhao's eyes showed even more disdain.

"Oh, that's it?"

The continuous ridicule, as well as Lin Yunhao's sudden display of talent and strength that was enough to threaten Lin Langtian's position, drove Lin Langtian, who already had a bad temper, completely crazy!

"Sky-Breaking Demon Stele Palm! I want you to die!!"

Lin Langtian's eyes were filled with murderous intent. With a wave of his arm, the two magic steles that were filled with fierce and domineering fist intent were like two huge mountains, smashing towards Lin Yunhao fiercely!

"The second sword!"

Still as nonchalant as before, but unlike last time, this time Lin Yunhao had extremely obvious fluctuations of Yuanli—he had reached the Great Completion of the Forming Realm! He was actually one small realm higher than Lin Langtian!

Wherever the sword light passed, the two magic monuments didn't even last for a breath before they dissipated. Lin Langtian's figure was also blown away by the sword energy, stirring up a cloud of dust on the ground!


Lin Langtian, who had struggled to get up from the ground, was not feeling well at the moment. A sword mark on his chest had cut through his clothes, and blood could be vaguely seen inside!

"Little bastard, I won't hold back this time. I will use the treasures I got from my clan's treasure to completely crush you under my feet!!"

"Spirit Wheel Mirror, the Way of Blood Sacrifice, the Unity of Man and Treasure!"

At this moment, Lin Langtian no longer cared whether Lin Yunhao lived or died. As long as he won, the only thought in his mind was to defeat Lin Yunhao, so he took out his biggest trump card without hesitation.

"The third sword, a rainbow piercing the sun!"

The pitch-black sword in Lin Yunhao's hand burst out with a dazzling light, and the next moment, the man and the sword collided with the attacking Spirit Wheel Mirror!


After the sword and the mirror collided, there was no evenly matched situation. Instead, the pitch-black sword directly repelled the Linglun Mirror, the earth-level spiritual treasure that Lin Langtian regarded as his trump card. Lin Langtian's figure also fell out of the Linglun Mirror!

With three swords, Lin Langtian, once the number one genius of the Lin clan, was defeated!