Chapter 3

Extract from the -{ Tome of the 'Forgotten One' }- Divine scripture of the Church of the 'Forgotten One'.

"In the silent echoes of eternity, a rift opens between worlds unseen. Through the veil of shadows, behold the chosen one, whose arrival heralds the dawn of renewal amidst the twilight of deception." (The Descent of Darkness - 4:6)


A shimmering portal tore through the fabric of reality, manifesting in the heart of a lush, verdant forest. The air crackled with otherworldly energy as the natural order was momentarily disrupted. Tiny creatures scurried for safety, their instincts screaming danger. Birds took flight in a cacophony of alarmed squawks, their wings beating frantically against the suddenly oppressive air.

From within the swirling vortex, a long, lean leg extended cautiously. It was followed by a torso, emerging slowly as if testing the very solidity of this new world. Finally, a head poked out, eyes sharp and alert, scanning the surroundings with meticulous care. This was Asher, a man thrust into a realm beyond his understanding.

Only when he was certain no immediate threat lurked did Asher fully step through. The portal clung to him, its ethereal blue hue reluctant to release its traveler. As Asher's form fully materialized, the portal seemed to sigh, dissipating into a fine mist that was quickly swept away by a gentle breeze.

Asher's senses were immediately assaulted by the richness of his new environment. The air was thick with the earthy scent of loam and the sweet perfume of hidden blossoms. Sunlight dappled the forest floor, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. The canopy above whispered secrets in a language of rustling leaves.

As he struggled to process this sensory overload, a soft voice echoed in the recesses of his mind. It was neither male nor female, yet carried an unmistakable air of authority.

[Welcome, Asher Whitlock, to the tutorial space. Please follow the path ahead.]

Swallowing hard, Asher nodded to himself and began to move. His footsteps were hesitant at first, each crack of a twig beneath his feet sending a jolt of adrenaline through his system. As he walked, the forest began to reveal its secrets. The path led him to a small clearing, and from this vantage point, he could see another, larger clearing in the distance. Perched atop a gentle hill sat a quaint house, its chimney puffing out lazy curls of smoke that dissipated into the azure sky.

"So this is the runt the 'divine will' asked me to babysit."

The booming voice shattered the serenity of the forest, causing Asher to leap forward instinctively. His heart hammered in his chest as he spun around, eyes wide with alarm.

The source of the voice was a man – if such a term could adequately describe the towering figure before him. Standing well over seven feet tall, the giant's skin held a faint greenish tint that seemed to ripple with barely contained strength. His jaw was wide and set, giving him a perpetual look of grim determination. The sides of his head were cleanly shaven, while the top and back sported long, black braids that spoke of a warrior's pride.

Every inch of the man's imposing frame was covered in well-worn leather armor. A bow and quiver were slung across his broad back, and in his hand, he casually held a wicked-looking machete. His eyes, cold and assessing, bore into Asher with an intensity that made the younger man want to shrink into himself.

"Good thinking, but weak reflexes and body," the giant rumbled, his voice like gravel in a metal drum. "Hmm, well, the payout better be good. Let's get this started."

He paused, studying Asher's frozen form. "Are you deaf, kid?"

Asher's throat felt dry as sandpaper as he forced out a response. "N-no."

"Well, that makes my job easier. Follow me." Without waiting for acknowledgment, the hunter turned and began striding down the path towards the distant house.

Asher scrambled to keep up, acutely aware of how his own six-foot-one frame was dwarfed by his guide. The walk was silent, filled only with the sounds of the forest and the heavy tread of the hunter's boots.

As they approached the self-built home, Asher's nostrils were filled with the scent of wood smoke and something tantalizingly savory. The hunter pushed open the door without ceremony, his deep voice resonating through the structure. "I'm home!"

Asher hesitated at the threshold, suddenly unsure. But before he could decide whether to enter, a new figure appeared in the doorway. She was a woman, but unlike any Asher had ever seen. Tall and powerfully built, she exuded an aura of strength that rivaled the hunter's. Yet when she spoke, her voice was surprisingly melodious.

"Oh, the kid has arrived. Welcome."

Her eyes, a startling shade of amber, seemed to look right through Asher, assessing him in ways he couldn't begin to comprehend. He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his spine as he stepped into the house.

What have I gotten myself into? The thought echoed in Asher's mind as he sank into the chair the hunter had gestured towards. The interior of the house was sparse but comfortable, with furniture that looked hand-crafted and well-used.

An uncomfortable silence descended as the hunter began to remove his leather armor. The woman – whom Asher's mind had already dubbed 'the huntress' – moved with practiced ease, helping to remove the complex layers of protection. She disappeared into what Asher assumed was the kitchen, based on the mouthwatering aromas wafting from that direction.

Moments later, she returned with two wooden cups filled with a deep red liquid. She placed them on the table between Asher and the hunter before retreating once more, the leather armor bundled in her arms.

The hunter reached for one of the cups, his massive hand making it look almost comically small. He sipped slowly, his piercing gaze never leaving Asher. The scrutiny made Asher's skin crawl, but he forced himself to reach for the other cup.

The liquid inside was a curious blend of sweet and tart, unlike anything Asher had tasted before. It coated his tongue, momentarily distracting him from the tension in the room.

"Looking at your confused state, I guess you know nothing," the hunter stated, his tone somewhere between accusation and resignation.

Asher lowered his cup, trying to keep his voice steady. "Am I supposed to know something?"

The hunter's eyes narrowed. "Are you a noble?"

"A noble?" Asher echoed, genuinely puzzled.

A grunt of dissatisfaction rumbled from the hunter's chest, causing Asher to shift uncomfortably in his seat. The wooden chair creaked ominously beneath him.

"Guess there's no shortcut to this," the hunter muttered, more to himself than to Asher. He leaned forward, his massive forearms resting on the table. "Let's start from the beginning. Tell me how you got here or what brought you here."

Asher's mind raced. How much should he reveal? The truth seemed too fantastical, yet he lacked the information to craft a convincing lie. He decided on a middle ground – truth mixed with carefully crafted omissions.

He spoke of the voice in his head, the translucent screen that had appeared before him, and the portal that had brought him to this strange world. He explained about Earth's impending integration into something called the 'system or creation net'.

But Asher held back. He said nothing of the mysterious door that had looked like a gateway to hell itself. The encounter with the enigmatic man remained a closely guarded secret. Some instinct warned Asher that these were details best kept to himself, at least for now.

As Asher's tale wound to a close, the hunter sat back, his face unreadable. "So you don't know much. Hmm, well, I guess I get the gist of your situation."

Asher remained silent, sensing there was more to come. He sipped his drink, the sweet-tart liquid doing little to ease the dryness in his throat.

The hunter took a long pull from his own cup before continuing. "That system, or more appropriately the divine will's creation system, didn't explain much. But that's not unusual if you're from an awakening planet that wasn't influenced by the clans or the sects."

Asher leaned in, his curiosity overriding his apprehension. Each unfamiliar term was a puzzle piece, and he was determined to assemble the bigger picture.

"You won't understand all of what I'll tell you," the hunter warned, "but if you survive long enough, all this will make sense to you. The Universe as we know it is much larger than just a single planet like the one you've come from. It's divided into a series of realms, each separated from the other by forces beyond anyone's control. Hence, it's referred to as the myriad realms or Multi-verse."

The hunter's voice took on a hint of awe, despite his gruff demeanor. "Even I'm not knowledgeable enough about how it all came to be. Only some of the noble 'Watcher clans' might know it honestly, from what I've heard through word of mouth."

Asher's fists clenched involuntarily as the scale of existence suddenly expanded in his mind. He felt tiny, insignificant in the face of such cosmic vastness. Yet, rather than crushing him, the revelation ignited a spark of excitement. New realms meant new opportunities, new horizons to explore.

The hunter continued, his words painting a picture of a reality far more complex than Asher had ever imagined. "The upper realms are controlled by a 'creation system' net. It governs the physical and magical laws, maintaining them. As the one maintaining them, it also has the power to bypass them, hence the name 'creation system' – it can create things out of nothing."

Asher found himself leaning back, his drink forgotten as he absorbed the hunter's words. His mind raced, trying to reconcile this new information with everything he had ever known or believed.

"No one is sure how it works or came to be," the hunter admitted. "Only the gods rumored to reside in the highest realm might know. The Church of Light, following the religion of the god 'Light' – or as they call him, 'the Creator' – preaches that 'He' is the one who created the system."

The hunter paused, allowing Asher a moment to process. When he spoke again, his voice had taken on a more matter-of-fact tone. "The realm where we are currently is at the edge of the upper realms, called the shattered planetary void. The realm is full of tiny planets floating in a large void called space. This void is what separates the upper realms from the lower realms."

Asher's mouth had gone dry, but his face remained impassive. He reached for his cup, only to find it empty. The sweetness he had tasted earlier was now just a memory on his tongue.

"Your planet is one of those floating planets," the hunter continued. "Each planet is born with a planetary core which matures with the age of the planet. Once the planet reaches maturity, the creation system integrates with it to prevent it from being engulfed by the lower realms."

The implications of this information hit Asher like a physical blow. His thoughts turned to his family back on Earth, but he forced those emotions down. Now was the time for learning, for absorbing as much knowledge as possible.

The hunter, noticing Asher's empty cup, smirked before draining his own in one long swallow. "You're one of these figures, called the pioneers who are the first batch sent to a tutorial space," he said, setting the cup down with a solid thunk. "You specifically have been sent to me so that I may train you and teach you what you need to survive and lead the people back on your home planet. So that you can combat the negative changes brought by the system's integration on you home planet."

His expression grew serious, the smirk fading. "However, a word of caution: just because the system has 'chosen' you doesn't mean you can't die during this 'tutorial'."

Asher felt a chill run down his spine as he regarded the massive, battle-hardened man before him. The hunter, seeming to sense Asher's unease, quickly added, "But don't worry too much. Protecting you during this duration is also my task, which I have to fulfill to receive the rewards promised by the system to me."

Something in the hunter's tone caught Asher's attention. There was a focus on reward that seemed at odds with the awe he had displayed when speaking of the creation system. This was a man driven by personal gain as much as any higher purpose.

The hunter noticed Asher's scrutiny and smiled, a knowing look in his eyes. "Nothing in this world is free, isn't that right? Don't worry, you'll learn this all soon enough yourself."

Understanding the implied meaning, Asher chose not to agree or disagree. The character of his guide was less important than the successful completion of whatever task lay ahead.

The tense atmosphere was broken by the return of the huntress, her arms laden with a tray of steaming food. The rich aroma filled the small house, making Asher's stomach growl despite the surreal situation.

"Enough of the boring stuff, boys," she said, her voice carrying a warmth that had been absent from the earlier conversation. "Let's have dinner. It's nearly nighttime."

She set the tray on the table and took her seat beside the hunter, opposite Asher. The hunter's stern features softened as he looked at his companion, a genuine smile breaking through his gruff exterior.

"Let's begin then," he said, reaching for a plate.

As they settled in to eat, Asher couldn't help but feel that this meal marked the beginning of something far greater than he could possibly imagine. The forest outside had grown dark, but within the warmth of the house, a new chapter of his tale was unfolding.