Daddy Moment

(One year earlier) ....

The shy 13 year old with hunched shoulders and long stringy brown hair stood in aisle 12 overwhelmed by the abundance of nuts and bolts of various sizes, shapes, and even colors. Okay, maybe not colors, but degrees of shininess. "Three eighths" he mumbled to himself as he read the tiny type on the seemingly hundreds of bins in aisle 12. "Six inches long.. no.. wait.. four six inches and four eight inches..." The boy wanted to cry. Damn him. Damn that asshole sending him to get something he didn't know what he was supposed to be getting for a project he didn't want to help with anyway. He finally managed to find what he thought he needed, only ... there were only three bolts in the bin, and he needed four. Then there were the nuts. Someone had apparently gotten a hand full of nuts, then decided to put them back, but put them back in the wrong bin. And .. they didn't look the same color as the bolts. Did something like that matter?