Cult Of Luca Azoria

Prime Church of the Cult of Luca Azoria, Hades

Once the epitome of peace among the three great factions, the Cult of Luca Azoria fostered prosperity under the guidance of its five Prime Bishops. Known for their unwavering kindness and the protection of an immortal army gifted by their deity Luca Azoria, they had believed themselves invincible. But Antonio Valdis proved that even gods could be challenged.

The Prime Church, Hades—once a haven of serenity and awe—was now a scene of ruin. Its once-glorious, vaulted ceilings lay shattered, with a tattered wooden panel bearing the phrase "Whatever you desire, Luca Azoria shall make true" lying in splinters on the ground. The promise seemed now a twisted mockery.

The immortal army, once a source of unwavering trust for every cult member, had turned against them the moment The Bog invaded, revealing their vulnerability and ineffectiveness. Within just two days, Antonio Valdis's forces had overwhelmed the entire cult.

Antonio descended a long, spiralling staircase, leading him deep underground to a shadowy realm where light dared not penetrate. The prison, once teeming with shameless criminals and madmen, now held only one occupant.

Despite the invasion, Antonio had spared the innocent citizens, but executed every criminal and leader of the church without exception. All but one remained alive: Danny Blaze, one of the five Prime Bishops.

No matter the efforts of Antonio's forces, they had been unable to vanquish Danny. No matter the brutality inflicted upon him, he greeted their attempts with an unsettling smile. Wounds healed almost instantaneously, and severed limbs miraculously regrew. Some of Antonio's men suggested casting him into a bottomless abyss, but Antonio understood the stakes.

In this world, immortality was widely considered an unattainable dream; it was common knowledge that it could never be achieved. Yet, under certain circumstances, the impossible seemed within reach—a secret that remained elusive to Antonio Valdis and a select few.

Antonio approached Danny, whose chains rattled as he remained shackled and dishevelled, yet his bright smile communicated an unyielding confidence, as if he believed he would ultimately triumph over his captor.

"You think yourself justified and honourable, do you?" Antonio sneered, disdain flickering in his gaze. "Do you comprehend the chaos your methods could unleash upon the world?"

Danny's smile faded, though the light in his eyes remained undiminished. "Antonio, even after all these years, you have not changed."

The words ignited a deep-seated fury within Antonio. Time and again, his conversations had devolved into judgments of his character. Krystal had done it, Shun had done it, and now this man—whom he barely knew—had followed suit.

"You know nothing of me, you foolish bastard." Antonio crouched low, glaring menacingly at Danny.

"Always justifying your wicked cravings for power and wealth. What you do is nothing more than a grand illusion, a lie you tell yourself more than anyone else," Danny replied, his tone unwavering.

Antonio found himself unable to refute this, a truth he had long sought to ignore. Shun and Danny were right—his life had been a series of delusions, a futile attempt to glorify himself through self-deceit.

"You may deceive, steal, and kill as much as you wish," Danny continued. "But I am certain that one day, Luca Azoria will rise from the dead to bring judgment upon all wicked."

"Resurrecting the dead is an abomination; the past should remain untouched." Antonio's gaze hardened. "You, Danny Blaze, are also driven solely by your desires. We are alike—deceitful sinners, you, me, Shun, and Tyrant Kolgwyn. And as for your god—have you forgotten he was once human too?"

Danny nodded, acknowledging the truth. "Indeed, Luca Azoria is human, not a god. But that is precisely why I place my faith in him. A figure who has never known the complexities of right and wrong cannot hope to change the world. As his most devoted follower, I know better than anyone that Luca Azoria is a mere mortal."

"But this mere mortal possessed the will to accomplish what should only be within a god's grasp. He manifested his imagination into reality, and he succeeded."

Antonio rose abruptly, turning away as laughter erupted from him, reverberating through the space.

"Succeeded? You are woefully ignorant of the truth," he scoffed, his laughter mingling with derision. "In the Great War, there wasn't a single victor. The Three Champions survived, but that hardly signifies success."

"This ritual must be eradicated and forgotten. Only a madman would dare employ it. The moment Luca Azoria chose to reincarnate in the future, he reduced himself to nothing more than Tyrant Kolgwyn."

Danny shook his head, exasperation lacing his voice. "There is no point in conversing with a fool like you."

Antonio stormed out, his steps resolute and hurried. "I return the same sentiment to you."

Danny sighed, his head drooping slightly. "Your memories dwell within me, my lord. I know that one day you will return to claim them. The burden upon me is trivial compared to yours, yet I still find it impossible to forge ahead."

"The present situation is dire, my lord. But I believe that as long as you are by my side, the path ahead will always be clear, wide, smooth, and filled with your glorious light."

Antonio ascended the staircase once more. From his exchange with Danny, he felt reassured of his suspicions. The ritual had never been deemed successful in the past, but theoretically, it remained the sole means of reincarnating the dead.

As he opened the door leading back to the surface, he stepped into a dimly lit chamber where a long table awaited him. All twelve seats were occupied by his most trusted subordinates, yet a dispute erupted among them.

"October, there are limits to fabricating stories," an elder man admonished, shaking his head.

"Indeed," chimed a skinny man with unkempt hair and a moustache. "We're open to humour, but that was just absurd."

Antonio cleared his throat, capturing their attention. Though many continued their hushed conversations, a few turned to him, eager to listen.

"What seems to be the trouble?" he inquired, exasperation seeping into his tone.

"October claims he encountered someone capable of disrupting ethereal arms," a towering woman interjected.

October nodded emphatically. "Everything I said is 100% true. It was a boy wielding a small black dagger. However, it felt fundamentally different from that orb you possess. It wasn't as if my abilities were constrained or controlled; rather, it felt like I was dominated, compelled to submit to my master."

Antonio froze, unease washing over him. "Impossible..." he murmured to himself.

"Where is that boy?" Antonio demanded, his voice rising as he slammed his palm against the table, a rare display of desperation breaking through his composure.

October shook his head regretfully. "He left Haven, and I cannot say where he is headed."

Antonio's brows knitted together, his arms trembling with agitation.

"Ignoring the Eternal Dynasty, we shall launch our attack on Lordrixis in five days."

"Bring that boy to me—by any means necessary, dead or alive."