I hate this thing between my Legs!

The fourth or fifth time that she looked back to me, I decided to have a little fun and see just what I could get away with. I always made sure that I made direct eye contact with her when I felt her eyes upon me and this time I shifted in my seat and briefly spread my knees just a little. The hem of my dress had ridden up was displaying my shapely, smoothly shaven legs and by the spread of my knees, might, just might, if one was looking for it, provide a glimpse of my silky pink panties.

My teasing continued and about three-quarters of the way through class I caught her in mid-stare. I could see her blush and look away as soon as I looked directly at her and I immediately raised my hand.

"Um, Mrs. Watkins?" I asked. Without waiting for her to acknowledge me, I continued in my sweetest voice, "My father is coming home from a dam project in southern Africa next week and I'm sure that he'd be happy to prepare a small presentation for the class."