First Day III

~~Marvin POV~~

"Alright guys, welcome welcome. I'm Mrs. Sarah Johnson, SJ for short and this is English Lit" Mrs Johnsons introduced herself, she was going through a PowerPoint presentation on things we needed to know about her, 'A black Lab and a golden retriever' I thought as I saw the dogs she had.

After her slide presentation, Mrs. Johnson had students begin doing self-introduction, she handed out sheets of paper to have us write our names on and three facts about ourselves, we could also draw three things about ourselves. 'At least we don't have to talk to one another on the first day' I was glad to simply just write my name and random things on a piece of paper.

"Okay you are going fold the paper in a hotdog style" Mrs Johnson folded the paper from side to side, she wanted us to write our names on the front of the paper, color it, and write our facts inside. "Make sure you guys add some cool designs to the front, this will be your first grade," Mrs Johnson said.

I went to the tables where Mrs Johnsons had set out boxes of coloring pencils, markers, and other art supplies. 'Is she also an art teacher?' I wondered as I saw just how many boxes Mrs. Johnson had. "If there isn't enough over there, I got more boxes in storage" Mrs Johnson opened a door, inside were sheets of paper, boxes, and various other numbers.

'What should I put?' I asked myself, I wrote my name on the front of the paper, but I didn't know what facts to list about myself. I wasn't particularly interesting, I actually set out to ensure I wasn't interesting. 'Maybe a cell?' The thought of drawing cell bars entered my mind.

I quickly erased that thought, Mrs Johnson would more than likely make us explain the things we put down and that just's necessary trouble. I also don't think cell bars would be a great introduction to a teacher.

'Ahhh Fuck it, just color the front first' I decided to forgo putting anything on the inside of the paper for now, simply coloring the front would be alright. I used a purple and blue color pencil to decorate the front, I outlined my name with the purple pencil and then colored everything else in blue.

"Okay you're Marvin" Mrs. Johnson's voice came over my shoulder, I hadn't noticed her make her way to the back of the classroom. I turned around to look at her, her face in shock as she stared into my eyes, but she quickly composed herself.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to distract you from your work," She said quickly leaving and heading to another student's desk. 'At least she didn't say much about them' I thought as I watched Mrs Johnson move around talking to students, she was very charismatic, listening attentively to every kid.

Overall my time in the class was quite chill, apart from the boys from earlier nothing off-note happened. I ended up just drawing a football, and a music note and tried to draw a hoodie on the inside of the paper. They were the only things about myself that I thought would be appropriate for an introduction.

*RINGGGG* "Okay guys, that's the bell for you. It was lovely meeting you guys, hope you have a wonderful rest of the day" Mrs Johnson said goodbye as students piled out of her class. I stayed behind to allow for the majority of students to get put first, 'Guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to leave last' The girl from the bus also stayed behind, her earbuds still stuck in her ear.

'Okay, Geometry with David Thompson in 205' I read my schedule, and I turned to look at Mrs. Johnson's room number, it was 104, so I took the guess that 204 would be upstairs. I made my way back to the main hall, that was the place where I had seen staircases, there were definitely way more but it was the one place I could remember.

"Yo Marvin, heading to your next class?" A voice called my name in the sea of students. It was Sadie, she quickly joined up with me, taking a peek at my schedule she started leading me to my next class.

"Yeah Mr. T is so cool, I remember when I had him my first year, dude was so fun to be around" Sadie kept talking about how good it was to be in Geometry with Mr. Thompson and not the other Geometry teacher Mrs Gravelin. Personally with the no-talking rule that Sadie says Mrs Gravelin has, I might just switch to that class.

"Hey Mr. T, how you been" Sadie walked into my Geometry class, immediately talking with Mr Thompson. He was a tall white guy, he had a baby face, no beard, mustache, or any type of facial hair that could be seen on his face. His voice was also of a higher tone, he talked with the same bubbly personality that I had seen in everyone here.

While Sadie and Mr. Thompson were discussing with one another, I quietly made my way to a seat, the seating arrangement Mr. Thompson had was different from the one Mrs. Johnson had, he had his desks placed in groups of three. 

'Fuck me' I thought, he was going be forcing us to have conversations and discussions with one another. 'Fuck sakes' I resigned myself to fate, taking a seat that was the furthest from Mr. Thompson's desk. I placed my head on my desk, another nap to pass the time wouldn't hurt. 

I could hear the rustling of feet and the conversations of students as people began entering the class. So far nobody had sat at the tables near me, I was hoping that would continue to be the case, but it seemed that my good luck was running out. I heard someone place their bag down near my desk and then get comfortable at their desk.

I looked down at the feet of the person who had sat near me, I recognized the black dirty converse, 'Could it be her?' I thought. It would be quite a coincidence for me to meet the same girl three times in a row. I didn't raise my head to get a look at the person though, for now, they would just be my mystery desk partner.

Another person had sat at a desk near mine, the group was now completed. The person didn't say anything as well, it seemed we were all not interested in talking with one another, 'perfectly fine with me' I thought.

"Alright class, that's everyone." Mr. Thompson shut his class door, he was going to begin his introduction to the class. I still had my head down on my desk, something Mr. Thompson didn't seem to mind. He began talking about how he grew up in Texas, went to the University of Texas at Austin, and then took a job in Chigaco before teaching here for the past eight years.

His voice was quite enthusiastic as he listed out the facts about himself, even the little details like how he had a mole on his back that looked like the Texas flag. Mr. Thompson continued his presentation, talking about his family and all the adventures they had been on, they even took a trip to India for fun.

"Alright now that you guys know all about me, it's time that you guys get to know one another," Mr. Thompson said, I couldn't see his face but I knew the smile on his face was currently at its largest. "So you guys are gonna tell each other some interesting things about yourselves, and I'll come around to ask you guys what you've learned about one another"

'I knew it' I knew Mr. T would do something like this, it's the only reason teachers like him ever put students together, to create awkward meetings. I still hadn't raised my head from my table, and no one had spoken yet at our group. We must've been the only group silent as the class was engrossed in chatter.

"Uh, So I'm Caleb" A recognizable voice introduced themselves at my group, it sounded like the dude from my bus, 'Did they put everyone from there in my classes'.

"I'm Lisa" The girl introduced herself, her voice was soft, her tone way different from earlier in English. "Oh Yeah I saw you earlier on the bus," Caleb said, he finally recognized Lisa's face.

"Yeah, this dude's also from our bus," Lisa said poking me. I raised my head, her constant pokes were getting annoying. "You wanna introduce yourself?" Lisa asked in a condescending manner, her tone reminded me of Brooklyn, 'They both have that I'm better than you tone.'

I wanted to shake my head no at her and then place my head back on my desk, but then Mr. Thompson's words from earlier rang in my head, 'I need to know something about Lisa. I already know Caleb plays football' I had to make conversation.

"Oh you're the quarterback from practice" Caleb recognized me as well. "What's up man, you ready for your freshman season?" Caleb asked.

It was then something clicked in my head that I had been missing, 'He has to at least be a sophomore to be on the JV team, so why is he in a class for Freshmen' I wondered. There could be a variety of reasons as to why he's here, maybe he transferred here and his credits didn't properly transfer so he had to retake the class, but the most likely answer was that 'This dude failed Geometry'.

"So um let's get our interesting thing out now before Mr. T gets to our group," Caleb said, he was the one taking charge of the conversation in the group. "I guess interesting things about me would be that I'm a football player and that I ride dirt bikes"

"Well my interesting things are that I'm a hairstylist and I create comics" Lisa spoke after Caleb. Caleb's eyes seemed to light up as Lisa said the word comics, "You make comics, that's pretty cool, what type of comics do you make?" he asked.

"Mainly romance and Yaoi," Lisa said, Caleb's eyes dimmed down as he heard the word romance, he must've been wanting something like action or superheroes. His face then changed to confusion "What's Yaoi?" He asked, I had never heard of the word either but I guess it must have something to do with the romance genre.

"You have a phone, search it" Lisa's words were simple and blunt, Caleb didn't seem to care though, he picked up his phone intending to search it up but Mr T's voice interrupted him, "I'm liking the stuff I'm hearing from you guys, make sure you continue the discussions"

Mr T's words caused the two people in my group to look at me, they were waiting for me to say interesting things about myself, "So what about you?" Lisa brought their thoughts to words. 'I'll just say I play football as well and that I used to live in Houston' I set up a plan to get them off my back but Lisa interrupted before I could say anything.

"You could talk about why you were black contacts," She said and Caleb agreed with her "Yeah, why all black contacts," He said. "They're not contacts," I said to them, it seemed my eyes had become a focal point of attraction once again, but it made sense, people usually don't have all-black eyes.

"So they're real, you didn't have surgery or anything done to them?" Lisa asked once again, I guess she simply couldn't believe that someone could look like I did. Caleb was also of the same thought nodding along with Lisa's words.

I shook my head at her words, causing her to mouth the words wow. "So I guess that's our introductions done then, we've got me the hair stylist, Caleb the football player, and you the black-eyed dude," Lisa said. Her words came at the worst time though as Mr. T heard her and was now approaching our desk.

"So I heard you guys have introduced yourself to one another. What's his name?" Mr. T asked Lisa what my name was, the color on her face seemed to drain as she had forgotten to ask me one important thing. "Shit" the words came out of her mouth as she looked at me.

(A/N: Some new characters for you guys to meet, hope you enjoyed it, do leave a comment on what you think or just a simple hello would work as well. Also, a warning, DO NOT DRINK EXPIRED MILK, it is not worth it, trust me I know. With that said I hope you have a better day or night than me.)