Orion, the man sent by Morgan, stood with effortless confidence, his silver eyes gleaming with something unreadable. He didn't seem at all bothered by the hostility radiating from Marcus and Kai. If anything, he appeared mildly amused.
"You reek of fae magic," Marcus stated flatly, his gray gaze locked onto Orion's every move. "And I don't like it."
Kai's arms remained crossed over his broad chest, muscles tense.
"You're supposed to reinforce Samantha's protection spell? I don't trust you."
Orion smirked, tilting his head slightly. "Trust is a luxury. I only require your cooperation." His eyes flickered toward Samantha. "Yours, specifically."
She squared her shoulders, unwilling to be a passive participant in whatever power struggle was unfolding. "Morgan sent you to strengthen the spell. How does it work?"