Gorgeous History Teacher

It was in Eric's class that I had the most fun, though. Just because I was a 14-year-old girl with a crush on my teacher didn't mean I couldn't draw on my feminine wiles to draw him in a little deeper. While every other girl

in class was ready to make a fool of herself to show her infatuation with him, I was the only one with the skill to make him see me as a young woman, not a silly teen.

"Miss Somerville, are you paying attention?"

I was fiddling with the strap on my little clutch.

"Yes, Mr Jacobson ... the Bronze Age. I was just thinking, how did they ever think to smelt metal in the first place? Did they just think 'let's heat up all this dirt and rocks and throw in some charcoal and see if anything useful comes out' and then 'let's try combining tin with copper and see if we can invent bronze'?"