Chapter 10

Extract from the -{ Tome of the 'Forgotten One' }- Divine scripture of the Church of the 'Forgotten One'.

"When the shadows of doubt linger, remember the covenant of renewal. I shall rebuild what was broken, restoring harmony and wisdom to a world tarnished by the treachery of ages past." (The Promise of Restoration 5:7)


Hunter's POV.

Gabriel's eyelids fluttered open, a dull throb pulsing behind his temples. He winced, raising a hand to massage his forehead.

'Overdid it with the drink last night, didn't I?' he mused, his mouth dry and tongue feeling like sandpaper.

Turning his head, he caught sight of Abbygale nestled against his left arm. Her chest rose and fell in a gentle rhythm, face serene in slumber. Golden strands of hair cascaded across her cheek, and Gabriel found himself reaching out to brush them aside, tucking them carefully behind her ear. With practiced ease, he extricated his arm from beneath her, careful not to disturb her rest.

Rising from the bed, he cast his gaze around the room, searching for something passable to wear. His nose wrinkled as he gave a discarded shirt a cautious sniff.

'Not fresh, but it'll do for now,' he decided, pulling it over his head.

Running fingers through his tousled hair, Gabriel padded out of the room on silent feet. The pre-dawn world outside beckoned, and he answered its call, stepping into the cool air. Darkness still cloaked the forest, but his keen senses picked up the stirrings of life - the rustle of leaves, the soft chirps of early birds, the scurrying of small creatures in the underbrush. The wilderness was slowly waking, and so was he.

With practiced ease, Gabriel settled onto his usual perch atop a stack of logs. He lay back, hands cradling his head, and closed his eyes. Slowly, deliberately, he allowed the pneuma to seep from his pores. Unlike his demonstration for Asher, this wasn't an uncontrolled mist. Instead, the energy clung to his form, tracing intricate patterns that mirrored the flow of blood beneath his skin.

The pneuma took on a deep crimson hue, occasionally crackling with static-like bursts of red lightning. The wood beneath him groaned and splintered as the flow intensified. Gabriel reined it in, exerting his will to guide it into more controlled patterns. As he focused, wisps of colorless mist from the surrounding area began to drift towards him. Upon contact with his own pneuma, it too took on the vibrant red shade, joining the dance across his skin.

Curiously, no matter how much of this ambient energy he drew in, the visible aura around his body remained constant. It was as though his body itself served as a reservoir, storing the excess power deep within.

Gabriel's eyes snapped open, now blazing with an inner light that spoke of barely contained power. He sat up straight, noting the sun's first rays peeking over the horizon. His meditation complete, he turned his attention to the approaching figure of Asher.

The boy stumbled from the house, eyes still heavy with sleep, clutching his wooden sword and the knife Gabriel had given him. Despite his obvious fatigue, there was a determination in his stance that hadn't been there when they'd first begun training.

Gabriel allowed himself a moment of reflection. Six weeks had passed since they'd started Asher's combat instruction. The progress was... acceptable, but Gabriel knew there was room for improvement. If he wanted to maximize the reward from the creation system, he'd need to push harder.

"Asher," Gabriel called out, his voice carrying easily across the clearing. "It's time we put your skills to the test. Tomorrow, you and I will venture deeper into the forest. Your goal: to make your first kill."

He paused, noting the mix of excitement and apprehension that flashed across the boy's face.

"But first, show me what you remember from yesterday's lesson."

What followed was a grueling session of repetition and correction. Gabriel's keen eyes missed nothing, his hands quick to adjust Asher's stance or the angle of his blade. As they moved into sparring, Gabriel didn't hold back, each opening in Asher's defense met with swift, stinging blows.

"Pain is the best teacher," Gabriel growled, landing a particularly solid hit to Asher's ribs. "Your body will remember where your mind might falter."

By the time Abbygale arrived to begin the sword training, Asher was drenched in sweat, his muscles trembling with exertion. Gabriel retreated to his log perch, watching as the huntress took over.

"You're taking this more seriously than I expected," Abbygale murmured, approaching Gabriel with a sly smile. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder.

Gabriel's lips quirked upward. "And you seem to be enjoying it more than anticipated, Abby."

"Hush, you brute," she chided, her breath warm against his ear. "It's a welcome distraction after being cooped up here for so long."

Her gaze drifted to Asher, who was gulping down water mixed with a hint of healing potion - Gabriel's concession to help the boy recover from the day's bruises and strains.

"You're different with him," Abbygale observed, her tone thoughtful. "More... open. What happened to the cold-hearted 'Gabriel the Fallen' I know?"

Gabriel pinched her cheek playfully, eliciting a small yelp. "Fishing for information now, are we? Why the sudden interest?"

A faint blush colored Abbygale's cheeks. "I've been... preoccupied. But now I'm curious."

Gabriel cleared his throat, his expression growing serious. "The boy needed help. His situation, his lack of knowledge - it all reminded me of... well, it doesn't matter. But speaking of reminders, that information broker who sold us on this planet's size? I haven't forgotten that deception."

A flicker of murderous intent flashed in Gabriel's eyes, but Abbygale's gentle touch on his arm calmed him.

"Easy now," she soothed. "We still got a good deal, considering the war in the sector. What would we have done with all that extra space anyway? Even the guild doesn't need something so vast. This will take us years, maybe decades, to fully convert into a personal realm."

Gabriel's expression softened, but a shadow of worry crossed his face. "Speaking of the guild... are you certain you don't want their help with your family situation?"

Abbygale met his gaze, her eyes hardening. "I've told you before, Gabe. What happened is on them. I cut ties after my mother died. Let's focus on the task at hand - training Asher to the best of our abilities. If we do this right, the divine will's reward could be invaluable. Something to speed up our world conversion process, perhaps?"

Her attempt at enthusiasm brought a genuine smile to Gabriel's face. "You're right, as usual. Let's give it our all." His gaze drifted back to Asher, who was now sprawled in the shade of a nearby tree. "I can't help but wonder what plans the heavens have in store for him."

The hunter and huntress shared a moment of companionable silence before parting ways to attend to their respective duties, the weight of unseen destinies hanging in the air between them.

Asher's POV

Asher's lungs burned with each ragged breath, his muscles screaming in protest at the slightest movement. He lay spread-eagled on the cool grass, staring up at the darkening sky as stars began to twinkle into existence.

'I'm going to die at this rate,' he thought, not for the first time. The training regimen Gabriel and Abbygale had devised was brutal, pushing him to limits he hadn't known existed. Every day ended like this - with him collapsed, utterly spent, wondering how he'd find the strength to do it all again tomorrow.

He'd been naive to think Abbygale might go easier on him. If anything, her sword lessons were even more demanding than Gabriel's, her keen eye for detail catching the slightest imperfection in his form or technique.

Yet despite the pain, despite the exhaustion that seemed to seep into his very bones, Asher couldn't bring himself to complain. The results were undeniable, manifesting in ways he'd never anticipated.

[Physical limits surpassed, Pain resistance increased. Vitality +1]

[Physical limits surpassed, strength+3, Agility+4, Endurance+2, Vitality+2, Dexterity+4]

[Physical limits surpassed, remaining medicine of alchemy bath in the body has been consumed, Muscle flexibility and density has increased. Strength+1, Agility +1]

These system prompts had become addictive, tangible proof of his growth. Each notification sent a thrill of satisfaction through him, spurring him to push even harder. The Alchemy bath's lingering effects were a godsend, accelerating his healing and allowing him to recover faster than he'd ever thought possible.

But lately, those prompts had become rarer. It had been a week since the last one, no matter how desperately he pushed himself. Asher was certain this wasn't normal - neither Gabriel nor Abbygale had mentioned anything like it. He kept this development to himself, unsure of its significance but unwilling to risk their reaction.

As Asher lay there, his mind drifted to the most surprising development of the past month. After weeks of relentless training with sword, knife, and hand-to-hand combat, the system had presented him with something entirely new:

[Application 'Immortal' Is running]

[Condition for skill creation fulfilled]

[Sword skill being created]

[Skill 'Beginner Sword Mastery Lv.1'(Passive) obtained]

[Condition for skill creation fulfilled]

[Knife skill being created]

[Skill 'Beginner Knife Mastery Lv.1'(Passive) obtained]

[Condition for skill creation fulfilled]

[Hand to hand Combat skill being created]

[Skill 'Beginner Close-Combat Mastery Lv.1'(Passive) obtained]

Asher's eyes widened as he re-read the notifications, a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursing through him. These skills, these tangible manifestations of his progress - what did they mean? How would they affect his training going forward?

A cool breeze rustled the leaves overhead, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Asher inhaled deeply, wincing at the twinge in his ribs. As the stars continued to emerge in the velvet sky above, Asher allowed himself a small smile. Whatever trials lay ahead, he was becoming stronger, more capable. And maybe, just maybe, he was one step closer to unraveling the mysteries that surrounded him.