Part 11

Wenner pov

With that I went to shower and change into some boxers and my black and red sweats. I put on a white tank top. Before stepping out of my room I slipped my flip flops on. I then walked out of my room and to the gaming room, knowing that is where I will find everyone. “Why do you think Mia wants the memory box” I asked Lucan. “I don’t know maybe another picture” he said. I laughed at that.

While I was walking through the halls of the pack house, there were only a few people around since everybody only really comes out at 8 o’clock when breakfast is ready. I entered the gaming room and saw that my sister our cousins and all our friends where there playing games.

“Hey Mia, do you still want the memory box from the attic” I asked her. “Yes please, with a cherry on top” she said with her puppy eyes. I laughed and nodded my head. “Wait we will go with you” my friends said. The girls stayed and played games while we walked back upstairs to go to the attic. When we arrived at the attic, I then climbed up the attic stairs.

When I got up there, I found the memory box with ease. I turned to walk back down. “Do you think that after today we might have new people with us in the picture or not “Dash asked. “Dash has a good question” Lucan said. “I have a good feeling” he said. I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I know, you haven’t stopped pacing in my head all day” I replied.

Dash and I are the only ones of our friends group to climb into the attic, the other boys will also but not if we climb it, and the girls always scream and run away. “Because they are all scared” Lucan said. “No, it is only because of the stories we were told as children that scares them” I replied. “Exactly it is only a story not real” he replied. I look at him and the at the memory box. “I don’t know dude, I have a feeling that something good might happen, and Lucan is still restless and won’t stop walking up and down” I told him truthfully.

“Well maybe he senses that you guys will meet your mate tonight, and I know most of our friends wolves are also going haywire” Dash replied. “I hope it is that and not something bad that will happen” I said. “I don’t think it is something bad” Lucan replied. “I don’t think so, then the whole pack would have felt it” he said. I just nodded my head and grabbed the box before walking back down the stairs. We then joined the rest of the boys and we all then walked back to the gaming room. When we entered Mia came and took the memory box and placed it next to the computer. She then looks at us.

“Okay is everyone here” she asked us. We all looked around the room, our friends, siblings, and our cousins were there. “Yes” everyone replied. Mia then nodded her head and got the camera set up and put it in its place. “Okay everybody please go stand on your places” she said while setting the camera settings and placing the camera on the pool table. Everybody went into their places.

The taller people stood at the back, less tall in the middle and the shortest either stood on their knees or sat on their butts. “Okay here we go” Mia said while setting a timer on the camera and ran to her place in front. We all smiled at the camera and after a few seconds it went clicked. Mia sprang up while most of the Alpha’s laughed at her antics.

“I hope our mate will like our sister and that they can get along” Lucan said while watching Mia. “I agree” I replied. “I also hope that our mate can become good friends with everyone and make a great Luna” he said kind of sad. “I know, I also what that, we just have to hope for the best” I said to him. He was quiet after that.

Me and some of my friends went to go and played Xbox and some just watched, while we waited for Mia. Mia sat at the computer to go through the photos and to see which one is the best before printing it and placing it in the memory box. After a while we heard that Mia was done. We all stopped what we were doing and walked to where she was.

She had a photo on the screen. “So, what do you guys think, is this the right one, do you guys like it, or do I need to find another one” Mia asked us. “That is the perfect photo” Willow said. Everyone nodded or voiced their agreement. Dash just kissed her head and she beamed at that. Mia then smiled and she printed the photo. After she took it from the printer, she took a pen and wrote the date and why we took a photo. After she wrote everything down, she then placed the photo in the box and closed the box back up.

“Do you guys think there will be new people in the photo the next time we take one after tonight” Melody asked. “I really hope so” Mekay said. We saw how most of the omegas got really sad. I really hope some of us will find our mates tonight. I looked at the clock in the game room and saw that it was 8’oclock. “Come on let’s go to Mamma Joe’s for breakfast” I said. “Yes please” Holden said excitedly. “Everyone laughed but nodded their heads in agreement.

We all walked to the cars and climbed in before we went off. When we arrived and entered the dinner me and the boys moaned of the smells that was Mamma Joe’s food. Mamma Joe is our favorite place to eat. Mamma Joe, the founder of Mamma Joe’s is a sweet lady who is 36 years old. About 17 years ago Mamma Joe and her mate got separated because they were attacked and got split up. Our pack found her when she was lost in the woods alone.

Since she wanted to repay us, for saving her and giving her food and shelter, even though we said that it was not necessary, but she insisted. So, since she wanted to do repay us, she helped out in the kitchen and started to cook for us and let’s just say that everyone loved her food immediately. When Mamma Joe turned 20, she opened her own little restaurant and has been running it since then. We all started to call her Mamma Joe because she always fed us snacks when our parents said no or when we were hunger, she always made us the food that we wanted to eat.

After our pack found her, she always searched for her mate, but she never found him again, after about 10 years she gave up and focused everything on her restaurant. We all walked further inside. We saw Mamma Joe at the counter helping a customer. “Hey Mamma Joe” we all greeted her. “Hey, my babies, how are you guys, go and sit anywhere you guys find space and I will be with you guys in a few seconds” Mamma Joe said. “We are doing well thank you Mamma Joe” I replied.

She then went back to helping the customer and we went to find an empty booth. A few minutes later Mamma Joe came and took our order. “Mamma Joe, you don’t have to come and take our order personally, you can just send someone else” Dash said. “Well, you are my babies so of course I need to come and take your orders. We all just smiled at her. She also somewhat helped raise all of us, because let’s be honest, we were monsters when we were young. “Don’t state it like that” Lucan said grumpy. “Well, we definitely were not nice quiet children” I said, and he just kept quiet. “Well shall it be the usual for you guys” Mamma Joe asked us.

We all nodded our heads. She doted it down on her pad and of she went. We talked the whole time we were there and laughed at jokes and everything else. We didn’t talk any serious talk. We ate and after we were done, we went back home. When we arrived at home it was 12 o’clock. “Shoot, we need to get ready” Melody said.

“Yeah, you are right” Hazel said. “See you later boys” Victoria said. “Really, there is still a lot of time left before the ball” Asher said. “Uhm excuse you, that is almost not enough time to get ready” Hazel said. “Correction it is not enough time to get ready” Willow stated. “We should’ve started getting ready 2 hours ago” Mia said. And with that they were off to start getting ready.

“They even took Mike with them” Damien said. “Hey guys, do you guys want to go on a run, do you guys want to come with” I asked the boys. “Yes, please can we go” Holden said, and with that he ran outside. “Well, I guess we better follow him before he gets lost” River said. “That is all he is ever excited about” Lincoln said. “Hey that’s my mate” River said. “That was not meant as an insult” Lincoln said.

The rest of us laughed at their antics, because we know it is not and insult or anything but the alpha in us wants to protect its mate. We then followed him outside. When we got there, we saw that Holden was already shifted into his wolf. “Come on shift, I want to go for a run” Holden linked to us. “Hold on Holden, be patient” River replied. “Let me just let my father know before we get into trouble” I said.

They all nod their heads. “Hey dad” I mind linked my father. “Hey son, what’s up” he asked. “We are going to go on a run for a while” I said. “Okay I will call you when you should get ready” he answered back. “Thanks dad” I replied. “Okay my father said that it is alright” I said to everyone. “Okay then shift” Holden said. We laughed at him. “Come on shift so that we can go for a run” Lucan said.

“Wow finally talking to me again” I asked him. “Sorry but I don’t know what is going on, I have a feeling something, but I don’t know if it is a good feeling or a bad feeling or if it is telling us that there is a threat somewhere” Lucan replies. “Dash thinks it might mean that we are meeting our mate, because everyone’s wolves are like that” I replied. “I hope that that is it but shift so that we ran” he said impatiently.

With a laugh we then all went behind trees and shifted into our wolves. I shifted into my midnight black wolf. After everyone was done shifting, we gathered in the backyard. “Took you guys long enough” Ace mind linked me. “Whatever” I replied. “Last one to the river, is slow” Holden mind linked us and started running.

“Really he so much like a little kid” Chirs said. “Come on, it is a race after all, slow pokes” Dash said, while running after Holden. “Hey, we are not slow pokes” Damien said. We all laughed and started running after them. We ran to the river and kept playing there or play fight or even swimming in the river. This went on for a few hours. After a few hours, I got a mind link from my dad.

“Hey Wenner, you guys should come back and start to get ready for the ball” My father said. “Okay dad, we will come back” I replied. “Hey guys, my dad said that we should go back and get ready for the ball” I mind linked everybody. “Okay let’s go” Damien said. We all then started to run back to the pack house. When we were running back to the pack house, I could feel that Lucan getting restless again. “Lucan why are you getting restless again” I asked him.

“I don’t know, I just have a feeling that something is going to happen, and I think I am freaking out because I can’t tell this time if it will be good or not and I hate that I can’t figure it out” Lucan replies. “I know, I also hate this feeling, but first let’s focus on getting ready first, because you know that if we are not ready in time mom will come and pull our ears again” I said to him.

“Yeah, let’s get ready then we can figure this out later” Lucan said, and we both shivered in fear of the memory of mom pulling our ears. We arrived back at the pack house, and everybody went to their own rooms to get ready. When I got back to my room I went to shower first, where I washed my hair and made sure I got all of the sweat of my body. When I was finished with my shower I went and did the rest of my bathroom routine. After I was done with in the bathroom I walked to my closet and got my suit at the back and went back to my room.

I dried myself and changed into my suit. I then styled my hair. After I was done, I went to sit on my bed. I was thinking about a lot of things. Will my mate like me, will she be nice, will she like my family, will my family like her. And everything else.