Chapter 5: Ancient Tomb

Lin Yunhao had made up his mind, so he didn't waste any time and went down the back mountain directly to the tribe to look for Lin Mu, wanting to ask where was suitable for him to test his sword!

When Lin Yunhao went down the mountain, Lin Mu also happened to receive a piece of news. To be precise, it was a secret letter about the birth of the tomb of a powerful Nirvana master.

"Tiandu County, Tianyan Mountains!"

Lin Mu stroked his long gray beard and thought for a moment. Suddenly he remembered something and turned to ask an elder beside him.

"I remember that my Lin clan has a branch in Yancheng, Tiandu County, right?"

The gray-robed elder beside him was an elder in a high position of power who was in charge of the branches of the Lin clan. He knew all the information about the major branches.

So after Lin Mugang asked, the gray-robed elder Lin Ze searched his mind briefly and remembered the information about the branch family.

"Great Elder, our Lin clan does have a branch in Yancheng. The specific location is in a small town called Qingyang Town under the jurisdiction of Yancheng. The head of that branch is called Lin Zhentian!"

"Oh? Qingyang Town, Lin Zhentian? That's a great name, I wonder if that Lin Zhentian..."

Before Lin Mu finished speaking, Lin Ze answered Lin Mu's question. After all, as the elder in charge of the branch family's information, Lin Ze kept these things firmly in mind.

"Lin Zhentian and his group were once an inner clan of my Lin clan. However, Lin Zhentian failed in a mission and caused great losses to the clan, so he was expelled from the inner clan and sent to Qingyang Town in Yancheng."

"He was a member of my clan at the beginning? Does he have any good friends in the clan, and any clan members who are still capable?"

"Yes, there is a steward in the clan named Wu Tao, who is a good friend of Lin Zhentian. When Lin Zhentian's lineage came to participate in the last clan meeting, Wu Tao personally took them into the city. His strength is at the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan Realm."

"Great Perfection of Yuan Dan Realm? Not bad, just right."

Lin Mu nodded when he heard this. In this battle for the ancient tomb, all the major forces had a tacit understanding that they would not send their older generation strong men to fight for it. Instead, they would let the younger generation of geniuses fight for it. At most, they would send one or two elders to escort those little cubs.

As for Wu Tao, he was just going there to scout the way. With his strength of reaching the great perfection of Yuandan realm and the intimidation of the Lin clan, he was enough to help some little guys broaden their horizons.

As for the fight for the ancient tomb, their Lin clan has Master Yu Lin Yunhao, who is called the "Sword God" by those who like to gossip, and Lin Langtian, who is capable of fighting against the strongest men from the other three clans. The Lin clan can be said to be sitting on a safe platform.

Mention someone and he will appear.

Lin Mu was just thinking about Lin Yunhao, and the next moment someone sent a message to Lin Mu that Lin Yunhao had already come down the mountain and headed straight for him.

In a short while, Lin Yunhao appeared in the house.

Seeing that there were many elders besides Lin Mu, Lin Yunhao nodded slightly to them, then found a place to sit down, planning to wait until they finished talking before asking Lin Mu.

However, just as Lin Yunhao sat down and prepared to close his eyes and rest, Lin Mu did not let him do so.

"Lin Yunhao, I wonder what brings you to see me?"

Lin Mu didn't dare to call her "Xiao Yu" anymore. After all, as the great elder of the Lin family, he was defeated by a junior every time. At first, he could explain it as playing with him, but it was quite embarrassing when it happened too many times.

Especially a year ago, after knowing that Lin Yunhao's swordsmanship had made rapid progress, "Xiao Yu" completely disappeared from Lin Mu's dictionary.

Lin Mu didn't dare to stroke the tiger's beard, especially since he was the one who gave it the name.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mu started asking as soon as he sat down. Lin Yunhao opened his eyes, glanced at Lin Mu, and said casually.

"When I'm too quiet, I want to go out for a walk and find someone to test my sword with!"

Hearing the reasons given by Lin Yunhao, Lin Mu and the others all twitched their lips. Based on their understanding of the Lin Sword God, the first two were nonsense, and the last one was his purpose.

Back then, after Lin Yunhao handed over eighteen martial arts books to the clan, the elders unanimously decided to agree to one of Lin Yunhao's requests in order to show their importance to Lin Yunhao.

So, in the following months, all the elders of the Lin clan received challenges from the Sword God.

No one knows the outcome of the challenge, but after that, no matter who Lin Yunhao challenges, that person will always be mysteriously poisoned and then go into seclusion to heal.

"Ahem, Lin Yunhao, I and others just received a piece of news. It is said that there is an ancient tomb in the Tianyan Mountains of Tiandu County. It was left by a powerful Nirvana master. Now the four major clans have received the news. By then, I guess..."

Lin Mu's words reminded Lin Yunhao that the powerful Nirvana master who practiced the Yin-Yang Dao was able to leave behind his primordial spirit. His strength was at least above the Seventh Level Nirvana Realm, and there was a high probability that he was at the peak of the Nirvana Realm. If he could understand his way of practice, it would help him break through the bottleneck.

Moreover, the incomplete soul of a powerful person at the peak of Nirvana is also an excellent subject for sword testing!

In addition, Lin Yunhao also wanted to see Ling Qingzhu, the peerless goddess of Jiutian Taiqing Palace. Of course, he didn't want to see her in a dirty way, but he wanted to see how strong the so-called top genius of Dongxuan Territory was and whether it was worth it for him to draw his sword!

In the eyes of a swordsman, there is no distinction between men and women, there are only opponents who are worthy of drawing the sword, and trash who are not worthy of drawing the sword!

"Grand Elder, just tell me when the ancient tomb will be opened and where it is!"

For some reason, seeing Lin Yunhao's eyes shining, Lin Mu, Lin Ze and others all felt frightened, as if they seemed to have done something wrong.

"Ahem, Young Clan Leader, don't worry. There is still some time before the ancient tomb is opened, and we also plan to send people to Yancheng first. There is a branch of my Lin clan there, and they can get some more specific information in advance."

Lin Ze on the side spoke up at this time. From the way Lin Ze addressed him, it was clear that the old man was on Lin Yunhao's side. After all, although Lin Yunhao was indifferent and a complete sword fanatic, he also cared deeply about the honor of the clan, which was much stronger than Lin Lang's eagle-like look.

The patriarch can ignore family affairs, but he must put the family's interests and the clan's honor and disgrace first, and he must not be a selfish person!

"Go to Yancheng first? Fine, you can take whoever you want with you. Just let me know when you're leaving. But I can only guarantee that they can return to Lincheng alive. The rest depends on themselves. You can't help a useless person!"

Although the words sounded a bit harsh, Lin Yunhao still said it in advance. He went to the ancient tomb to pursue his swordsmanship, not to be a nanny!

Lin Mu and others were overjoyed when they heard this. As for what Lin Yunhao said, it was a bit harsh to the ear, but it made sense. The monster in front of them was a good example. The path of the strong ones depends on walking their own path.

Lin Ze was even more confident in his decision. If it were Lin Langtian, he would have hoped that no other younger generations would follow him, but Lin Yunhao actually asked them to make the arrangements.

Not only Lin Ze, the remaining elders also looked at Lin Yunhao with extremely kind and friendly eyes, and some of them even started to make decisions in their hearts!