Chapter 20: Echoes from the Past

Since that kiss on the rooftop, Alex and Kai's relationship had entered a whole new phase. They were not just partners anymore, but each other's support. However, fate didn't seem to give them much time for tenderness.

Late one night, Alex was awakened by a strange sound. It was a low moan, as if the entire building was mourning. He sat up to find a thin mist permeating the room, and the runes on the walls were flickering uneasily.

"Kai?" Alex tried to call, but received no response.

He got up and walked towards the door, but found the doorknob ice-cold to the touch. When he opened the door, the sight before him made him gasp.

The corridor had completely changed. The once modern decor had turned into old wooden panels, the air filled with the smell of mold and dust. Dim oil lamps swayed on the walls, casting eerie shadows.

Alex carefully walked out of the room, feeling as if he had traveled back in time. "What's going on?" he muttered to himself.

Just then, a familiar voice came from behind: "Alex, be careful!"

Alex turned to see Kai walking quickly towards him. "Kai! What's happening here?"

Kai's expression was serious, "Silver Moon Apartments is manifesting its memories. This is one of the darkest periods in its history. We must be careful, these memories can become very dangerous."

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the end of the corridor. They saw a group of figures in old-fashioned clothes hurriedly running past, as if fleeing from something.

"Follow them," Kai said, "But don't touch anything. We're just observers, we can't interfere with these memories."

They followed the shadowy figures, arriving at the lobby. The scene here was even more disturbing: people running around in panic, screams rising and falling. In the center of the lobby, a huge black vortex was slowly forming.

"What is that?" Alex asked, feeling a chill.

Kai's expression became even more grave, "That's the first Void invasion. It happened shortly after Silver Moon Apartments was built. The Guardians at that time didn't know how to deal with it."

Just then, they saw a familiar figure: a young Leo. He stood in front of the vortex, holding an ancient book, chanting a spell.

"Leo?" Alex said in surprise, "What is he doing?"

Kai shook his head, "He's trying to seal the Void rift. But..."

Before he could finish, they saw Leo being struck by a black light, falling to the ground. The vortex began to expand rapidly, swallowing everything around it.

Alex instinctively wanted to rush forward to help, but Kai held him back. "Remember, this is just a memory. We can't change what has already happened."

The scene suddenly changed, and they found themselves standing in the rooftop garden. But this was no longer the beautiful scene they were familiar with, but a wasteland. Withered plants and broken statues were scattered everywhere.

In the center of the garden, they saw the Architect - Leo's father. He knelt on the ground, holding the lifeless Leo in his arms.

"My son," the Architect cried, "I've failed you. But I swear, I will make your sacrifice meaningful."

He stood up and began drawing complex runes on the ground. As he chanted the spell, the entire Silver Moon Apartments began to emit a dazzling light.

"What is he doing?" Alex asked, feeling a powerful energy surging around them.

Kai took a deep breath, "He's using his own life force to awaken Silver Moon Apartments' consciousness. This is why the building can think and act on its own."

They watched as the Architect's body slowly disappeared, merging into the structure of Silver Moon Apartments. With the last glimmer of light fading away, the Void vortex also vanished.

The scene changed again, and they were back in the modern Silver Moon Apartments. But the air was still filled with an atmosphere of sorrow and determination.

Alex felt tears involuntarily flowing down his cheeks. "So, this is the origin of Silver Moon Apartments? Built on such great sacrifice?"

Kai gently hugged Alex, "Yes. This is why we must protect it. Silver Moon Apartments is not just a building, it's the crystallization of countless people's hope and sacrifice."

Just then, Leo's ghostly figure appeared before them. "You've seen the past," he said, his voice filled with deep sorrow, "Now you understand how terrifying the enemy we face is."

Alex wiped away his tears, "Leo, I'm so sorry..."

Leo shook his head, "No need to apologize, Alex. This was my choice, and I've never regretted it. But now, I need your help. The power of the Void is strengthening again, we must be prepared."

Kai nodded, "We will, Leo. We won't let history repeat itself."

Leo smiled, "I believe in you. Alex, Kai, your power is far greater than you imagine. United together, there's nothing you can't overcome."

As Leo disappeared, the entire Silver Moon Apartments seemed to tremble, the runes on the walls flickering with determination.

Alex took a deep breath, turning to Kai, "What should we do?"

Kai held Alex's hand, "We need to learn more, become stronger. But most importantly, we need to unite all the residents. Only by working together can we resist the coming storm."

Alex nodded, feeling a new determination rising in his heart. Although Silver Moon Apartments' history was full of darkness and sorrow, it was also a symbol of hope and courage.

They stood in the corridor, watching as everything slowly returned to normal. Alex knew that from today on, he would never view Silver Moon Apartments the same way again. This was not just their home, but a place they must protect with their lives.

"We'll face it together," Alex said, tightly gripping Kai's hand.

Kai returned a warm smile, "Together. No matter what happens."

When they returned to Alex's room, dawn was breaking. A new day was about to begin, and they knew that greater challenges were waiting for them. But with each other's support and their understanding of Silver Moon Apartments' history, they felt stronger and more united than ever before.

And in some corner of Silver Moon Apartments, the ghostly figures of the Architect and young Leo smiled at each other, watching this young pair of Guardians. They knew that the future of Silver Moon Apartments was in the best hands possible.