Chapter 1: Prologue

The Martial world is a tough place to live in. In this world, all one cares about is power because with power comes glory and control over others.

In such a world, few carve their names in history now and then. Shin was one such person. He was born in a far-away village no one knows the name of. At a very young age, he was recognized for his sword talent and was adopted by a great warrior family.

He then traversed the world, fighting the evil he encountered. If the Enemy were someone he could handle, he would kill them. Otherwise, he would seek help from his family in the name of justice.

During his prime, he fell in love multiple times and married several women from reputable families. With their help, he started to wage a war to unify the continent.

He defeated the Lust King, the leader of a demonic faction, and successfully unified the continent under his flag of righteousness.

On the day of the Lust King's execution, Shin visited him.

"You are a descendant of the noble family. Not only did you run your family's reputation to the ground, but you also managed to join hands with the demonic clans, eventually destroying the peace in our continent. What is it that you seek? If it is something I can provide, I can do it as your last request," Shin stated.

The lust king imagined the beautiful women beside Shin during their fight.

Imagining the Lady from the Yuhe Family, well-versed in healing arts," A busty babe..." murmured the Lust King.

Imagining the Lady from the Jian Family well-versed in sword arts," A strong busty babe," murmured the Lust King.

Imagining the Lady from the Du family well-versed in poison arts, " A sexy busty babe..." murmured the Lust King.

After imagining several other women, he looked at Shin with a disgusted look and said, "I don't know why the world calls me lust king when someone like you exists. All I ever wanted was a busty babe by my side. This is unfair..."

"Irredeemable!" shouted Shin after hearing his words.

"How dare you compare your lust with my love?" said Shin while he unsheathed his sword and cut the lusty king's head.


System Activated.

Blood awakening complete.



"Master Ang..."

"Master Ang..."

What is this voice I am hearing? Is it my call to the afterlife?

Well. I have a few regrets, but it's not like I can change anything.


"WTF!!" shouted Ang while he woke from his sleep out of shock.

"WTF !! Why am I in such pain even after I died ?" shouted Ang, holding his now hurt head.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You ain't dead yet, kid." said the old man who was standing before Ang

"Old man Rue? you're alive ?" Ang was surprised to see his old Comrade.

He stabilized his mind and observed his surroundings. Years of experience have polished his ability to stay calm and analyze situations, even in dire situations.

Old man Rue passed away, protecting him 20 years ago. He was the only family he had. The fact that he is right before him means he died and met old man Rue. But the pain in his head is too real.

"I see. The blood of the family has acted." said old man Rue, looking at Ang, who was confused.

"Blood of the family?" asked Ang, thinking old man Rue misunderstood something.

Old man Rue then silently glanced at the open windows. He made sure to close all the windows and doors in the room and cast an art of silence.

System notification:

Art cast detected.

Suddenly, Ang felt like he had some new information in his brain.

Arts are similar to magic spells but have certain restrictions and limitations.

The art of silence is an art that surrounds an area and does not allow sound to transfer from and into that area. It is usually used during important meetings.

"What? Why did I suddenly remember information about the art of silence?" thought Ang.

"Master, you might be confused about what is happening to you. I do not know why, but the Old master has instructed me to tell you something when a day comes when you wake up and talk like you were dead." said old man Rue seriously.

"What is it?" Ang asked with his interest peeked.

"If you died, you died. But you are now here and do not try to die again. As such, our is blood", said old man Rue.

Old Rue was not confident that the young master before him would believe him, as he himself did not understand what it was supposed to mean.


"Hahahaha", laughed the young master Ang with tears in his eyes.

"So this was what it was. O heavens, I thought you were unjust. But thank you, thank you for this second chance." shouted Ang with happiness.