Chapter 15 Extremely Evil Yin Ambergris

"If little brother Lin Dong wants to find something of the most yin nature, my Wanjin Merchant Guild doesn't have it, but I know where it is!"

For some reason, Xuan Su gave Lin Dong a very strange feeling today. She was not as mature and steady as before, but instead had some girlish playfulness.

"Sister Su, where can I find the most yin thing?"

"Brother Lin Dong, do you know anything about the recent events in Tiandu County?"

Xuan Su's charming smile made Lin Dong even more confused. However, when Lin Dong noticed that Xuan Su's eyes were fixed on Lin Yunhao, he felt relieved.

Lin Dong sighed in his heart, Xuan Su is worthy of being the general manager of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, her eyesight is very strong, she can see Lin Yunhao's extraordinaryness just from his temperament.

Only Lin Qingtan, who followed behind Lin Dong and said nothing from beginning to end, seemed to notice something was wrong with Xuan Su.

"Is Sister Su talking about the ancient tomb in the Tianyan Mountains?"

"It seems that Brother Lin Dong is not oblivious to what is happening outside. Besides, Master Lin Yunhao should have come here for the Ancient Tomb Mansion as well."

The mature and charming beauty winked at Lin Yunhao playfully like a young girl, with a smug expression as if to say, "I have guessed your purpose."

However, Lin Yunhao turned a blind eye to this, which made the beauty feel ashamed and annoyed.

"With the strength of the master of the ancient tomb, the extremely yin thing is really nothing to him."

"Mr. Lin Yunhao is right. The owner of the ancient tomb was a powerful Nirvana Realm expert. His tomb naturally attracted many powerful people to fight for it. According to what my Wanjin Chamber of Commerce has learned from various sources, the powerful people in the entire Tiandu County have heard the news and it seems that even the four major clans will send people here!"

"As for the extremely yin thing that Lin Dong wants, as far as I know, there is a spiritual thing called the Extreme Evil Yin Dragon's Saliva. I wonder if Lin Dong is interested in it?"

"Extremely evil Yin dragon saliva!"

After muttering to himself, Lin Dong looked at Lin Yunhao in confusion. Lin Qingtan had the same expression. After all, in the eyes of the siblings, why would Lin Yunhao, the young patriarch, send someone to Yancheng when he came here?

"The four major clans..."

However, Lin Yunhao ignored Lin Dong and the others, and looked at Xuan Su with a smile on his face.

"It seems that your Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is quite capable. You even know that the four major clans will send people here.

Whether in tone or expression, Lin Yunhao was affirming the capabilities of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, but Xuan Su felt uncomfortable listening to it.

However, Lin Yunhao did not care about what Xuan Su thought, but found a chair to sit down at random. However, he did not know that the chair he was sitting on was specially used by Xuan Su. Xuan Su did not know what she was thinking, so she did not say anything.

"Do you have any questions in your mind?"

After sitting down, Lin Yunhao looked up and smiled at Lin Dong and Lin Qingtan, while Xuan Su, who was standing beside her, also noticed that something was wrong with the expressions of Lin Dong and his sister.

"Lin Yunhao!"

Suddenly, Xuan Su's expression changed and an idea popped up in her mind. Lin Dong's next words also confirmed Xuan Su's guess.

Glancing at Xuan Su standing beside him, Lin Dongjiao and Lin Yunhao seemed to have no intention of being secretive, so he asked directly.

"Will the Lin clan send someone here?"

"Well, actually, the person sent by the clan this time is Lin Langtian, and I just came out to find an opponent who can let me draw my sword. And she happened to come to the Ancient Tomb Mansion, so I came to Yancheng first."

His tone was very ordinary and calm, but it contained an extreme self-confidence, as if Lin Langtian, the genius famous in Dayan, had never been taken seriously by him.

"Also, you should say within the clan, or the inner clan. Remember, your last name is Lin too. No matter what happened in the past, in the future, whether you are a branch family or an inner clan, you are all members of my Lin clan!"

The rather tough tone made Lin Dong feel a little warm in his heart. Because of Lin Zhentian, Lin Dong was very clear about the attitude of the inner clan towards the branch family. In the eyes of the inner clan, the people of the branch family were not even worthy of the surname Lin, let alone acknowledging that the branch family was also a member of the Lin clan.

"I understand, but that Lin Langtian..."

When mentioning this name, Lin Dong would feel a strong hatred in his heart, but in front of Lin Yunhao, a person whom Lin Dong respected very much, Lin Dong tried his best to restrain himself. However, despite this, there was still something abnormal in Lin Dong's tone.

"I will not care about the grudge between you and Lin Langtian, but remember, this is only for him. If you dare to do this to other members of the clan, I will personally take action and put you in the Abyss Prison!"

Yuanyu, the place where the Lin clan imprisoned the members of the clan. No one in the entire clan was willing to pass by Yuanyu. It was obvious how terrifying it was.

Listening to their conversation and seeing the puzzled expressions on Lin Dong's and his sister's faces, Xuan Su took a deep breath.

Xuan Su guessed that Lin Yunhao was from a big family. Because of Lin Dong, Xuan Su had investigated the origins of the Lin family and knew the relationship between the Lin family and the Lin clan, so overall, Lin Yunhao was very likely to be from the Lin clan.

But Xuan Su never thought that Lin Yunhao's status would be so high. From what Lin Yunhao said, Lin Langtian was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Considering his status, I think… For some reason, Xuan Su's mood suddenly became a little low, and Lin Dong's words made Xuan Su feel like she was falling into an ice cave.

"Thank you, Young Clan Leader!"

In the excitement, Lin Dong even ignored the presence of outsiders. Of course, it was also because Lin Yunhao's indifferent attitude had influenced Lin Dong.

"No need to thank me. If you really want to thank me, just trample the people from the other three clans under your feet during this trip to the Ancient Tomb Palace!"

In the more than ten years before this, the Lin clan had always been quite weak, so much so that many people had forgotten the majesty of the Lin clan!


Lin Dong nodded heavily.

As a militant, Lin Dong had violent genes in his bones. And this time, he had someone backing him up, and he was fighting against geniuses from other clans. Just thinking about it made Lin Dong's blood boil.

Seeing Lin Dong's eager look, Lin Yunhao was no longer worried about Lin Dong. After all, with him around, who would dare to touch anyone from the Lin clan?

Among those people, except Ling Qingzhu who is worthy of Lin Yunhao's attention, the others are not even worth mentioning!

"Miss Xuansu, I want to make a deal with you."

"I wonder what you want, sir?"

"All information about the Ancient Tomb Mansion."

Although the Lin clan has some influence in Tiandu County, it is ultimately no match for this local tyrant. The Wanjin Chamber of Commerce can actually obtain information about the four major clans, so it seems that its capabilities are quite good.

"With your strength, do you still need some information?"

"But my people need it. They can't grow if they live under my wings!"

Looking at this mysterious man, Xuan Su felt even more bitter.

"Okay, I'll send someone to deliver the information to the Lin family. As for the deal, forget it. Just think of it as me wanting to get to know you!"