Mother, Why Don't You Use Your T!ts To Wash Me? [R18]

In the bedroom, Celine's quiet sleep was suddenly broken. Her blue eyes snapped open, her heart pounding as the sounds of the impact faded away.

For a moment, she lay still, her mind struggling to understand what had woken her. The warm, soft sheets that had wrapped around her now felt tight as panic began to set in.

After all, it was the Empress's Palace; such sudden sounds were as rare as a storm in a desert, and any disturbance in the her Palace hinted at something serious.

Suddenly remembering something, she turned, reaching out instinctively for Lucian, only to find his side of the bed empty and cold. The realization hit her like a bucket of ice water. Where was he?

Celine's heart pounded faster in her chest as she sat up, her beautiful eyes darting around the dimly lit room.

For a moment, she even wondered if the Emperor had found out what had happened the night before.