Ancient History

With the Old Gods vanquished for the moment, Kael turned to the demons who had aided them in battle. "Return to the shadows for now," he commanded. "But be ready to heed our call when the time comes."

The demons nodded, their eyes gleaming with loyalty, before fading into the darkness from whence they came.

Alone with Mieza amidst the remnants of the chamber, Kael let out a heavy sigh. "We've bought ourselves some time, but we need to find a permanent solution."

Mieza nodded, her expression grave. "Agreed. We can't risk the Old Gods wreaking havoc on Vasperia again."

Kael's eyes fell upon the obsidian scepter lying amidst the rubble. "We should start by studying the scepter. There must be clues to its origins and its purpose."

Together, they retrieved the scepter and made their way back to Vasperia, where they could study it in safety.

In the quiet of their study, Kael and Mieza poured over ancient tomes and scrolls, searching for any mention of the Old Gods and the prison world beneath the temple.

"It's here," Mieza said, her voice barely above a whisper. She pointed to a passage in an ancient tome, the words illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

Kael leaned in closer, his heart pounding with anticipation. The passage spoke of a time long ago, when the realm of Vasperia had been plunged into chaos by the Old Gods. It was only through the combined efforts of his grandfather, Aamon, a primordial demon, and the ancient guardians, including the overseer, that the Old Gods were defeated and trapped in a prison world beneath the temple.

"The scepter," Kael murmured, realization dawning. "It was imbued with enough magic to keep the prison world locked. And only a being of guardian and primordial demon blood and magic could remove it from its resting place."

Mieza's eyes widened in understanding. "That's why you were able to remove it. You were the only one who could."

Kael's mind raced with the implications of their discovery. "No one ever told me about this," he said, his voice tinged with shock. "But Vasperia is our realm to protect. And if that means facing the Old Gods, then so be it."

Mieza laid a hand on Kael's shoulder, her eyes filled with determination. "We'll face this challenge together," she said. "But it might be a little difficult."

Kael nodded, his resolve hardening. "We'll need to find a way to prevent the Old Gods from retrieving their tridents, the scroll says that if they do, they'll regain their full strength."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kael and Mieza set to work, determined to find the location of the tridents and find a way to protect Vasperia from the looming threat of the Old Gods. With their combined strength and determination, they knew that they would prevail.