Mark's Remarkable Progress

Valor rubbed his head, "August, please be gentle." He hadn't anticipated Mark's impulsiveness but found himself with no other option than to caution August.

As the teacher-in-charge, he'd be responsible for any consequences arising from their actions as his students.

"Okay, I'll guide Mark properly," August agreed with a sneer, nodding as he seized the opportunity to lunge forward! As a novice warrior with formidable strength, his aim was clear: to strike Mark with his massive fist.

Mark swiftly defended himself, blocking the blow with his hands, although the pain still seared through him. Despite recently using healing liquid to mend his internal injuries, his physique had only marginally improved from thirty-three to thirty-five points.

However, the anger fueled by August's attack caused his strength to surge by an additional twenty points!

Impressive! Now all he had to do was evade and resist. But August, infuriated by Mark's evasive maneuvers, relentlessly pursued him.

""Ha ! You can't escape!"" August, frustrated by Mark's repeated dodges, dashed towards him angrily.

"Ha ha! Look at the coward trying to dodge!" Some onlookers taunted, amused by Mark's attempts to avoid August's attacks.

Observing from the sidelines, Darwin and Peek began to doubt Mark's true abilities, recalling how he had once incapacitated Marley.

"Thirty points… forty points…" Mark silently noted his increasing strength as he continued to dodge August's strikes.

You coward! Stand and fight! August, growing increasingly agitated by the spectators, relentlessly pursued Mark, aiming to bring him down.

Though August occasionally landed blows, Mark skillfully blocked them with his arms, surprising Valor, who knew him as a hardworking but physically weak student often subjected to bullying.

But now, Mark exhibited unwavering determination and strength, a stark contrast to his former self.

"Prepare to meet your end!" August roared, launching a powerful punch towards Mark.

"Can't avoid this one!" The spectators anticipated Mark's downfall as the fist hurtled towards him.

Ding! The rake meter is full! Activate power-up strike? The voice in his head offered.

"Yes!" Mark responded eagerly, laughing as he delivered a powerful counter punch.

"Is it over?" A hush fell over the crowd as they watched August being sent flying, his arm twisted and bones shattered upon impact.

"Unbelievable!" The onlookers were stunned by the unexpected outcome, unable to comprehend how Mark, once considered the weakest, had defeated August.

Faster! Get him to the infirmary! Despite his astonishment, Valor swiftly arranged for August's medical attention.

"I won't be called 'trash' anymore!" Mark declared triumphantly, his gaze sweeping over the crowd.

"W-wow, he's amazing..." A few girls were captivated by Mark's display of strength and confidence.

Mark's newfound prowess and charisma intrigued many, especially those who had previously overlooked him due to his frailty.

"Teacher Luo, may I join the combat training in District T fifteen?" Mark approached Valor, seeking permission to participate in the intense training.

"Go ahead," Valor reluctantly consented, still puzzled by Mark's sudden transformation.

"How did you do it?" he asked, unable to fathom Mark's remarkable progress.

"It's a secret," Mark replied cryptically, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

News of Mark's victory over August spread rapidly across the campus, shaking the hierarchy of combat prowess. Despite being considered weak, Mark had proven himself against formidable opponents, leaving his peers in awe and disbelief.

District T fifteen was a dangerous place north of the city. It had zombies and some weird animals because of a virus. But there were good things too. Some of the animals had useful parts, and there were special crystals in their heads that made people stronger when they absorbed them.

Valor was careful when he took a team there for the first time. They went on a fast train in the morning and got there in a few hours.

Mark felt like he was on a rocket because the train was so fast. When they arrived, they found a small town with big walls around it. The walls kept out the zombies and animals, so it was safe.

"I'm a little scared," Tien said, holding a blade and wearing special clothes.

"Why are you scared?" Mark laughed, feeling relaxed, even though he was a little worried about fighting zombies and animals for the first time.

"I'm scared, but you're not," Tien said quietly. He didn't understand how Mark had beaten August. It seemed like Mark was really strong now.

Valor gathered everyone and reminded them to be brave. He told them about some people who got scared and died because of zombies last year.

The group went out with special clothes and sharp blades. Valor tells them to collect crystals from the animals, which they could trade for points later.

As they split into groups and went into the forest, Mark, Tien, Yuri, and Qiwi went together. Some people didn't want to be with Mark because they were embarrassed.

Valor asked one last time if everyone was ready to fight. They all said yes, so they went into the forest.

They saw some zombies and animals in a building covered in vines. Mark used his special eyes to see how strong they were. He felt sad because the zombies were much stronger than him. But he was excited about getting stronger by fighting them.

Mark fought the zombies bravely, even though they were scary. He knew it was dangerous, but he wanted to get better at fighting.

"Two Potential Points?" Mark's elation knew no bounds. Initially, he had assumed he'd only earn one potential point per level. Who would've guessed he'd gained two after leveling up? If that pattern held, would he earn three at level three?

Without hesitation, Mark allocated both points to strength. Currently, his strength sits at thirty-eight points, considered average for a normal person.

Suddenly, zombies pounced from another direction, catching Mark off guard, and prompting a quick retreat. Yuri snorted and charged forward.

As a beginner warrior much stronger than Mark, Yuri swiftly dispatched a few zombies.

"Powerful, Yuri," Qiwi rushed forward, anxious and flattering him.

"Who hesitated to charge in initially?" Tien sneered, pointing at Yuri.

Ignoring them, Mark focused on hunting zombies to level up, feeling a pang of regret for the few zombies snagged by Yuri.

Continuing their venture, they spotted the outline of the city, astonishing Mark. Just moments ago, it resembled a forest, with towering trees obscuring the structures.

"These zombies again!" Let me handle them! Qiwi eagerly rushed forward.

"Let's go too!" Tien chimed in, ready to take out a few zombies themselves.

But when Qiwi approached, a zombie charged at him with surprising speed, knocking him down and biting him.

Reacting swiftly, Yuri kicked the zombie away, but it dodged and scratched Yuri's robes, tearing a hole.

"How can the zombie be so fast?" Mark's eyes constricted as he activated the Analytic Eye.

"A Boss Zombie!" Mark warned Tien, realizing the danger.

""Rubbish ! We can kill it!"" Yuri charged forward, only to be scratched by the Boss Zombie.

""See that, trash. I can deal with this zombie with ease,"" Yuri taunted Mark.

"Yuri, Behind you," Qiwi shouted, retreating as more zombies approached.

Mark glanced in the same direction, shocked to see more zombies rushing at them.

Yuri, overwhelmed, continued to slash and retreat as more zombies appeared.

"Mark, why are you running over there?" Mark rushed forward to strike down a zombie previously attacked by Yuri.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing a rank one zombie, and obtaining two hundred experience points!

But it would still take a while for him to reach level three.

He looked at the progress bar in his mind: two hundred over five hundred. Just three more!

Mark! Let's go now! Tien urged as the zombies closed in.

Yuri, previously taken aback, had a change in expression. He ran away immediately.

"Yuri, wait for me!" Qiwi, equally scared, followed suit.

Seeing the encroaching zombies, Mark's blood boiled. He was still not strong enough. As long as he could kill the zombies, leveling up multiple times was possible.

""A chance! I'll risk it!"" Mark held onto his battle blade and slashed a zombie that approached from the side.

"Bang!" The zombie's head was sliced off, splattering blood everywhere.

"Mark…" Seeing his determination, Tien joined Mark to deal with the zombies.

The zombies had a slow reaction speed. Under Mark's constant hacking, he kills countless zombies.

"Must we risk so much for this…" Tien muttered, watching Mark's fervor.

"Roar!" By this time, the Boss Zombie had reattached its broken arm and rushed forward, noticing Mark's decimation of its horde...