I Own You Bitch!

Jenna woke from a deep sleep, still sore, tired and drained. Her first day of school had been worse than any nightmare she could have imagined. She was determined not to have a repeat of yesterday's events, especially last night's. She still questioned how she could have let all those terrible things happen to her.

As she shook the cobwebs from her confused mind, she felt an increasing resolve to have a better day today. She reminded herself of her position within the school, a teacher, and that she was the one who was in charge of her classes, not the children. She was the one who had control, not the children. She felt herself becoming more erect as her confidence built. She was the proud woman who had graduated from college with honors and who had landed her first teaching job at a well-respected Catholic girl's school in her neighborhood. She was the one who was hired because of her skills and potential, and she would be damned if anyone was going to take that away.