
Silence engulfed the tournament ground. The only ones unaffected by confusion and horror were Shun and Silver. The rest had believed in the alliance, never expecting the exhilarating deathmatch to end so abruptly.

The tournament judge was the first to break the silence. "Lordrixis West Academy...eliminated."

Jeremy Lionheart fell, his face a mask of regret and fury.

In the VIP audience area, Glynn Belkarn's smile widened, barely containing his cackle.

"A true warrior," he muttered to himself.

Violet Remoria and a few others also nodded in acknowledgment, though most of the audience seethed at the shameless betrayal.

"Traitor!" a student from Lordrixis East Academy shouted. Like a spark igniting dry hay, the arena erupted with cries of "Traitor!"

King Eldran shook his head in dismay, his gaze fixed sternly on Shun.

Ray Scarlet, who had halted the wave following the incident, opened his mouth difficultly, but not a word came out.

"Silver, the match is over. Let's go," Shun said, turning away from the jeers of the crowd.

"Just you wait... Every single one of you will end up exactly like him. Except, without Norton Es to save your life," he thought silently.

Shun and Silver exited the arena amidst a cacophony of insults, which, to Shun, sounded more like compliments than dishonor.

On stage, the remaining three teams stood in stunned silence, their young minds struggling to process the sudden betrayal.


As Shun walked into the restroom, all eyes were fixed on him.

"What are you guys looking at?" Shun shrugged.

Silver had kept her head down the entire time, distracted ever since Shun had revealed his plan.

"Why?" Emilia was the only one to speak, the word emerging with difficulty. Jeremy Lionheart had been annoying, but none truly disliked him. Like Rayden, their annoyance was more playful than genuine hatred.

"Winning the deathmatch without revealing any of our abilities—isn't that the best outcome? Who cares about that guy anyway? If he's upset, we can settle it personally. A fool who blindly trusts someone he just met deserves to be eliminated."

Shun collapsed onto the sofa, his eyes cold and emotionless.

Vito had his head down, "Betraying someone who trusts you is wrong, no matter who they are," He looked up, staring directly at Shun's soul, "How can we trust you after what you've done? How could we have the courage to leave our backs to you, without having to worry about a dagger getting stabbed into our heart at any second?"

His voice raised, the glimmer of anger evident.

"You guys are different..."

"You all are important to me."

"Backstabbing Jeremy Lionheart increased our chances in future matches."

"I did it for all of us."

Shun's voice trembled with sorrow, enough to elicit empathy from the students. Realizing his scheme was working, he continued emotionally, "Before I met you guys, I had always been alone."

"No one to love, no one to trust, nothing to gain, nothing to lose."

"You guys are my only family."

"My biggest dream is for you guys to have a bright future, and this is the time to construst it."

"I will do everything I can to ensure so, even if it means demolishing my own reputation.

Yurien placed a comforting hand on Shun's shoulder. Tears started to fall from Shun's eyes, moved even by his own words. He realized that killing them in the future would indeed be a difficult challenge for him.

His determination began to falter. "Maybe I can keep them by my side..." he thought, internal conflict thundering within his heart.

The restroom door opened quietly. Instructor Lumiel and Principal Lorthus entered heavily.

"Shun, do you realize what you've done?" Instructor Lumiel sounded disappointed.

Shun remained silent, his tears the only response.

"It's fine."

"I respect your decision," Principal Lorthus sighed, his tone brighter than Lumiel's. "The truth about your abilities hasn't been revealed to the other opponents. It's wise to keep it that way."

Understanding the importance of information, Leon nodded slightly.

"But what worries me is the word spreading around the kingdom."

"Men's words are sharper than the most competent ethereal arms. The sins you committed will follow you for your entire life, constantly reminded by people's eyes of disgust."

 having witnessed similar events happen to his instructor, his words were genuine and heavy.

"But Shun, do you think you did something wrong?" Principal Lorthus continued, anticipation in his voice.

After a long silence, Shun replied with determination.


Enwyld Lorthus's eyes brightened slightly. "That's a true warrior..."

Shun looked up, surprised by his words.

"Life is long, so long that it will be over before you realize it."

"We only live once. If you have nothing else to strive for, at least ensure you make choices you will never regret."

"Choose what you think is correct and tread that path without hesitation or regret."

"Live for yourself, Shun."

Shun's expression froze, not expecting such words from Principal Lorthus.

Enwyld Lorthus stood silently, lost in remembrance of his mentor. Many years ago, those exact words had been spoken to him.

He turned around with difficulty, signaling Instructor Lumiel to follow him out.

"Thank you, sir."


A girl rolled uncomfortably on her bed, unable to sleep.

"Grey, it seems like I failed."

A voice emerged from nothingness.


"But I won't give up, you know that, right?"


"I will tread the path I decided without hesitation or regret."

"Fine, but if things get out of control, we have to resort to plan B."


"You are getting consumed by emotions."

"It will be under my control, I know it will."


"Do you support me, Grey?"

After a moment of silence, the voice replied with determination.

"Always had been, always will be."