Basic Experiment of Repulsion Cannon

"The wood borer ate him?" Bozi couldn't believe it. "Are you kidding me? Wood borers move so slowly."

Tom nodded. "No kidding. Cockroaches and ants, when they eat people, leave a messy mess. Their mouthparts are too long, so they can't reach the meat in some subtle places. I've seen a lot of that. But all the flesh on this corpse has been shaved off, and there's not a bit of flesh on the skeleton, so the bones don't stink. What's stinking is his head. The brain inside the skull wasn't eaten, so it rotted and smelled. That's why the smell of decay we smelled was so faint."

Now Bozi couldn't hold it anymore. He squatted down and vomited violently, taking a while before saying, "Damn it... Tom, you're getting more and more abnormal. How can you observe so carefully? That's a dead person, not a pig or cow... Ugh..." Bozi, who used to be mature and steady, couldn't stay calm around Tom anymore because he had been surprised too many times.