Part 4

Sky pov

The next morning, I was woken up by my alarm and by banging on my door. “Sky, Mum said to wake up “Emily shouted. That already got me in a bad morning. Don’t mess with my sleep. I shut my alarm off and shouted, “I am awake, so stop banging on my door.” When the banging stopped, I sighed in relief.

Now I am even more in a bad mood. Why, because number 1, I don’t know I just sometimes wake up feeling like I want to stay in bed and hide away from everything and everyone else, so when I feel like this and I have to leave the house I get very irritable, my parents said it is because I am a submissive omega, but Rei doesn’t get like this, and number 2 I hate shopping or to be specific I hate shopping for dresses.

I know it is weird because most of my family, like my mother and sisters, like dresses, fashion and design, but I just don’t like these things, I guess that is one reason why the rest of my family hates me. I sighed at my thoughts. After staying in my bed for a few more minutes, I stood up and went to my bathroom to do my morning routine. I then walked to my closet where I changed into black and red leggings with a black cropped top and to go over my cropped top, a long sleeve, see-through mesh shirt. I then put on my red and white sneakers.

I tied my hair into a braid. After I was somewhat happy with my outfit choice, I walked downstairs to where everyone was waiting. “Finally,” said Shaun. “Whatever” I replied. And just like that I was dragged off to go dress shopping. Everyone then climbed into the cars and of we went. After a 10-minute car ride, my father said, “We are here.”

I looked outside and saw it was the shop where my mother and sisters always went to go dress shopping. With a sigh, I climbed out of the car. When everyone was out, we all walked inside the store. “Okay everyone goes and find a few outfits, then let’s say in 10 minutes we meet at the dressing room,” my mother said. Everyone nodded their heads and of they went.

“Sky,” my father said. I looked at him. “I know you don’t like wearing dresses, but please it’s only for a few hours, so please try and choose a dress for the ball,” he asked. I nodded my head. “Okay Dad, but I am only picking one dress” I replied. He smiled. “Deal,” he said. With that, we both walked off to go and find our outfits. I walked around the store looking at dresses to see if I like one of the dresses there.

I then walked past a certain dress, and it caught my eye. I pulled the dress from the rack and looked at it. It was a light blue dress almost a mermaid-style dress. Most of the bottom of the dress was see-through. It then had tool that was loose around it but only at the back of the dress. Well, this is the only dress I like in the store, so I guess I am taking this one.

I made sure it was my size, then I walked towards the dressing room where I saw everyone gathered. “What, Sky chose a dress,” my sister said in shock. “Don’t be surprised, if I have to wear a dress it what as well be one, I pick and that I like” I replied. “It’s fine darling,” my mother said with a smile. “Okay let’s let the little ones go first,” she said. First up was Jake, my sister’s baby.

They chose a baby suit for him, and he looks so cute in the baby suit. Then after him, it was Bella’s turn. They chose three dresses for her, a blue one, a red one and a silver one. After she finished showing us all three everyone agreed on the blue dress. Then one for one everyone got their turn to show their outfits and let me tell you, with everyone’s own fashion sense there were a lot of fights that broke out.

It took about 6 hours before everyone was happy with their outfit choices. It was about 1 o’clock when everyone was finished, so we decided to have some lunch before we went home. We went to this small pizza place, where everyone enjoyed their own pizza. After we ate our pizza, we all went home. When we arrived home, it was about 5 p.m.

I was exhausted from the shopping and everything, so I said, “I think I am going to bed.” Everyone nodded their heads and replied “Night.” I then walked upstairs to my room. I went to the bathroom to do my night routine, I then changed into my pj’s and climbed into my bed. I was exhausted but sleep didn’t come. There was a knock on my door. “Yes,” I said. My door opened and there stood Rei. “What’s wrong,” I asked him.

He sighed and pointed to the bed. I nodded my head. He then walked towards my bed where he then climbed in and laid there. “What do you think the ball will be like tomorrow,” he asked. I thought for a moment before I answered him. Not one of us went to a ball before tomorrow, my parents went but we didn’t because we didn’t think it was time or we already had something planned or because the previous years it was not compulsory and this year it sort of is because we are moving to a new packhouse and forming an alliance with the royal pack.

“I think it will be a complete disaster and we won’t enjoy it” I said jokingly. He burst out laughing and so did I. I looked up at my ceiling and said, “But truthfully I think it can be a really fun and wonderful night for all of us.” He stayed quiet for a moment before he agreed with me. Then there were a few seconds of silence. “Do you think that maybe we will meet our mate or mates at the ball tomorrow?” he asked. Ah, so that is what he was really worried about. I turned my body to face his body.

“I don’t know Rei, there is a chance, I think we might but at the same time I don’t want to meet my mate” I replied. “Yeah, I understand what you mean,” he said. Something is off about him. He wouldn’t just say that or agree so easily. I sat up against my headboard. Rei followed me. “Rei what are you really worried about,” I asked him seriously. “Do you think our mate or mates will accept us for who we are, I mean we are not perfect submissive omegas, what if that is what they want?” he asked sadly. I sighed.

He is right, but I know that nobody knows the answer to that. “I really don’t know Rei, I agree we are not the perfect submissive omegas, we went through a lot of things in the past few years that makes us thing like that but there is still a little hope in me that they might accept us, I am more worried about if I can accept my mate after everything,” I said. “But I really hope that they can accept us for who we are,” he said softly. Just as I was about to answer my door opened and in walked our friends and Shaun and Theo.

“Just because you are different than other submissive omegas don’t mean that they won’t accept you for who you are,” said Shaun when they got near my bed. “I agree, and I know you will sometimes fight with your mate or mates but don’t give up hope,” Colin said. “I know for sure that if my mate is more dominant than I am then we will have a few fights,” he said and laughed a little. “Look I know the last few years was terrible at some points and some things happened, but having a mate is awesome and I believe that your mates will accept you guys” Al said smiling sadly at all of us.

We all laugh at that because everyone knows that none of us do well with other dominant wolves. “It’s okay to be afraid but don’t let that stop you from finding and loving your mate,” Theo said. “Thanks, guys” me and Rei, both thanked them. “Hug pile” yelled Lilac while jumping on my bed. I screamed when the rest followed her. We all then laughed and stayed like that for a few more minutes.

“What I am really afraid of is that this might be one of our last night’s we can be like this,” Sammy said. “Yeah, I agree, me, Sammy and Shaun will probably stay at the pack house but the rest of you might still find your mates and move to another pack,” Al said. After that, everyone was in their own thoughts. “How about a movie night,” Rei asked hopefully. “No, “said Colin.

“Colin is right we need our sleep,” Shaun said agreeing with Colin. “Please, what if this is the last time, we can watch a movie together like this,” I asked him. “We may find our mate or mates tomorrow and move away” Chloe added. “Please guys,” Isa asked. Colin then looked at Shaun, who sighed and nodded his head.

“Okay but only until midnight, so that we can still get some sleep,” he said. We all cheered. We then ran to do our own thing before the movies. Some went to get snacks and drinks and the rest got blankets and pillows ready. We all then decided to watch Cinderella movies. And that is how we spent our night.