
The supernatural energies around the vacation rental shifted again, more distinctly this time. Samantha's new senses detected not just one group approaching, but two - from different directions, their energies as different as fire and ice.

Kai went rigid. "Oh no," he muttered, moving to the window. "No, no, no. This is not happening."

"What?" Samantha asked, though her enhanced senses were already painting a clear picture. One group radiated the formal, controlled power that could only be The Council. The other...

"Your mother," Marcus confirmed grimly. "And James."

"Both of them? Now?" Samantha's new fangs emerged instinctively with her agitation. "The Council and my mother? This has to be some kind of cosmic joke."

Morgan's delicate features tightened with concern. "The Council will sense the residual energy from the transformation. Even with my cleanup, there's no hiding what just happened here."