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Chapter 3 Friendship

He held my hand tightly. He was looking at me again and again. I was so shocked that I couldn't understand anything. We both were looking at each other minutely. His face seemed to have changed. It seemed that he had come from a long distance and was very tired. He was not saying anything. Was just standing. I wanted to ask him a lot but was not able to say anything. He kept watching. Was angry. I shook his hand and quickly moved forward. I didn't look back even for a moment. He was probably standing there. I wanted to turn around, but couldn't. I too had an ego that he should come and say something. But he was not coming.

I quickly reached my room and started looking at him secretly and turning around. He was not there. As soon as I turned around with a sad face, he was standing behind me. I was terrified. He held my hand again. Then mother raised a loud voice. Hearing his voice, my body shuddered but he was refusing to let go of my hand. I was looking at him and my hand when tears started flowing from my eyes. I started pleading to free my hand.

I remember, when I used to study in school. After leave, he used to meet me every day and say - 'Our relationship is sweet and friendly.' How pleasant was his laughter and banter while speaking, how when we were little, we used to go to the highest rooftop of the street and fly kites. He used to teach me. Used to work for all the people on the street. Bringing milk for someone, vegetables for someone, something for someone but it seemed different.

I remember, this was his old place where he always used to stand. The boundary of the wall against which he stood, waiting for me every moment. There were other people in the street but our friendship was different from all others. It was great to play and roam around all day long. Ride that bicycle worth one rupee, I Teaching, those days were coming and going in my mind. I remember, when it was not visible, my eyes searched restlessly for it. After some time, whenever I passed by that place, I kept looking back but he was not visible. Not seeing him there would fill my eyes with tears and my heart would become restless. I would go a little further and stand by the tree, waiting for him to come. Even after reaching home, his mind remained immersed in his thoughts. What happened to him after all? Various types of thoughts started coming in my mind. Neither did my day pass nor did my questions stop.

The next day again the same place, the same tree, the same time and I looked back and forth, but today when I saw him, all the feelings in my mind suddenly stopped on my lips. Eyes filled with questions. Then I quickly freed my hand by shaking his hand and he also started following me. As soon as she saw him, mom asked, "What happened to you? Why are you both so angry?"

I went into the inner room. He laughed and said looking at the door frame of the room, "Aunty, your daughter has gone mad, she doesn't understand anything, whenever you say something she gets angry, it seems as if she has taken an oath not to listen."

I said from inside, "Mother, he has come to drink tea, give him tea and send him. I don't want to talk to him."

Mom laughed softly and said, "Look at him disappearing for so many days."

As a result, where were you all these days?"

He hesitated and said, "It's nothing."

"Yes-yes, you are crazy like this!" I said.

His eyes were downcast. Wasn't looking anywhere. It seemed as if he was lost in something. I never forget that day when he left without telling me. It was a hot summer day. Our school holidays were about to fall. We had made a plan that day that we would go to the kite shop in the market and buy four kites worth five rupees each and then go to the roof of the house at the corner of the street. We had time only in the afternoon to fly kites. After coming back from school, I quickly changed my dress and got ready. Was standing at the door of the house. I knew he would come. I was looking on both sides of the street. I had no idea how much time had passed. I was just watching. Mom was also late in coming today. There was no one in the house. The sunlight was beginning to fade in the street, looking at it there seemed to be a lot of time left.

Has gone. Standing there, I was also thinking that I wish. If mom also comes, I would go to her house and see. I was tired of standing. As soon as I started going inside the house, I saw my mother coming. I became happy. As soon as mom came, she said, "Mummy, I will come right away." Saying this Bali passed away. I was walking fast. When I reached his house, I found that his house was locked. I asked my friend who lives next door, "Where has Rohan gone?" So she immediately said, "All of them have gone to the wedding." Hearing this, I left from there saying that if he comes now, I will not talk to him.

* I did not even take his name for two days. Had completely forgotten him. But one day I thought that maybe they would have come and check. Reluctantly I went to his house. His house was open. His mother was standing outside. There was no light. There was darkness in the house. I asked his mother, "Aunty, where is Rohan?" So she said, "He stayed at his uncle's house." I was very sad to hear this. Then I asked, "When will he come?"

She said, "Now he will come when he has learned something."

Saying this she went inside. The light had come on. I wanted to ask his mother more but she had gone inside because of the light. Today I was feeling sad for the first time when the lights came on.

And, today he was sitting in front of me with his head bowed.

Mom quickly came out of the kitchen laughing, carrying a tray of tea. He was sitting on the stairs. He picked up the cup of tea and also took some salt and pepper. Taking a sip of tea he said, "Wow aunty, the tea in your hands is still as strong, if anyone can get it."

Then his mind should open."*

I came out and said, "Mom, he's mounting you!" Then my mother looked at him sideways and said, "Don't I make good tea?"

"Yes tell me brother, doesn't aunty make good tea?"

"I didn't say anything."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, you make very good tea. It can just drive someone crazy."

Mother now asked the same thing which was going on in my mind. "I heard that you were at your uncle's place all this time. What were you doing there?"

He said, "Work, work and just work. Papa asked me to stay there saying that you will learn something. But uncle told me to Kept it at the shop. I was just there. Aunty, I have become a mechanic but..." He stopped while speaking. Perhaps his real answer was hidden in his silence.

His tea cup was empty. He said, "The tea is over!" I said, "Go quickly to your home otherwise I will beat you badly!" He smiled and said, "Hey, I am leaving, why are you so angry?" After some time, when he was about to leave, I asked, "When will he come again?"

She replied boldly, "Anytime, whenever you feel like it, but if you want to come then come anytime, the doors of my house are always open for you." After a few moments he left and while leaving he said with rolling eyes, "Sorry, I made a mistake, see you, boy."

As soon as he turned back, I asked him, "Where were you all these days?" He started smiling and said, "Even growing up is a crime. It has a long punishment." Saying this he started walking. Saying something, he stepped forward and left towards his house.

I completely understood what he said.

Today everyone could see him holding her hand. But it was not visible how in our childhood, both of us used to go to the highest roof of the street and fly kites.