Meeting Minazuki

Nobita was able to wrap up all his work till night, he had already booked the bullet train and hotel for his stay in shiba.

He also had to go to a cybercafe for asking about a minor children travelling laws if there's any.

After getting all the documents he buys the necessities that he may require in the trip and the he returns home after meeting shiori.

After reaching home he quickly checks his stocks which were already reaching 134 million dollars so he just withdraws at the perfect time without taking any risks.

It's only 5 months left in 2008 after which he won't be able to use these stocks the gain easy money as he doesn't remember anything after this except Bitcoin or some famous companies.

Selling he's stocks he again buys other multiple stocks which may increase as per his memories. These stocks will continue to drops and increase throughout this year so there's no risk in making small money.

Various companies like Trex, crawford, mexco energy and new concept energy became the true winners in this year's stock market but novita knew that next week's oil market will boom making his money easily reach a billion or so.

He'll just sell them again when he gets back in 3 days.

After preparing everything nobita just let his new travel bag to the side but then tamako enters as she again open everything and keeps other stuff that according to her may come in handy.

Snacks, sunscreen lotions, sun glasses, some extra cash that she had stuffed somewhere in her hidden stash, etc.

After packing everything she leaves his room as she was still thinking of saving important emergency numbers on his phone from her telephone directory.


Next morning nobita had to quickly leave as his mother was already having thoughts of coming with him on the trip.

Travelling on the bullet train he reached shiba in just 6 mins. People may forget that Japan is a small country with high speed trains.

After checking in his hotel he just leaves the bag in his room as he starts looking for the shop that may have that stamp.

During this time her had tried hard for finding that shop through internet, but it was only after the selling that stamp did girl spread the word about that shop making it famous over night.

He wasted he's first day just visiting different shops and walking around shiba. After checking out most of the famous book stores he starts searching for the other shops that may sell books.

It was only on second day that he was able to find that book store. Walking in he quickly checks for the stamp and takes it for himself with a sneaky move.

After buying a software related book he just leaves the shop. Tomorrow was the day that girl will visit this store, so nobita just spends his day buying gifts for his mother and shiori while visiting shrine or other famous places.


Next day nobita just sits on a stall opposite to the store. But after waiting for too long he got frustrated and just enters the book store again.

"Hello there, I'm I was looking for a old book related to calligraphy. Do you have any book related to them?"

"Oh... Sir it's you again... Haha you can find those books in that shelf. People don't usually buys these books hmmm... Are you also learning calligraphy?"

"No no uncle, I'm just buying them for my mother who was a bit interested in them. She's a traditional woman and practice a bit in her free time."

"Motherrrr.... You don't know about my calligraphy collection sir, if you want I can show them to you but you can't buy them as they are precious to me."

"You also have calligraphy here? Are they authentic uncle... I don't have much knowledge about them."

Nobita spends his free time talking to this old man who was busy scaming him with with all being fake calligraphy on an old paper.

Just as both of them were making use of each other as nobita passing his time and uncle scamming him a girl enters the shop with a person behind her.

She small shoulder length brown hair, having a pretty face with a smile looks similar to a smirk. Having a cheerful aura her gaze still captures everything in the shop.

He huge weapons on her chest were shaking with every step she took giving the proof of their softness. She had a slander waist with chubby long legs which were to attractive to be ignored.

'Woahhh~That's one beautiful ojou-san for sure. She looks even more beautiful in really life, who would have thought that her beaut was only diminished due to camera quality, that bounce can easily match aunt shiori."

"This is the last shop we'll try or I'll just send someone to fetch me a copy of that book.... Hello sir do you have book related to.... Hey! That book in your hand, can you show that to me?"

Nobita knew this was the perfect time he has been waiting for. He had already bought the book in order to make her specifically talk to him.

"This book? It's mine, just bought it from this uncle." Nobita says as he ways the book in first of her eyes as if teasing her.

"Just show me the book, I'll pay double the amount if it is the one I'm looking for."

Nobits just smirks "Haha... Miss looks like someone didn't teach you manners. It have said it's mine don't you get it? It is not for sale. Please buy some other book."

Listening to nobita's words her bodyguard became quite hostile towards him.

"What... You do you even know whom you are talking to, she's !!"

"Be quiet tamao-san, look I get that it belongs to you but I'll buy it at the price of 10 times as an apology for making inconvenience for you."

"Hah... Looks like miss really like to fault her money everywhere she goes. Are you so rich?....Well whatever look I can't give you this book as I contains something more precious."

During this whole conversation store owner wanted nothing more to grab that book back from him as he listen at the price that girl is ready to give.

"Is their now? Come one show me, let's see what's so important in this book that you can't even give it just for having a glance." She became more curious as she looks at the attitude of this person in front of her.

Opening the book nobita takes out a stamp and present it to her.

"Here you can have a look, I'm sure you'll like it after all your a rich girl aren't you Ms. Minazuki Tsumugi... Hehe!"

Nobita words may be offensive for others but minazuki she just ignores them. Her focus was on the stamp, as she's trying to check about it's authenticity.

"I'll buy this for 1 million dollar." Minazuki speaks without removing her eyes from the stamp.

"Can't do, your scaming me aren't you. Didn't except that a rich girl like you will scam a normal person from he's money, don't you think Ms. Minazuki." Nobita eyes became indifferent as he didn't even though about selling them for price this low.

"Okay then 3 million is the max I can give you, after all I have to check is it's real or not. "

"Sorry ms but I think you're mistaken here. You can't buy a stamp that old from Qin dynasty at this price... Haha." Nobita just shakes he's head as he takes back the stamo from her hand.

"Boy, you should give this to miss before something bad happen to you!!" Her bodyguard was already at his limit and lashes out at nobita for being a person not knowing his place.

"Come now bodyguard-san this stamp literally costs 10 million in the market price. While Ms. Minazuki's negotiation tricks are great you have to understand who stands against you speaking those words."

Nobita was disappointed in them as he looks both of them.

"Okay then 8 million last or we leave. Just sell me the book if you don't want to sell the stamp." Minazuki was already angry as nobita points out her mistake of negotiating with other party thinking of him as a poor person.

"How about this 8 million dollars and a favour in future. Favour won't be anything excessive or go against any morals."

"Ughh... Okay 8 million and a favour. Tamao-san send him the money."

Within a minute he got the money wired in his bank account. It was enough for nobita to get her number in the name of future favour.

"Well happy doing business with you Ms. Minazuki and I'll give you a tip as a friend to get your chest checked as your breathing is irregular." Nobita said these words before leaving, as he didn't wanted to be interrogated by her over this topic.

After his stay of three days in shiba nobita returns back to tokyo. As the stocks will start falling again in few minutes again, he had to reach his home quickly and sell them again.


Today was monday and yes starting today nobita will have to to school daily. After returning from shiba nobita was only busy in writing code for his new game angry birds.

He had pulled out all of his money from the stocks after having 197 million dollars currently. Today was the day when oil market will grow exponentially and all this will happen at night 2 am.

So nobita was already free to go to school. As he has already completely all the paper work of getting various games or software patent which he'll be using in future.

( Author - for people who may think that nobita became a genius then no... He was a game and software designer in his last time so he can easily make a basic version of any game. Later process he can dumb it all on his professional hired employees that he'll recruit in future.)

Nobita enters school with his bad hanging on his one shoulder. His body have improved and looked a bit more muscular as he has started training his stamina for future fun.

Nobita never wanted to come to this place again in both of his lifes this place was only a he'll for him. But after thinking about how he's much better than an ordinary person he was happy.

Due to being transmigrated his soul was a bit more stronger making his brain reaction time, muscle or body reflex, learning new information and information processing speed being improved.

Nobita wanted to change his life for the better so he had to change his approach. With a little anxiety and expectation for the better future he again enters this class having an unusual atmosphere.

As he walks inside the classroom confidently but all this confidence goes down the drain as he looks at his so called friend who just bully him.

Ignoring them he again focuses his attention over his other classmates. Most of them as always were surrounding shizu girl with pink hair, who always have a kind and cheerful smile making other relaxed around her.

Even after having a though of joining them but after hesitating, he just gives up and sits back on his sit. He has already submitted all his 'fake medical certificates' for his leave from school.

After looking at everyone ignoring him makes him a bit relaxed as at least he's not a victim of bullying.

As soon as he turns around his eyes met with a girl.

Girl had a nearly tied pony as her eyes we're gazing upon everything with wisdom. Her eyes seems to be bored from all the same things happening around her.

While he remembers her they have never talked. He was still hesitant in talking to her, he doesn't understand how to talk to children of this age again.

While he have memories of nobita it was still awkward for him. Nobita just greets her with a nod of his head as the girl looked stunned and just nods back.

Sure enough it'll be difficult to improve relation with his classmates again as in past he was always sleeping on his desk or resting in a corner where no one distrub him. He was a loner in simpler words.

Observing other children he notice that most of them were following this girl named shizu while there's a strong boy in the back from basketball club named Ryuuji Chihiro.

There was a arrogant boy who had a look like of carrying all the intelligence of this world in his head named Kanazaki Yuki.

After this brief moment his class teacher enters with a hint of playful express. From his memories she was a talkative teacher who won't leave any chance of making a joke or teasing her students.

She walks on the podium with her hands on the purse as she takes out the test paper of last week exams.

Looking at the first paper she smirks and then leaves it at the table, while she starts distributing other papers.

"Shizu again almost perfect score in every subject good keep it up.... Kanazaki full marks, you sure your parents are not friends with principle here? Again full marks.... Ryuuji.... Almost having 60 marks in each subject, leave basketball for a while and study you may won't require sports reservation then....."

As the roll call continues nobita became anxious as he's paper was missed, last time he specifically came to school of exams.

"Last....Nobita having 80 marks average in almost all the subjects. After taking leave of 3 weeks looks like you have turned into a new leaf, share your medication with these dumb children maybe they won't fail then."

Class was shocked after listening to his improvement from reaching 80 marks average in all subjects from 20 to 30 marks average.

Looking their classmate who had always being sleeping scoring soo high for the first time made them curious about him, but for nobita these gazes were of trouble.

He just wanted to have a peaceful day at school and have fun with his mother after returning. But this teacher crushed all the dreams of our poor man... or a boy.

*Please support me while liking my content and sharing me some power stone. I'm just a man of culture without having a single penny. Please help this brother of yours✌❤*

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*I tried this new style please tell me if you'll like this, I may update all the chapter similar to this then.... Please give me 5 stars ⭐"