"No way. I am not going to risk my activities!" Angelina protested with her stern face. She was tired of doing what her sister told her.

"I have told you what to do and what not. And you have to obey me." Aria's stern voice echoed in the hall.

"Hold up. Try to understand this is the least I can do for you all. Please let me." She cried holding her sister's hands.

Before Aria can stop her again Aiden cut her off,

"But you have to promise that you will be careful."

"I will," she shrieked and hugged her sister and brother-in-law tightly.

"She is just a child please." Aria pleaded to Aiden as he dragged her away. Even though she has take her oath, Aria wasn't comfortable with Angelina doing her tasks even though she didn't have any right now.

Cupping her face lovingly he looked in her eyes just to see her tears brimming in her eyes. Sight too painful to hold.

"Its already written we can't change anything. Neither we can hide her for too long. My love, have faith in God." Whispering sweetly he pulled her into him rubbing her back. His own tears couldn't stop.


"What we should do now, imma gettin' bore!" Ariana whined stretching her arms and legs. As they sat in the living room with everyone.

"When are you not bored?" mocked Adrian with a smirk plopping his legs on her laps.

"Now don't you both get started with your banter again or no dinner for you both." Aria said before them so that they don't start their bickering again.

"You finished." Ariana mouthed the words to Adrian making a sign of holding a knife. He stopped himself from chuckling.

"I have an idea," Angelina exclaimed and stopped for dramatic suspense and she know how Ariana hate suspense but that's nothing wrong in it she love to tease her sisters and brothers in laws.

"Oh puh-lease, now don't start with your dramatic pause just spill it out already." Ariana gritted frustratingly.

"We can go to amusement park," she said with excitement shining in her eyes.

"That's like my sis!" Adrian said pumping his fist in the air.

"Woah! and we haven't gone there for a long time," Ariana agreed nodding her head

"What are you all waiting for c'mon go get ready we are going to enjoy YAY," she enthusiastically yelled and made a run for her room.

A few moments later!

"Who takes this much of time to get ready." Aiden said scowl covering up his face.

"I only don't have to get ready I have to make Eric wear proper clothes and you know how much he likes to annoy me when I am getting him ready!" Aria's annoyed voiced echoed in room makin him shut up.

"Ariana be fast I am waiting from 2 hours"! Adrian said frustratingly groaning and leaning on sofa.

"Just a 5 mins honey all done only last touch!" Ariana yelled back keeping her make up in check.

"And you are saying that from past 2 hours," Adrian scowled shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Now you are counting time, I get it you don't love me anymore," Ariana said with fake puppy eyes.

"No baby you are taking it in a wrong way," he said shaking his both hands and denying.

Angelina was enjoying watching this drama eating gummy bears. Her legs stretched on the table and back resting on sofa.

Angelina's POV

Are they going to amusement park or to a wedding.

"Is this the way to seat Angelina Elara Gray." Oh uh guys trust me its very dangerous when Aria is angry. And if she takes your full name it means that you are doomed dude.

"Uh um no i was just sitting and um,-" she cut me off harshly.

"And you are eating gummy bears if I am not wrong. And for the conclusion we can't go out in those cartoon printed pjs, unlike you," she said narrowing her eyes and hands on hips.

"Uhh I was just-" I was stuttering. And why was I stuttering probably. Because of fear. Obviously.

"C'mon lets go we are already late." Ariana said coming towards us, my saver.

Now I can breathe as I am in safe zone now. Fi-total-nally.

"This time you are safe but better be careful next time." Aria said turning away to the door

And moved towards the car. I shivered on her threat. Where did you put me God?



After few songs and with some banter popping in every minute they finally reached their desired destination.

"Finally we reached our destination YAY!" Angelina expressed getting out of the car.

"C'mon lets separate our way this time," Ariana said making everyone nod and scurried them away.


They walked proudly on the ground like they owns it with a smug look pasted on their face. One hand in pocket and other one scrolling on the phone talking with hushed tones. Black leather jacket proudly hanging on their shoulders making them look devilishly handsome, and hottest specimen alive on the earth.

He tried to not smell much stopping his breath occasionally.

They swiftly walked in the cafeteria eyes assessing and observing each and everything.

"He might be in the basement or on the roof top," Leo said with low tone only for them to hear.

"He is not here." Xavier whispered back eyeing the menu board.

"How so sure?" Leo asked scratching his nose with his thumb. A habit of him, he do when he is annoyed.

"I traced his location." Xavier informed him passing his hands through his hair making them a mess. A hot mess.

"Then what in the good heavens are we doing here?" Leo gritted through his teeth on the information.

"Sometimes to make someone a fool, we have to act like a fool," he stated.

"Now listen I will got out from here through washrooms window and you will go out from backdoor."

His steps firm and strong as he walked towards barista. And gave her knees-weakening smile.

"Hey, can you please guide me to washroom." he asked her flirt dripping from his deep yet soft and raspy voice.

She smiled flirty-ly and asked him to follow her.

"Here," she whispered opening the door for him.

Going inside he shut the door on her face with a blank face making her go red with anger and embarrassment.

"Ugh." she groaned in anger and stomped back to her place.


"Bro you there?" Leo asked from outside knocking on the door.

"Yupity yups. Just a mintue." Xavier's voice reached his ears making him relief a sigh.

"Man help me," he groaned half way out of the glass window.

"Let me pull you out," holding his arms, he tightly he pulled Xavier to himself. Xavier balanced his foot on the windows edge and soon both were on the floor.

Dusting themselves off they groaned.

"Man I have heard of sun bath but why on the earth are bathed in flour," Xavier looked at him in amusement seeing his upper half covered with flour. Going into the shed.

"Flirted with a wrong lady." Leo muttered back dusting off the flour.

"Keep it up," he mocked him and soon both were chasing each other like a hungry dog.