I don't know about you, but I'm leaving this place

Arden had already learned from Cedric that the guard who usually came to give them food was also the one with the key to the prison cells, making his job even easier.

"He's coming..." Cedric muttered as soon as he heard the sound of a door closing and approaching footsteps.

From the sound of the footsteps, it was clear that the person was getting closer to their prison cell.

Arden listened attentively as the footsteps grew louder with each passing second, signaling the person's approach.

Finally, the footsteps stopped in front of them, and Arden squinted his eyes.

A figure appeared—a man with black hair and black eyes. He had a frown on his face as he caressed his mustache. He was dressed in a simple brown tunic, making it hard to believe he was a guard. Cedric had mentioned that the guard usually dressed like this.

The guard carried a bag that contained the food he would distribute to Cedric, Edith, and Arden.

Without a word, the guard walked to the cell where Edith was curled up.

He reached into the bag and pulled out a small box containing her food.

He glanced at Edith before placing the box inside the cell through the bars.

"Make sure you finish it," he said, his voice flat.

With that, he turned to face the cell that housed Cedric and Arden.

As he approached, a look of disdain crossed his face. He noticed Cedric sitting on the floor while Arden stood directly in front of the bars, his hands resting on the gaps between them.

"Oh, you're pretty restless, huh?" The guard grinned as he walked up to Arden.

The only thing separating them now were the bars. The guard grinned, staring directly into Arden's eyes.

"You're a prisoner here, so learn how to sit on the floor and stay in one place," the guard said.

Arden ignored the guard, which seemed to irritate him.

"I see... Acting nonchalant, huh?" the guard muttered. "Here's what's going to happen. I'll give him food," the guard said, pointing at Cedric, "but don't expect any from me."

The guard had decided not to give Arden food. At this point, he was the one in charge, so he could do as he pleased without anyone questioning him.

Moreover, if a superior guard came by and they reported it, who would believe prisoners? They'd likely dismiss it as lies from desperate prisoners wanting more food.

Still, Arden didn't respond, continuing to ignore the guard as if he wasn't even there.

The guard gritted his teeth in anger, his fists clenched. The way this new prisoner was ignoring him was infuriating. This was his chance to assert his superiority, but it was as if Arden didn't even see him.

'It's as if I'm just talking to myself,' the guard thought, his frown deepening. 'No, maybe if I really don't give him food, he'll realize that I'm serious.'

'And I'm sure his cellmate won't share,' the guard thought, referring to Cedric.

With that, he reached through the bars and handed Cedric his food.

A smirk appeared on the guard's face as he imagined the despair that would soon cross Arden's face when he realized he wouldn't be getting anything to eat.

'This is my win...' the guard thought.

He was confident that Arden wouldn't be able to fight back; after all, the bracelet restricted his magic, leaving him powerless.

Without magic, there was nothing else Arden could do, further boosting the guard's confidence.

Cedric stood up, took the food from the guard, and walked back to his corner. However, he couldn't help but glance at Arden as he did so.

'He's really unbothered...' Cedric thought, noticing Arden's expression.

The guard smiled as he withdrew his hand, but before he could pull it completely back, it suddenly stopped.

"Huh...?" Confusion crossed the guard's face, but his eyes widened in shock as he realized what was happening.

He looked down and saw a hand gripping his arm—the new prisoner's hand.

Arden held the guard's hand in a firm grip, restricting his movement.

The guard gritted his teeth. "What is wrong with you? Let go of me."

As a guard, he had undergone training, so his physical strength wasn't lacking, but that didn't matter in this situation.

The guard tensed his muscles and tried to free his hand, but Arden had other plans.

Meanwhile, Cedric watched the spectacle with wide eyes.

From the look of things, his sister was right—Arden did have a plan.

Arden glared at the guard, his eyes revealing a dangerous killing intent.

Without saying a word, he began the next phase of his plan.

*Spark* *Spark*

"Huh? W-What i-is that...?" The guard's eyes widened in horror as something that shouldn't have been possible was happening.

"Wait... don't tell me..." Cedric's mouth hung open as he watched in disbelief.

It was like a dream.

Edith remained silent, not making a single sound.

In front of them, Arden was holding a spear made of lightning in his right hand while his left hand still gripped the guard's arm.

"N-No... But you're wearing the bracelet. How is this possible?" the guard stuttered.

At this point, his eyes were filled with fear as he suddenly realized what Arden intended to do.

"P-Please, don't do it... Please," the guard begged, but Arden was done with this.

Without hesitation, he plunged the lightning spear into the guard's stomach through the bars.

Instantly, the guard fell to the ground, convulsing, unable to scream.

Arden watched the guard slowly die, his eyes cold and unfeeling. The guard had been in his way, so, of course, he didn't hesitate to kill him.

Cedric was too shocked to speak, but Edith finally broke the silence.

"What do you plan to do?" she asked.

Arden glanced toward her hidden figure. "I don't know about you, but I'm leaving this place."