Chapter 10: Sword Pressure on Lin Dong

The sudden powerful sword force and the sword energy surrounding Lin Yunhao's body instantly destroyed all the tables and chairs in the hall.

Fortunately, the people in the hall all had strength above the Yuandan realm, and Lin Yunhao's sword energy was not aimed at them, so they were only forced back by Lin Yunhao's sword energy at the beginning, causing them to stand unsteadily and be a little embarrassed.

By the time Lin Zhentian and the others reacted and were prepared, they were able to keep their balance.

However, Lin Dong, who was facing the pressure of Lin Yunhao's sword, was not so easy. In other words, it was very difficult!

His Yuan force cultivation was only at the peak of the Small Yuan Dan Realm, and he had not yet broken through to the Small Perfection of the Yuan Dan Realm. And although his mental power cultivation was at the level of a Three-Seal Talisman Master, Lin Dong's mental power was almost exhausted after the previous competition with Lin Ke'er.

As the main target of Lin Yunhao's sword, if Xiao Diao had not helped Lin Dong immediately, Lin Dong would probably be lying on the ground now.

But Xiao Diao only helped Lin Dong at the beginning, when Lin Dong had not yet reacted. After Lin Dong was able to steady his body and stand under the pressure of Lin Yunhao's sword, Xiao Diao stopped.

"Little mink, little mink!"

No matter how Lin Dong cried out in his heart, Xiao Diao just pretended to be dead and didn't respond at all.

As time went by, Lin Yunhao's sword power became stronger and stronger, and it became increasingly difficult for Lin Dong to hold on. He had no choice but to concentrate all his attention and deal with it with all his strength.

In addition to the powerful sword force, the sword energy that was crisscrossing all around also caused Lin Dong great trouble.

Lin Dong, who was already sweating profusely and gritting his teeth to persevere, had no time to pay attention to the sword energy around him, and those invisible sword energies were also rushing towards Lin Dong.


It was the sound of Lin Dong's skin being cut, and this sound was like a butterfly effect. With a "hiss" sound, countless tiny wounds appeared on Lin Dong's body within a few breaths. Dense blood beads seeped out of Lin Dong's body, but what was puzzling was that those blood beads were not the normal bright red color, but had a hint of black.

Lin Zhentian could only watch anxiously, but with his strength, he could only barely hold on under the force of Lin Yunhao's sword. He couldn't even open his mouth, let alone do anything else.


A tiger roar was heard, and then a huge fiery red shadow appeared in the hall. It growled at Lin Yunhao again and made a gesture to pounce.

After seeing the fire python tiger coming, Lin Yunhao put the sword into the Qiankun bag, then raised his other hand and gently pushed the fire python tiger. Then a huge hand appeared out of thin air in the hall and pressed the fire python tiger to the ground, unable to move.

If you look closely, you can find that the palm prints of that huge hand are actually made up of sword blades. However, Lin Yunhao had no intention of hurting the fire python tiger, so the sword palm did not completely cut the fire python tiger into pieces, but only pressed it to the ground, making it unable to move.

Just like that, Lin Yunhao suppressed Lin Dong with one hand and held down the fire python tiger with the other hand from a distance, while the rest of the people were forced back by Lin Yunhao's sword power.

After a short while, when Lin Yunhao saw that the blood beads seeping out of Lin Dong's body had returned to their normal color, he retracted his own sword power and the surrounding sword energy, and also retracted the two palms that were suppressing the man and the tiger.

As the pressure on his body was relieved, Lin Dong no longer cared about anything else and took a deep breath. At the same time, he only felt weak all over, but there was no stinging feeling of injury.

Looking at the pale Lin Dong in front of him, Lin Yunhao smiled slightly.

"I take back what I said just now. You are not very good, but quite good. At least if we talk about perseverance alone, you are the best person I have ever seen."

As he spoke, Lin Yunhao took out a Qiankun bag, put some things in it, and then reached out and stuffed it into the hands of Lin Dong who was unable to resist.

"I look forward to the day when you will let me draw my sword. I hope it won't be too late. Besides, you have very good fortune. Also, only what you cultivate yourself is yours. External things are not the right way after all."

After saying that, Lin Yunhao ignored everyone else, took out the ancient black sword from his Qiankun bag, and left on his own, holding the sword. Lin Dong was left standing there in a daze, holding a high-level Qiankun bag in his hand.

The fire python tiger at the side could only watch Lin Yunhao's back with a vigilant expression, but did not dare to make the slightest movement.

"Tsk tsk, Lin Dong, to be honest, Master Diao is a little envious of you."

"Xiao Diao, where were you just now? You didn't come out no matter how I called you."

As soon as Lin Dong mentioned what happened before, Xiao Diao instantly got furious.

"Lin Dong, you are so shameless. I just helped you a little bit. I was almost caught by that evildoer. Fortunately, I had the stone talisman to help me escape in time. But even so, I was still threatened by that evildoer."

"So he didn't find the stone talisman? And why did he threaten you?"

"This stone talisman has not been activated, so he can't find it. Besides, you are one of his tribesmen, and Master Diao is a demon tribe. Naturally, he is warning Master Diao not to have any inappropriate thoughts about you."

This made Lin Dong very confused.

"By the way, what did you just say you envied me for?"

Xiao Diao got angry when he saw Lin Dong acting like he didn't know how lucky he was.

"Lin Dong, feel your body carefully first."

Upon hearing this, Lin Dong became puzzled and calmed down to carefully feel the condition in his body.

"Why is my Yuan force only at the Xiao Yuan Dan realm? No, many of my tendons and veins have been opened up, and the rest have also been widened."

"Elemental force? Hmm? It seems to be more condensed."

"So now you know what he meant by that last sentence?"

Xiao Diao's eyes were almost filled with envy. You know, when he was practicing, his father didn't help him like this. Of course, he didn't need help. He just needed to sleep every day.

"Relying on medicinal herbs to quickly improve your strength will easily lead to an unstable foundation, right? But why haven't you ever mentioned this to me?"

After a brief thought, Lin Dong seemed to understand the key.

"I originally planned to take you to practice hard after you came back from the Ancient Tomb Mansion. Then I would let you practice a body-refining method, and these hidden dangers would be eliminated."

Xiao Diao originally planned to let Lin Dong practice the Great Sun Thunder Body when they went to Dahuang County. It would not only help to refine the body but also consolidate the foundation.

In the hall, after Lin Yunhao left, Wu Tao, Lin Xue, Lin Chen and Lin Hong also left one after another. Only Lin Ke'er saw that Lin Dong was still standing there motionless. She was worried that Lin Dong might have resentment towards Lin Yunhao, so she planned to step forward and explain to Lin Dong.

Yes, Lin Ke'er saw through Lin Yunhao's intention. At the beginning, Lin Ke'er was indeed frightened by Lin Yunhao, but later, Lin Ke'er discovered Lin Dong's abnormality.

The black blood that oozed out contained traces of drug poison, and after Lin Yunhao left, Lin Ke'er also discovered that the Yuan Power in Lin Dong's body had become more condensed.

"Lin Dong, I hope you don't resent Brother Lin Yunhao. Brother Lin Yunhao is actually a domineering and protective person who is not good at expressing himself. He does this for your own good. When you go back and check your body carefully, you will understand."

"I see."

Lin Dong responded absentmindedly. Seeing that Lin Ke'er still didn't believe it, Lin Dong raised his hand and condensed the energy in his palm.

Seeing this, Lin Ke'er knew that Lin Dong had understood, so she stopped disturbing Lin Dong and turned around and left.

After all the people from the inner clan disappeared from his sight, Lin Zhentian stepped forward and showed concern.

"Dong'er, are you okay?"

"Grandpa, I'm fine. I just feel a little weak. Everything else is as good as it can be."

Lin Zhentian still didn't quite believe it. After a careful check, he saw that Lin Dong was not in any danger except that his energy was exhausted, and he even turned a disaster into a blessing. Only then did he leave with peace of mind.

Before leaving, he specifically reminded Lin Dong to have a good rest. At the same time, Lin Zhentian was thinking about what he should do to thank Lin Yunhao.