The machine that Eron was using to slice off the bark of the large logs that were loaded on the platform beside it was quite easy for him to master. As a matter of fact, he was already using the highest setting for the saw speed to finish up more lumber output within the day. True, he’s still no expert, but he could definitely see himself doing this job quite efficiently by the end of the week, if Jack was going to let him take over the dead squirrel’s job, that is.

Yep, he had finally realized that he wasn’t just smelling Max because he was near enough for his wolf senses to sniff him out within a good distance. It was because the whole cab of this sawmill was actually reeking of the man’s lurid scent…

And he could’ve sworn it wasn’t just the bully’s sweat that he could smell in here, but even the stench of day-old semen. Well, it seemed that it was just the top layer of the floor and underneath the control panel that smelled like that.