Chapter 17: The Ghost Child

A few days after the cursed chandelier incident, Silver Moon Apartments fell into an eerie calm. Alex and Kai increased their patrols of the building, but everything seemed to have returned to normal. However, this calm was soon to be broken.

Late one night, Alex was awakened by a strange sound. It was a sound somewhere between crying and singing, ethereal and sorrowful. He sat up, finding a thin mist permeating the room.

"Who's there?" Alex asked warily, preparing to use his abilities.

The mist slowly coalesced, forming the outline of a young boy. The boy looked about fourteen or fifteen, with pale skin and almost transparent silver hair. Most striking were his eyes, deep as the night sky, seemingly containing the mysteries of the entire universe.

"Hello, Alex," the boy said in an ethereal voice, "I am Leo, the ghost child of Silver Moon Apartments."

Alex looked at Leo in surprise, "Ghost child? I've never heard of you."

Leo gave a bitter smile, "Few know of my existence. I am part of Silver Moon Apartments, yet not entirely belonging here."

Alex felt an inexplicable sadness, "Why have you come to find me?"

Leo's expression turned serious, "I've come to warn you. Danger is approaching, closer than you imagine."

Just then, Alex's door was suddenly pushed open, and Kai rushed in. "Alex, I sensed a strange energy fluctuation..." His words trailed off as he saw Leo.

"Leo?" Kai said in surprise, "How did you appear here?"

Leo turned to Kai, "Long time no see, Guardian. I suppose you've felt the approaching storm too."

Kai nodded, his expression grim, "Yes, but I didn't expect the situation to be serious enough for you to appear."

Alex looked at them confusedly, "You know each other? Kai, can you explain?"

Kai took a deep breath, "Leo is one of Silver Moon Apartments' oldest secrets. He's the son of the Architect, who tragically died during the building's construction. But his soul merged with Silver Moon Apartments, becoming a bridge connecting various dimensions."

Leo added, "I can sense the ripples of dimensional crossings. Recently, I've felt a powerful and evil force approaching. They want to destroy Silver Moon Apartments, to disrupt the balance of the multiverse."

Alex felt a chill, "Is it the Void Emissaries? Like the one that possessed the chandelier?"

Leo shook his head, "Worse than that. The Void Emissaries are just the vanguard. The real threat comes from the Void Lords, they are the embodiment of chaos and destruction."

Kai's expression became even more serious, "If the Void Lords are really coming, we must be prepared. Alex, we need to accelerate your training."

Alex nodded, feeling a bit anxious but knowing he must become stronger. "What should we do?"

Leo floated forward a step, "I can help you. As a bridge connecting various dimensions, I can make it easier for you to enter different realities, accelerating your learning and growth."

Kai looked a bit hesitant, "Leo, doing this will consume a lot of your energy. Are you sure?"

Leo nodded firmly, "To protect Silver Moon Apartments and the multiverse, it's worth it."

Alex looked at Leo, moved, "Thank you, Leo. We won't let you down."

Leo smiled, his body beginning to emit a soft glow. "Are you ready? Our journey begins now."

With a wave of dizziness, Alex felt himself being pulled into a kaleidoscopic world. He saw countless realities flashing before his eyes like slides, each containing different knowledge and experiences.

When they finally returned to Alex's room, Alex felt as if he had experienced centuries of time. His mind was filled with new knowledge and skills, but he also felt extremely tired.

Leo's figure became more transparent, "I've done what I can to help you. The rest is up to you now."

Kai supported the swaying Alex, looking gratefully at Leo, "Thank you, Leo. Your sacrifice won't be in vain."

Leo smiled, "Take care of Alex, Kai. He's more important than you imagine." With that, his figure gradually dissipated.

The room returned to calm, with only Alex's rapid breathing echoing in the darkness.

"Kai," Alex said weakly, "I saw so much... it feels like I've lived countless lives."

Kai gently stroked Alex's hair, "I know, this experience can be overwhelming. But you did well, Alex. You're much stronger now than before."

Alex leaned on Kai's shoulder, "Those Void Lords... are they really that terrible?"

Kai's expression turned serious, "Yes, they are the most powerful enemies we've ever faced. But don't forget, we've grown stronger too. And we have Silver Moon Apartments and its residents on our side."

Alex nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. "How much time do we have to prepare?"

Kai shook his head, "It's hard to say. But we must act quickly. We'll start a new training plan tomorrow."

After Kai left, Alex lay on the bed, recalling what had just happened. He knew that the future battle would be the biggest challenge he had ever faced. But he also knew that with Kai by his side, with Leo's help, and the support of the entire Silver Moon Apartments, they had hope of winning this battle.

Just as Alex was about to fall asleep, he heard a faint voice: "Believe in yourself, Alex. You are much stronger than you imagine."

Alex smiled as he closed his eyes. Whatever the future held for him, he was ready.

And in some corner of Silver Moon Apartments, Leo's ghostly figure flickered in and out of visibility, silently guarding this place he called home, waiting for the approaching storm.