
Determined to prove herself, Samantha set her sights on a new goal: waking before sunset. She'd read that older vampires could stay awake during daylight hours if they avoided direct sunlight. If she could master this skill, she could be in the library before Marcus and she could show him her dedication.

On her first attempt, Samantha set an alarm for two hours before sunset. When it rang, she felt like she was swimming through molasses. Her limbs were heavy, her mind foggy. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't force her eyes open. She drifted back to sleep, only to jolt awake after sunset, frustrated at her failure.

Undeterred, she tried again the next day. This time, she managed to open her eyes, but the effort of sitting up was too much. She lay there, struggling against the overwhelming urge to sleep, until the sun dipped below the horizon and her strength returned.