Beast Core

With that in mind, Arden had to retrieve something important.

The Beast Core.

Just like the way humans have Mana Cores, beasts also have Beast Cores.

It was a core that they used to store Mana for energy, and to use their skills.

Even if the beast has been killed, its Beast Core would still be present, and it could be retrieved for two purposes.

Firstly, it could be sold for a certain amount of coins, depending on the beast's rank.

Secondly, the Mana in the Core could be absorbed by someone to increase his or her own Mana.

Though, a Lower Ranked Beast Core wouldn't be useful to a High Ranked Mage, but a High Ranked Beast Core would certainly be useful to a Lower Ranked Mage.

So, most adventurers sell the Beast Cores they retrieve while some decide to absorb the Mana in the Core, especially those who are close to Ranking Up.

Though, there was one more thing a Beast Core could be used for.


If the beast had a good skill, then it's Core could be used to make a weapon, and the weapon would have the skill.

"The Core should be around the chest area," Arden muttered as he gripped his dagger.

Though, he wasn't too sure about that, he believed that it would be there. The books he usually read clarified that different beasts had different locations of their Beast Core, but the chest area was the most common location.

With that knowledge, Arden decided to check the chest area, he was pretty sure that he would find it there.

Instantly, he stabbed the wolf's chest, and sliced it open. He didn't even flinch for a second while doing that.

As soon as he did that, a gaping hole was now on the wolf's chest.

Instantly, he used his hands to widen the hole, and completely opened the wolf's chest.

"It should be around here somewhere..."

Instantly, his eyes caught sight of something. It was a shiny transparent orb that was slightly green. The orb wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either.

"Yes, the Beast Core," Arden muttered.

Instantly, he dragged it out from the wolf's chest, and held it in his hand.

"Now that's done. At least, it'll be up to 5 bronze coins," Arden muttered.

It was just a First Step Rank 1 Beast, so it wouldn't sell for a high amount, but it would be enough.

Though, he wasn't really in need of money, because he even had gold coins with him, but that wasn't a guarantee. He had to be prepared for anything, especially with what he was planning.

He had decided to take a dangerous and risky path, and he would make sure that he achieved his goal.... Revenge.

"Since I'm using Ability Energy, and the beast does not have a good skill, I'll have to sell the Core."

With that being said, there was another thing he had to handle.

"Ahh, now should I leave this here?" He muttered as he stared at the wolf's body.

The body of Beasts could also be sold, though, since this was also a Low Ranked Beast, it wouldn't really sell for a high amount.

"Hmm, that doesn't matter," Arden muttered as he touched the wolf's body, and it instantly disappeared. The wolf's body was now in his inventory.

Arden continued walking forward, searching for more beasts. Killing one beast was not enough, and he still had to get more experience, and their Beast Cores.

Well, he didn't have to search for long, because....


He suddenly heard a growl from the right, but that wasn't all.


He heard another growl from the left, but before he could turn to look at the beast, he heard another growl.


This time, the growl came from the front, and that was when Arden saw the beasts.

They were Wolves, similar to the one he killed not too long ago.

They had grey fur, menacing silver eyes that seemed to pierce a person's soul, though, Arden had seen it before, so it wasn't as menacing as before.

Theirs claws and teeth also looked sharp, just like the Wolf that he killed.

Saliva dripped out from their mouths as they stared at Arden.

"I see.... Three against one, huh?" A grin suddenly appeared on Arden's face as he gripped his dagger. "This'll be a good challenge."

Instantly, the three wolves dashed towards Arden from the front, right, and left.


Arden readied himself as they got closer to him l, ready to leap.

The Wolf at the right was the first to leap as it brandished its claws, ready to slice Arden, but its plan wasn't successful.


In a swift motion, Arden swung his dagger, deflecting the Wolf's claws, causing sparks to fly.

At the same time, he instantly faced the wolf that was coming from the front, and raised his right leg, sending it towards the wolf.


His leg instantly connected with the wolf's head, sending it flying towards a tree.

By this time, the wolf at the left had already leaped, ready to slice Arden, but then....

He instantly ducked under the wolf, evading the claws.

At the same time, he raised his dagger, slashing the wolf's underbelly.


The wolf cried out in pain as it fell on the ground, blood gushing out of its underbelly.

"This dagger is sharp," Arden muttered with the wolf's blood all over his face, making him look somewhat.... Scary.

Well, he didn't have time to dwell on that, because he had to be fast before the wolves recovered.

Without wasting time, he instantly raised the dagger, and then....


With precision, he threw the dagger with immense force towards the wolf he just slashed.


The dagger instantly drilled itself into the wolf's head, killing it in an instant.

"One down, two remaining," he muttered.

The remaining two wolves had already recovered, and were already rushing towards Arden with angry growls.

One was at the front while the other one was at the back. The wolf he just killed was at their middle with the dagger still in its head.

Well, this gave Arden a plan.

Instantly, without a single hint of hesitation, he dashed towards the wolf who was almost reaching him.

He didn't have any weapon with him, but that didn't matter.

They both rushed towards each other, and the wolf leaped towards Arden, with its claws outstretched.

But before the claws could touch him, he instantly slid under the wolf, and launched himself at the dead wolf, where his dagger was present.

Immediately, he grabbed his dagger, and faced the second wolf who was just in front of him.

Apparently, this wolf was shocked, because it wasn't expecting Arden to reach it without killing its comrade first.

Though, the wolf's confusion made it vulnerable, and Arden took the chance.


He swiftly stabbed the wolf's head, killing it instantly.

But as he turned back to face the last wolf, he suddenly saw it on the ground..... Dead.

"Huh? But I didn't kill it," Arden muttered with a confused expression on his face.

But then...

"You're quite skilled..... I like that."

Arden suddenly heard a voice coming from behind, making him turn back.

'This person is..... Dangerous.....'