Chapter 5: The Whispering Walls

Alex sat on the sofa opposite Kai, his heart rate still not fully settled. The recent encounter made him realize that he was now deeply immersed in a world far more dangerous and complex than he had imagined. The cozy atmosphere of the room stood in stark contrast to the chaos outside, creating a surreal feeling for Alex.

Kai took a deep breath, about to speak, when suddenly the walls of the room began to vibrate slightly. Alex stood up alertly, "Is something else coming?"

Kai, however, showed a slight smile, "No, Alex. This is Silver Moon Apartments calling to you. It seems to think it's time for you to know some things."

As Kai finished speaking, strange symbols and patterns began to appear on the walls. These patterns constantly changed, as if narrating an ancient story. To his surprise, Alex found that he could understand the meaning of these symbols.

"I... I can understand what the walls are saying," Alex said in amazement.

Kai nodded, "This is one of your abilities as a Traveler. Listen, let Silver Moon Apartments tell you it's secrets."

Alex closed his eyes and concentrated. Slowly, the whispers of the walls turned into clear voices echoing in his mind:

"Welcome, young Traveler. I am the consciousness of Silver Moon Apartments, a nexus connecting countless parallel worlds. My existence can be traced back to the beginning of the universe, when time and space were not yet fully separated."

"In that chaotic era, the boundaries between realities were still blurred. I came into being as a stable point, maintaining the balance of the multiverse. As time passed, I took on a physical form in each reality, and in this world you're in, I exist in the form of Silver Moon Apartments."

Alex opened his eyes and looked at Kai, "This... this is incredible. Did you know all this?"

Kai shook his head with a bitter smile, "I only knew part of it. Silver Moon Apartments reveals different information to each person. Keep listening, I think it has more to tell you."

Alex closed his eyes again, and the voice of the walls continued to resound in his mind:

"For a long time, I have been seeking beings who can understand and help maintain the balance of the multiverse. Travelers were born for this purpose. You have the ability to travel between different realities, to sense and influence the balance of the multiverse."

"But, Alex, you must understand that this power comes with great responsibility and danger. There are those who covet this power, trying to use it for their own purposes. Like Zack you just encountered, he was once a Guardian, but was misled by the temptation of power and strayed from his path."

Hearing this, Alex opened his eyes and turned to Kai, "Zack... is he your brother?"

Kai's expression turned painful, "Yes, we were once the closest brothers, trained together to become Guardians. But..." his voice choked, unable to continue.

The voice of the walls sounded again, as if to help Kai finish this painful story:

"Five years ago, Zack discovered an ancient artifact during a mission. That artifact promised to grant its user the power to control all realities. Zack was deceived by this temptation and betrayed the Guardian's oath. Kai tried to stop him, but it was too late. Since then, Zack has been seeking ways to gain more power, and controlling a newly awakened Traveler is part of his plan."

Alex felt a chill, "So... he's coming for me?"

Kai nodded, "Yes, Alex. That's why I must train you quickly, teach you how to use and control your abilities. We don't have much time."

Just then, the lights in the room suddenly flickered, and the symbols on the walls became distorted. A deep voice echoed throughout the room:

"Time's up, my dear brother. You can't hide under the protection of Silver Moon Apartments forever. Hand over that Traveler to me, and I might spare your life."

Kai jumped to his feet, his whole-body tensing, "Zack! How could you break my seal so quickly?"

Zack's laughter reverberated around the room, "Oh, Kai, you always underestimate me. Now, hand over the boy, or else..."

The walls of the room began to crack, with black smoke seeping through the fissures. Alex felt a choking sensation, as if invisible hands were gripping his throat.

Kai quickly came to Alex's side, grabbing his hand, "Alex, listen to me. We don't have time to explain now. You must trust yourself, trust the power within you. Close your eyes, imagine a safe place, then grip my hand tightly!"

Although Alex didn't understand Kai's meaning, he did as he was told. He closed his eyes, and an image of a small park he often visited as a child appeared in his mind. It was the place where he felt most safe and peaceful.

Just as Zack's black mist was about to engulf them, Alex felt a powerful energy surge from within him. The space around them began to distort, and he felt as if he and Kai were being sucked into a huge vortex.

When everything calmed down, Alex cautiously opened his eyes. To his surprise, they had indeed arrived at the small park. The afternoon sunlight gently bathed the lush green grass, and the sound of children playing could be heard in the distance.

"We... we escaped?" Alex asked in disbelief.

Kai nodded, a relieved smile on his face, "Yes, Alex. You did it. This was your first successful reality jump."

Alex looked at his hands, then around him, feeling both excited and confused, "But... how did I do this? Where are we now? In my past?"

Kai shook his head, "No, this is a parallel reality similar to your memory. Your subconscious chose this place as the safest for you." His expression turned serious, "But we can't stay here long. Zack will soon discover our trail. We need to keep moving, and I need to teach you how to control your abilities."

Alex took a deep breath and nodded. He knew that from this moment on, his life would never be the same again. But strangely, he didn't feel afraid. Instead, he felt an unprecedented excitement and sense of purpose.

"I'm ready," Alex said firmly. "Teach me. I want to know more about Travelers and Silver Moon Apartments. I want to learn how to use my abilities, how to fight against Zack, how to maintain the balance of the multiverse."

Kai smiled and patted Alex's shoulder, "That's the Alex I know. Come on, our journey has just begun."

As a gentle breeze blew by, Alex and Kai's figures gradually faded in the park. And in some corner of Silver Moon Apartments, the symbols on the walls continued to flicker, as if silently watching the fate of this master and apprentice. This was a story about power, choices, and destiny, and Alex was at the center of it all.