On the other side of the main path, Erik approached the Sogard cottage and called out with a slight croak in his voice "Hello?" to which a woman's voice responded, "Just a moment."

Erik waited just outside the front door, holding the fish and deliberately breathing slowly, as his mother had told him. After about a minute or two had passed, a woman appeared.

She had on a plain blue cotton dress with a half apron tied at her waist. Although not slim, she was still an attractive woman. Her wavey auburn hair was tied back in a simple ponytail. Her fair skin was dusted with freckles that did nothing to detract from her soft features, enhanced by an open and hospitable demeanour. She had hazel-green eyes that were under thin arched brows, with high cheekbones in an apple-shaped face.

"What have we here?" She said as she wiped her hands on her apron while regarding the nervous boy standing before her. As she was saying this, Selti, a slender girl of Thirteen, stepped out from behind her.

The girl's resemblance to her mother was obvious, however where Mrs. Brenda Sogard was curvy and full-figured, Selti Sogard was a slender, waif-like creature, with angular, yet soft features, and a slightly thicker bottom lip that had her mouth set in a permanent smile that added charm to her features. She had large green eyes that were very expressive, and without guile, as any emotion was immediately shown in them. Her long hair was auburn, as was her mother's. She had her hair arranged in thick twin braids that ran down behind her ears finishing around her shoulder blades. Where her mother's skin was liberally dusted with freckles, her freckles were limited to her cheeks and across her nose. Selti wore a dark grey pleated skirt and a yellow blouse. Both were bare foot, as they were only around their home so they didn't feel the need to put on shoes.

"M-Mrs. Sogard, hello. Me an…er Orn and I went fishing this morning and I thought you might…" Erik's voice trailed off as he noticed Selti smiling at him.

Brenda, pursing her lips to control her smirk, but struggling to keep the mirth from her eyes demanded "Well? What is it child, out with it."

Erik was struck. He had not one clue what to say or do. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words had left him. Instead, he thrust the fish forward with a pleading expression.

Brenda regarded the fish, and whilst secretly impressed by the fish and the gesture she merely stated "Not bad. Thank you. Will you bring it to the kitchen for me please?"

She then inclined her head slightly, turned, and led the way back inside the cottage. Once Erik was behind her, she dropped the façade and grinned broadly. She knew the boy was infatuated with her Selti, and while she knew that he was genuinely a decent young man, and secretly hoped for a union between her and Venna's family, she did have to maintain appearances. After all, Sogard ladies are not easy, and so the lad had to work for it if he wanted to spend time with her daughter.

Brenda lived alone with her daughter, as she was widowed several years past. Her husband had taken ill and never recovered. Selti's two older brothers were both at sea, giving their required five-year service to the crown. Her brothers were Viggin, seventeen and Sorgi, twenty years old.

Brenda and Venna had grown close since her husband died, Vylder and the boys were often sent over by Venna to assist her as needed. Sorgi, if he chose not to stay on with the fleet, would be returning home after the annual Halder Royal Conference in Fludavera.

Considering it was just her and Selti in their home, she was immensely grateful for Venna's friendship.

Behind Brenda, Selti walked alongside Erik, staring at Erik while secretly revelling in his discomfort. The more she could see that he was struggling, the broader her smile, revealing her dimples.

However, she relented and gave him a break by looking ahead. She did like Erik. She remembered how it was different when they were younger. He used to annoy her so much, with his practical jokes.

But he was funny too, and he would make her, and the other children laugh with his antics. But more recently, Erik and Selti had really started to notice each other and how they were different.

She was nervous around him too, only she was better at hiding it, not to mention teasing him made her own feelings easier to contain while getting revenge for all the times he had played pranks on her.

She glanced sideways at his lips wondering how they would feel but quickly shoved that thought from her mind as a rosy blush began to blossom on her fair cheeks.

In the kitchen, Brenda indicated for him to place the fish on the bench. He did that and then dipped his hands in the water bucket to wash them. Brenda passed him some soap and said, "This should help with the fish smell".

"Thank you, Ma'am." Erik finished washing his hands and looked around for a cloth to dry them. Selti approached him from behind holding out a towel for him. She poked him in the back, and he turned to face her. She didn't make eye contact. Instead, she chose to focus on drying his hands.

"There, all done." said Selti.

Erik, finally finding his voice replied "Thanks. I-I'd er, better get going. My mother is expecting me for lunch."

"Ok. Well, I'll see you at the feast soon."

"Yes, right. The feast, yes, I will see you there." Erik stood there for a moment looking at Selti, before snapping himself out of it and turning, as he said, "Afternoon Mrs. Sogard, bye Selti." 

Erik slowly made his way back home, lost in thought as he dreamt up ways he could approach the topic of formally announcing to Selti his intentions. He knew that at his next birthday, it would be his time to give his five-year service to the crown. It was due to this fact that he and Orn had been receiving lessons from their parents in wielding weapons.

He had taken to his father's chosen weapon, the warhammer, and Orn was learning the sword from their mother. He realised full well that if he really wanted Selti's hand, he would have to do something about it sooner rather than later.

Before he knew it he was before his house, to his surprise, as he hadn't been paying attention. He had found his way home instinctively. He shrugged it off and headed inside his family's cottage to join them for lunch.

As he entered the house he was in time to see everyone seated, but not yet eating. Venna said to him "I was about to send Orn out to look for you, as I was beginning to think you had laid eyes on Selti and forgot who you were and where you lived."

Erik blushed furiously, voicing his protests, denials, and making his excuses. Vylder chuckled as he said "Don't be so embarrassed son. The fact you like her has got to be the worst-kept secret. We live in a small village, and not one person hasn't noticed. Besides, she is a lovely girl, you should strike while the iron is hot." He grinned and winked at Erik, as to emphasise his smithing pun.

"Father, please…" said Erik with a helpless expression.

Venna chimed in "Don't fret Erik. We have the festival coming up soon. I will speak to Brenda, and we will arrange it for you. All you have to do is show up and dance with her."

Erik's face was a mixture of mortified embarrassment, from the expectation of relentless teasing from Orn, excitement, relief, and genuine gratitude for his mother. He did not know that his pairing with Selti had all but been arranged. Both families were deeply happy with the arrangement, and all the more because the children genuinely liked each other.

Erik sat down next to Orn, and gave him the side eyes, warning him not to start. Orn's eyebrows raised as his face took on an expression of feigned innocence, belied by the mirthful twitching of the corners of his mouth as he tried his hardest to stifle his smile.

Orn had every intention of teasing his brother. He was genuinely glad for him, but the cheekiness in him relished the chance for some payback for the years of bearing Erik's pranks and teasing. He knew better than to start at the table though, as he could feel his mother's gaze even as he exchanged looks with his brother.

The family sat and ate together, laughing and talking, as was their rarely disrupted daily life's routine. Before long the food was finished, and it was time to return to their respective duties. Erik accompanied Vylder out to the forge to continue working on what he was making that morning, while Orn helped Venna tidy up the table and kitchen.