First techniques

After ingesting the body strengthening powder by simply swallowing it, Kael began to meditate.

After just a few seconds he could feel a high amount of pain, due to the powder continuously breaking down and rebuilding his body.

But even though the pain was great, Kael definitely felt a stark increase in his cultivation speed.

‚I feel like my tempering speed almost doubled. If i continue like this I can probably finish silver refinement within a week or even less.'

‚The only problem is, that I can't use body strengthening powder for the brain tempering stage.'

The brain tempering part of every stage was meant to increase your reflexes and also make sure that you can take a few hits to the head without your brain exploding right away.

But due to the brain being such a sensitive area the powder is too extreme to use it without risking long term damage.

So If you want to temper your brain you need to either do it manually which takes time, or you can buy some higher level resources.

Sadly those resources are extremely expensive and even if Kael sold the body strengthening medicine he created, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

But it is already enough that he can speed up all other processes like this.

In this manner almost a week passed.

‚I'm finally done with tempering my brain to the silver refinement stage.'

‚That was kind of exhausting and I feel like I really need to do something else.'

‚Since I don't lack money from selling all the extra powder I made, I guess it's time to buy a combat technique and start gaining combat experience.'

‚System how many Credits did I gain from selling all of my leftover body strengthening powder?'

[Balance: 14000 Credits]

‚I guess I've never even had this much money in both my past and new life combined.'

‚Those Good and Great quality body strengthening powders really made me bank. I could Sell them for 400-500 Credits a portion after all.'

In the last week Kael used 3 hours a day to practice alchemy. This meant that at one point he was able to consistently produce Good and Great Quality medicine.

He always refined 5 batches of ingredients at a time, meaning he produced 15 portions a day. Of those he used 10 himself since one portion lasts about an hour and sold the rest.

‚I wonder why the price is so high though. Everybody can simply create this powder at home so the price should be way lower.'

Any other alchemist would need to buy very expensive equipment to do what he did. Additionally they would only have a success rate of at most 50% so what Kael produced could be called a miracle.

‚I guess it's time to look for a movement and fist technique.'

‚Being able to save your life is the most important after all, so a movement technique is a must. Instead of a weapon manual I'd rather buy a fist technique though since I don't have a weapon of good enough quality and I doubt I could buy one with the Credits I have.'

‚System, show me the most popular fist techniques for the body refinement realm please'

[Explosive Fist technique]

[Grade: Mid Mortal Level]

[A fist technique meant for beginners. It focuses on explosive speed and gains most of its power through its velocity.]

[Hill Fist Technique]

[Grade: Mid Mortal]

[A fist technique meant for beginners. It is rather slow but has a huge amount of power behind it.]

‚They both cost 5000 credits so I guess I can't really take the cheaper one.'

‚Considering that I will also buy a movement technique I should probably buy the explosive fist technique. It says that most of the power comes from its speed so if I'm already fast due to my movement technique the power will probably increase even further'

‚System I would like to buy the Explosive Fist technique'

[5000 Credits have been deducted from your balance]

A large amount of information was suddenly transmitted into Kael's head.

‚Let's just try it out'

In the next moment Kael's fist exploded forward with a fast momentum and a small explosion could be heard afterwards.

‚Wow this is amazing. But i probably shouldn't try this out indoors. Afterall I already have a punching strength of 1000 kg even without the technique. I might just break something accidentally.'

After punching a few more times anyways, Kael focused on the information in the manual again.

‚According to the manual, the mastery of techniques is divided into 5 stages. They are Entry, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Master and Limit-break.'

‚Entry level means that you've just started learning the technique and Master level means you've completely mastered all aspects.'

‚Limit breaker is a very rare achievement that means that you have brought the technique over its supposed limits.'

‚According to what was in the manual I've already reached Great Accomplishment.'

What Kael just did was completely unimaginable for normal people. Usually reaching entry level on such a technique takes at the very least a day for geniuses. Taking it to Great Accomplishment might be unachievable for average cultivators in their entire life.

‚Lets just buy a movement technique now. It should also be useful in combat and not just for running away. This way I can combine it with my fist technique.'

‚System, show me techniques that fit this criteria.'

[Quick Gale Technique]

[Grade: Mid Mortal]

[Mover fast and unpredictable like the wind. Great for running away and even usable in fights. It emphasizes speed and maneuverability.]

[Earth Rush]

[Grade: Mid Mortal]

[Uses the power of earth to move in a straight line with very high speed. It lacks mobility though.]

‚I'm obviously gonna choose the Quick Gale one. I don't want to run into a tree mid-fight because I can only run in a straight line. It also seems kind of limited in it's application.'

‚System, buy the Quick Gale Technique please.'

[7500 Credits have been deducted from your account]

‚What why is this even more expensive than the fist technique. They're the same grade?'

Movement techniques are generally harder to create which increases their price by a large amount.

Just like before a large amount of information was transmitted into Kael's head. After trying out the technique a few times again, Kael once again reached Great Accomplishment in it. His comprehension is really absurd.

‚I guess it's time to look for my first opponent now.'

‚Thinking about it, this is actually the first time I left my dorm in this live. Why did no one question on why I didn't show up to class?'

‚Who cares. That's better for me anyways.'

‚How do I get to the beastforest from here? Even though the city is located pretty close to it, it's still 100km away from the forests outskirts where the first beasts are.'

‚According to the memories of my predecessor I can either take a self-driving hover car or rent a flying beast. A car seems to be cheaper so I guess I will go with that.'

In this universe there is a profession called Engravers. They use runes to create effects similar to technology. Sometimes they even combine the two. Kael's mobile phone was created in this manner for example.

The hover cars use runes to absorb spiritual energy from the nature and fly with its help.

They function on the same principle that cultivators use to fly from the foundation establishment realm on.

Kael will be able to do the same in the future, but right now he needs to order a hover car though an app on his phone.

His destination: the beast forest.