Sister Ann's Resistance

"I want to see you after school today Ms. Tarp, we've received some...complaints lately," stated Sister Ann before she turned and left.

Jenna's heart sank. She'd just been caught in a restroom with a minor child by the school's Head Mistress! She knew what the meeting would entail. Her palms broke out in a sticky sweat as she rubbed her hands together. "Oh my gawd," she worried, "I'm as good as fired...or...worse!"

The whole day dragged on and on. She'd almost forgotten about her totally inappropriate dress and horribly slutty makeup job courtesy of Trisha and her friends. The tiny shear top that did little to conceal her large firm breasts was in constant need of adjustment. It seemed like every time she looked down her nipples were protruding through the skin-tight material. And then there was the skirt, if you could call it that. Six inches of stretchy material that left her vagina or ass exposed constantly.