Battle In The Prison Compound [Part 1]

THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED!"The alarm echoed through the compound, and every guard's eyes locked onto Arden, Cedric, and Edith.

A mustached guard, his broad shoulders and commanding presence marking him as the leader, immediately gripped the hilt of his sword. His subordinates looked to him, waiting for his command.

But Arden had no intention of waiting.

In a flash, he darted towards the nearest guard. The mustached leader, seeing this, didn't hesitate.

"Attack!" he barked, his voice stern and unwavering. "Even if you have to kill them, don't let them leave this compound!"

But by the time he had finished giving his order, Arden was already upon the closest guard.

The guard barely had time to unsheathe his sword before...


Arden's dagger sliced through the air with lethal precision.

The guard's eyes widened, his mouth forming a silent scream as his head was severed clean from his body.

The guards froze, horror etched on their faces as they watched their comrade's head roll across the ground.


Panic set in as the guards quickly formed a defensive circle around the three escapees.

Edith, holding her sword with a confident grip, grinned. "You didn't even flinch… pretty wild."

Coming from her, it was almost ironic. Since they had broken free, it was Edith who had been the wild one, not Arden.

"Edith, focus," Cedric warned, his eyes narrowing. "We're surrounded."

Edith clicked her tongue, scanning the guards who seemed hesitant to strike.

Were they being cautious? Arden didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care.

'If I can just reach that gate...' he thought, eyes fixed on the gate not far from them. But the guards were in the way. 'I'll make this quick.'

Without another word…..


Arden activated his Sprint Skill, his speed surging. He shifted his stance, right leg back, left knee bent forward.

The guards continued to close in, their movements careful and calculated.

They had just witnessed Arden kill a guard with alarming speed. The guard wasn't weak, which only highlighted the threat Arden posed.

One guard, standing close to the leader, placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. "Sir, should we attack now?"

The leader rubbed his mustache, a deep frown creasing his face. "Talking to them isn't an option," he muttered. "No one wants to go back to a prison cell."

The guard nodded. "Then we subdue them… or… kill them?"

The leader sighed but before he could respond…


Arden shot forward, his speed explosive, heading straight for the guard directly in front of him.

The guard reacted quickly, raising his hand. The sound of rushing water filled the air, and ten water spikes materialized above him.

With a flick of his finger, the spikes shot towards Arden at high speed.

But that wasn't all…


The guard who summoned the spikes charged towards Arden, accompanied by three other guards.

The remaining guards were about to advance when their leader raised a hand, halting them.

'The four of them should handle this,' he thought. 'They've just escaped prison. They won't be in top form…'

His eyes darted to their wrists, noting the absence of the suppressing bracelets. 'Even if they can use their Magic now, they're still manageable.'

Arden kept moving, his eyes fixed on the incoming Water Spikes.


A cold glint flashed in his eyes as the spikes closed in.


Arden sidestepped the first spike, narrowly evading it. He quickly regained his balance and ducked under the second spike.


He deflected the third spike with his dagger, sparks flying as the metal clashed with water.


Three more spikes came at him, but Arden's swift movements deflected them all, and he slid under the last one.

But the guard who had summoned the spikes was already upon him, his sword descending with lethal force.

'Shit...' Arden cursed, realizing he hadn't regained his footing.


Suddenly, a small figure leaped over him, landing in front and blocking the guard's strike.

It was Edith. Her sword clashed against the guard's with a fierce metallic screech.

Surprisingly, the impact knocked the guard off balance, his stance faltering. Edith seized the moment.

"Die!" she hissed, spinning in the air, her right leg snapping out.


Her kick connected with the guard's face, sending him stumbling back into the other three guards approaching them.

"Ugh..." the guard groaned, struggling to regain his footing. But Edith was already on him.

She lunged with blinding speed, her sword catching the moonlight.


Her blade cut through the guard's neck, blood spraying as his head tumbled to the ground, landing at the leader's feet.

A maniacal grin spread across Edith's face as she licked her lips, the blood only enhancing her beast-like appearance. "Ahh! That was fast. Come at me!!"

The leader's eyes widened, taking in the sight of Edith and Arden, weapons at the ready.

"I think this will be harder than I thought..."