24. Ho-Oh

When Misty came out, she found a note posted on the outside of the tent, which said that he had gone for special training.

Seeing this, Misty thought to herself, "This boy is quite careful."

"In that case, let me prepare breakfast!"

Although today is only the second day of our acquaintance, it seemed like they had known each other for a long time, and they worked well together when camping.

. . . .

"Today's task will be completed soon. Pikachu and Magikarp, work harder!" Running more than ten or twenty kilometers every morning was nothing to Ash, due to his training from the last 3 years.

But it is more difficult for Pikachu and Magikarp. Although the physical strength of Pokémon is definitely higher than that of humans, one of them has a load and the other is completely moving forward with their tails. Naturally, they will be more tired than Ash.

Ash kept counting the distance, and it was pretty good for the first time. The two little guys had strong perseverance, and they kept going step by step.

Especially Pikachu. Magikarp has not reacted much in the water, but Pikachu can't hear the command at all, and only his breath can be heard.

"We're here! Huh... stop!" After calculating the distance and reaching the finish line, Ash stopped and then gestured to the two little guys.

"Pika... chuu..."

Pikachu fell to the ground at once, and his tail, which was always erect, drooped immediately. Magikarp also popped up, panting, but it seemed to be wise and had no expression.

"Thanks for your hard work. You performed well today." Ash smiled when he saw this and walked to the river to help Magikarp untie the Wooden stake and unload the weight. Magikarp swung happily in the water.

Pokémon's resilience is still stronger than that of humans. As long as they are not injured but only physically exhausted, they recover quickly. After a short rest, Ash returned with Pikachu and Magikarp.

It took about half an hour to walk back, and it was still early when they came back. The sky had just lit up.

When Ash walked back, he saw someone sitting on the rock in front of the tent with her chin on her hands, as if waiting for something.

"Morning!" When Misty heard the voice, she saw Ash and greeted him.

"Morning! Well... I wanted to make breakfast, but I'm not very good at cooking, so I found some berries." Misty quickly got up when she saw Ash and said a little embarrassed.

As a girl who doesn't know how to cook, she was still a little embarrassed. Ash paused after hearing this and looked at the berries placed on a stone not far away. There weren't many, but enough to eat.

"Thank you, let's eat together!" Ash said.

Misty had found some simple Oran Berries and Pecha Berries. Pecha Berries have certain anti-toxin and detoxification effects. If poisoned by a wild Pokémon, they are good emergency choices.

Oran Berries are used to restore physical strength and have the function of recovering injuries, although the effect is not as good as medicine.

"Come and eat!" Ash took two Oran Berries, one for Pikachu and one for Magikarp, and then handed another to Misty.

Soon, the two of them and the Pokémon were full. With the help of the Oran Berries, the condition of Pikachu and Magikarp improved significantly.

After eating, they were ready to continue their journey. Ash went to the tent to pack his things and found that the two blankets had been folded, though his backpack remained untouched.

It was clear that, although Misty could be careless at times, she still paid attention to certain details. After packing up the blankets, she helped with the tent as well.

By this time, the sky had brightened. The sun appeared, and the rain had just stopped. The forest was filled with a moist atmosphere, and as the sun shone, there was a scent of fresh grass and a warmth in the air. A rainbow arched across the sky.

"There's a rainbow! How can there be a rainbow at this time?" Misty asked, looking up at the sky.

Ash paused, raising his head to look. At the end of the rainbow, where the sun was rising, a shimmering light and shadow of seven colors emerged.

"Ah! That's so beautiful!" Misty exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. She was seeing a Pokémon she had never seen before.

The entire body of the Pokémon was wrapped in radiant light, its feathers of various colors exuding a sacred aura. It moved its wings gracefully, emitting a trail of light.

Ash stared at the figure in the sky, his eyes filled with awe. He murmured softly, "Ho-Oh."

"Huh? Ash, what are you talking about?" Misty asked, not having heard him clearly.

"Nothing," Ash replied, shaking his head slightly.

Ho-Oh, the god of rebirth, symbolizes renewal and new beginnings. It is a Legendary Pokémon, revered in myths from the Johto region. Due to human greed, it once abandoned humanity and now only appears before righteous Trainers.

Ho-Oh can grant life, possesses mystical powers of regeneration, and is immensely powerful.

In his previous life, Ash had heard Ho-Oh mistakenly referred to as a Shiny Fearow. But the sense of awe and power he felt now, even from a distance, was unmistakable.

As if sensing Ash's gaze, Ho-Oh glanced down momentarily.

A gentle gust of wind blew as Ho-Oh flapped its wings, and a shimmering point of light descended from the sky, emitting a faint rainbow glow. The light fell gently.

"Huh?" Ash reached out instinctively, and the light landed softly in his palm.

A seven-colored feather, shimmering with a radiant glow, gradually settled, its vibrant colors reflecting the light.