The transfiguration

Mark, like many others, couldn't find a job after graduating. Feeling down that day, he played League of Heroes and talked tough to opponents.

However, when he exited the game, a message popped up... Tired of reality? Want to live differently? Mark was speechless; games always used such ads. The one who made this pop-up must have read too many novels, huh?

About to close it, he noticed there was no way out, just a 'Yes' button. Mark frowned, then clicked 'Yes'. Suddenly, his computer flashed. Virus?

Stunned, he was about to act when the computer exploded. After an unknown time, he woke up in a different place. "Where am I?" Rubbing his eyes, he realized he was in a dorm, but with futuristic gadgets and a big screen.

Memories flooded in. "Time travel?" Unsure whether to laugh or cry, he realized it was the future, three thousand.

Earth has been invaded by aliens, then ravaged by a virus turning people into zombies and animals into monsters. But some became Warriors, powerful fighters dominating the world.

Disheartened by his weak body and lack of talent, Mark lamented his situation. His parents' inheritance was his only support. "Such a waste," he muttered, staring at his reflection. Surprisingly, he shared the same name as the previous occupant of his body.

He spotted a huge cockroach, squashing it instinctively. "Congratulations," a voice said, granting him experience points and leveling up.

Startled, he realized the voice was in his head. A status screen appeared, revealing his stats. Laughing at the "system," he noticed his low combat strength.

Leveling up, he added points to his strength, feeling a slight improvement. But he needed more points and more cockroaches.

Suddenly, his dorm door burst open, revealing his bullies. No longer weak, Mark stood up to them, anger burning within.

Attacked by Marley, Mark felt helpless. His analytical eye skills revealed Marley's superior strength.

As he endured the beating, his rage grew. Determined to get stronger, he clenched his fists, the rage meter nearing its limit.

Hurry up, Mark. Clean up the mud on my shoes! Marley ordered, taking a sip of water.

What? If you don't come out this instant, I will press your head into the toilet bowl! He threatened, seeing Mark's anger.

"Get lost!" Mark snapped, surprising everyone.

"Courting death!" Marley charged, delivering a powerful blow.

"How shameless," Darwin and Peek joined in, punching and kicking Mark.

"Enough!" Mark yelled, his fists clenched.

"Notice! The rage build-up meter is full!

"Do you wish to use the power-up strike?" The voice startled Mark, filling him with joy.

"Yes!" Mark exclaimed inwardly.

"Still pretending, huh?!" Marley, noticing Mark's silence, moved to harm him.

Before Marley could act, Mark rose and delivered a powerful punch, sending Marley flying.

With a crash, Marley collided with the fence outside, rendering him unconscious.

Darwin and Peek were shocked. They couldn't fathom how Mark became so strong suddenly.

"Don't come over…" Peek stammered, afraid of Mark's newfound strength.

"Leave!" Mark yelled, causing Darwin and Peek to flee, dragging Marley with them.

"Phew…" Mark collapsed, feeling sore all over.

If not for the power-up strike, he would've suffered a severe beating.

Desperate for strength, he only gained one experience point per cockroach kill.

Notice! Congratulations, Master, for using the 'power-up strike'. You've gained a chance to draw a prize!

A chance to draw a prize? Mark perked up, eager for a boost.

He accessed the system and initiated the draw.

A vast lottery wheel appeared, offering various prizes.

Mark eyed the potential pills section. Though tempting, the grand prize seemed unreachable.

Gritting his teeth, he spun the wheel, hoping for a useful reward.

As the needle slowed, Mark's anticipation grew.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! He urged, his face flushed with excitement.

But the needle landed on the Union coins section, awarding him ten thousand coins.

"Darn it!" Mark exclaimed, disappointed but realizing he could use the coins for medical treatment.

The world he found himself in was vastly different, with advanced technology and futuristic designs.

Bicycles glided effortlessly on the tracks, free from obstacles.

The school's medical facilities were automated, offering swift treatment.

Approaching the doctor's office, he was knocked out of habit.

Finding the door unlocked, he entered to discover a woman engrossed in her work.

Startled by his presence, she greeted him warmly.

"You know me?" Mark asked, surprised by her recognition.

"Who in Sphinx Academy hasn't heard of Samuel, the underdog of our class?" The woman giggled.

Don't use Samuel! Call me Mark, "he insisted.".

The woman's tone shifted as she asked, "So, which restoration fluid are you leaning towards?"

"I'll go for the nine thousand eight hundred union coin one," Mark sighed, handing over his bank card.

Curiously, Mark glanced around and asked, "Isn't this Barry's office?"

He's out today, so I'm covering for him. Oh, by the way, I'm Roshi, she said with a smile.

Upon hearing her name, Mark's mind wandered to water-related imagery.

"Please, have a seat," Roshi instructed after processing the transaction.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Mark entered the smart treatment cabin, leaving his underwear on.

"You're not shy, are you?" Roshi teased him, noticing his discomfort.

Coughing to cover his embarrassment, Mark quickly composed himself.

Roshi was taken aback by the severity of Mark's injuries, which included bruises and internal damage from years of abuse.

After settling in, Mark felt the soothing effects of the green culture fluid as it enveloped him.

"The treatment session is ending," the automated voice announced.

After five hours, Mark woke up feeling completely healed and revitalized.

Noticing Roshi had left, Mark hurried off to class.

There are twenty spots available for the T fifteen district combat training. All beginner warriors in our class are eligible to participate, announced the teacher-in-charge, Valor.

As Mark entered, Valor inquired about Marley's absence.

"Marley is doing surgery in B district," Darwin and Peek nervously explained.

"Surgery?" Valor exclaimed in surprise.

"He got into a scuffle with Mark, and ended up with fractured ribs and a cracked vertebra," Peek explained with a frown.

"You're kidding!" a student laughed in disbelief.

"I wish I were," Peek replied, still puzzled by Mark's sudden display of strength.

"Then Marley won't be participating in the T fifteen district training," Valor decided.

"Teacher, may I join you?" Mark asked, drawing everyone's attention.

Peek and Darwin looked apprehensive, recalling Mark's victory over Marley.

Lack of strength, Mark. The T fifteen district is perilous, warned a classmate.

Don't rush into it, Mark. Train more before considering it, Valor advised.

"If I defeat you, can I go?" Mark challenged August, a tall, muscular student.

"Up for a challenge?" Mark's determined gaze locked with August's.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into." Feeling challenged, August accepted with a smirk.

Mark's classmates watched with bated breath, as they stepped outside.