
Lucian's car sped through the night, streetlights flashing by in a blur. Samantha huddled in the passenger seat, her arms wrapped tightly around herself as if she could physically hold back the hunger that threatened to consume her.

Every bump in the road sent a jolt of pain through her body, her senses overwhelmed by the world around her.

She glanced at Lucian, his profile illuminated by the dashboard lights. He drove with intense focus, his eyes never leaving the road.

Samantha couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious man who had burst into her life at such a crucial moment.

"Who are you, exactly?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

Lucian's eyes flicked towards her briefly before returning to the road. "That's a complicated question," he replied, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Samantha felt a flicker of irritation through her pain. "I think I deserve some answers, don't you think so?"

Lucian sighed. "You're right. I apologize. The short answer is that you're turning into someone like me - a vampire. I'm part of a coven that helps newly turned vampires like yourself transition into this new life."

"And the long answer?"

A small smile played at the corners of Lucian's mouth. "That's a story for another time. For now, just know that you're safe with me. My coven will help you through this."

Samantha leaned her head against the cool glass of the window. "Not like I have much choice, do I?"

"There's always a choice," Lucian said softly. "But I promise you, this is the best option right now."

They fell into silence for a while, the only sounds were the hum of the engine and Samantha's labored breathing.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out the cacophony of smells and sounds that assaulted her heightened senses.

"Does Lily know?" Samantha asked suddenly, opening her eyes. "About you, I mean."

Lucian nodded. "I told her today."

"How did she take it?"

"Better than most would," Lucian said with a chuckle. "Your friend is remarkably adaptable."

Samantha smiled despite herself. That sounded like Lily alright. Always rolling with the punches, no matter how strange.

But then a thought occurred to her.

"How does Lily know you? I've never heard her mention you before."

Lucian's hands tightened on the steering wheel, almost imperceptibly. "We met recently. She's been... helping me with some things."

There was something in his tone that made Samantha look at him more closely. A softness in his eyes when he mentioned Lily, a slight catch in his voice. 


Before she could pursue that line of questioning, another wave of pain wracked her body. She doubled over, gasping.

"We're almost there," Lucian said, his voice tight with concern. "Just hold on a little longer."

Samantha nodded, gritting her teeth against the pain. She focused on her breathing, trying to distract herself from the burning thirst that clawed at her throat.

After what felt like an eternity, the car turned onto a long, winding driveway. Trees loomed on either side, their branches forming a dark canopy overhead. As they rounded a bend, a massive house or estate rather came into view.

The building was an architectural marvel, a blend of modern design and gothic elements. Large windows reflected the moonlight, and intricate stonework adorned the facade.

It looked like something out of a movie - beautiful, imposing, and slightly intimidating even with its sprawling manicured gardens and elegant fountains.

"Welcome to the sanctuary," Lucian said as he parked the car. 

Samantha stared at the house, a mix of awe and trepidation washing over her. This was to be her new home, at least for now. A haven for vampires. The thought was still surreal.

Lucian came around to her side of the car, opening the door and offering his hand. "Can you walk?"

Samantha nodded, taking his hand and stepping out of the car on shaky legs. The cool night air hit her like a physical force, carrying a thousand scents she couldn't even begin to identify.

As they approached the front door, it swung open, revealing a tall, elegant woman with striking silver hair. Her eyes, a deep violet color Samantha had never seen before, swept over them both.

"What happened?" she asked Lucian.

"This is Samantha," he replied, his voice firm. "She's transitioning and needs our help."

The other people in the room exchanged worried glances as the strikingly beautiful woman placed her hand on her forehead. "She's burning up," she said gravely.

"We must act quickly."

Lucian nodded, his face serious.

"Let me take her to one of the bedrooms," a deep, familiar voice offered. Samantha turned to look and felt her heart skip a beat.


It was him.

Instantly, Samantha's head pounded with pain. She winced.

"I'll make sure she's comfortable," Marcus continued, not even glancing at her.

Lucian handed Samantha over to Marcus with a grateful nod. "Thank you, my friend. I'll talk to the others and get blood ready for her."

As Marcus carried her without a word, Samantha's eyes went wide. She gasped as she realized how close they were, their faces just inches apart. For a moment, she forgot about her raging hunger and throbbing headache.

The air between them felt charged, full of unspoken tension. Samantha could feel the strength in Marcus's arms, smell his unique scent. Her skin tingled where it touched his. Despite his cold expression, she sensed he wasn't as unaffected as he pretended to be.

As he carried her deeper into the house, Samantha wondered if the fire running through her veins was just from her change... or if it was something more dangerous, something sparked by Marcus's presence.

He carried her through the grand house, his steps quick and purposeful.

Despite her pain, Samantha couldn't help but notice the luxurious surroundings - plush carpets, ornate artwork, and antique furniture that must have cost a fortune.

They entered a spacious bedroom, decorated in soothing shades of blue and gray.

Marcus gently set Samantha down on the king-sized bed, then stepped back, his face unreadable.

"So," he said, breaking the tense silence, "what sort of trouble have you found this time?"

Samantha bristled at his tone, memories of their first encounter flooding back.

The same judgmental attitude, the same infuriating superiority. "I didn't ask for this," she snapped, her voice raspy with pain and anger.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you?" he countered. "Going to the Black Swan was practically begging for trouble. What did you expect, wandering into the supernatural's den as a human?"

His words hit Samantha like a slap. How dare he? Rage bubbled up inside her, mixing dangerously with the hunger that clawed at her insides. She opened her mouth to fire back a biting response, but instead, a cry of pain escaped her lips.

The hunger was too overwhelming now. She doubled over, clutching her stomach, her vision blurring.

In an instant, Marcus was at her side, all traces of coldness gone from his face. "Hold on," he said urgently, his voice softer than she'd ever heard it. "Just hold on, Samantha. Help is coming."

The sudden change in his demeanor threw Samantha off balance. Before she could process it, the door burst open.

Two women rushed in, both strikingly beautiful in different ways. One had fiery red hair and a mischievous glint in her green eyes, while the other was a statuesque blonde with an air of elegance.

"What have you done to her, Marcus?" the redhead asked, her tone teasing despite the seriousness of the situation.

Marcus straightened up immediately, his face once again a mask of indifference. "I need to speak with Lucian," he said abruptly, then strode out of the room without another word or glance at Samantha.

The two women exchanged puzzled looks. "Well, that was odd," the blonde murmured.

"Never mind him," the redhead said, turning her attention to Samantha. "I'm Camilla, and this is Isadora. We're here to help you through your transition."

Samantha nodded weakly, another wave of pain washing over her. Isadora moved to her side, placing a cool hand on her forehead. "She's still burning up," she said to Camilla. "We need to feed her soon."

As Camilla hurried to prepare something on the other side of the room, Isadora spoke softly to Samantha. "I know you're in pain, but try to focus on my voice. The first feeding is always the hardest, but we'll get you through this."

Samantha tried to concentrate on Isadora's soothing words, but her mind kept drifting back to Marcus.

His hot and cold behavior confused and frustrated her. One moment he was infuriating her with his judgmental attitude, the next he was showing genuine concern. What was his deal?

Suddenly, the door burst open again. Two more women rushed in, carrying what looked like a blood bag. The sight of it made Samantha's throat burn more intensely with need.

Hot on their heels came Lucian, with Marcus right behind him. Their faces were grim, like they were preparing for a battle.

"Samantha," Lucian said, his voice gentle but urgent. He stepped towards her slowly, as if approaching a wild animal. "We've got blood for you. It'll help you feel better, I promise."

But something had changed in Samantha. The hunger was taking over, turning her into something she didn't recognize. A low, animal-like growl rumbled from her chest. Her body twisted and jerked, fighting against urges she couldn't control.

Her eyes, now a bright, unnatural red, locked onto the blood bag. Everything else faded away. She could hear the others talking, but their words were meaningless noise.

All that mattered was the blood.

Marcus stepped forward, his muscles tense under his shirt. "Careful," he warned, his deep voice sending a shiver down Samantha's spine. "She's losing control."

Samantha felt her new fangs emerge, her lips pulling back in a snarl. A growl rumbled from her chest, surprising even her.

Her eyes locked onto the blood bag one of the women was holding. She couldn't look away, her whole body aching for it.

"Give me the blood," Marcus commanded, his hand outstretched.

Samantha watched the exchange, her gaze never wavering. When Marcus took the bag, something snapped inside her.

She lunged forward, tackling Marcus to the ground. Their bodies collided, and suddenly she was on top of him, pinning him down. The others moved to help, but Marcus waved them off.

As Samantha reached for the blood bag, Marcus caught her wrist. "Stop," he said, his voice low and powerful.

To her shock, she froze. His touch sent electricity through her skin.

"Stand up and go back to the bed," he continued, his gray eyes boring into hers.

Without a word, Samantha obeyed. It was like Marcus had some kind of power over her.

She walked back to the bed, never breaking eye contact with him. The room seemed to fade away until it was just the two of them.

She sat on the edge of the bed, her chest heaving.

Marcus stood up slowly, his shirt rumpled from their encounter. He approached her, the blood bag still in his hand.

"Good," he said softly, standing close enough that she could feel the heat from his body. "Now, are you going to behave?"

Samantha nodded, unable to speak. The hunger for blood was still there, but now it was mixed with a different kind of hunger.

The others in the room shifted uncomfortably, sensing the charged atmosphere. But for Samantha and Marcus, it was like they were the only two people in the world.