30. Special Training Pikachu

Ash didn't go after them. It didn't matter if he chased them or not, and it didn't matter if he caught them or not.

Although Jessie and James are villains from Team Rocket, they are charming villains, just like their lines.

As villains, they are not truly bad; they have their own limits. More importantly, their friendship is also very admirable.

Besides, it would be meaningless to catch them. These two are lucky villains. No matter where they are caught, they always manage to escape, so it's pointless to chase them.

"Ash, are you okay?"

Hearing no movement outside, Misty came out anxiously. She was relieved to see that Ash was fine, but she still came to his side and asked.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Where are those two guys?" She looked around and saw traces of a fight, but Jessie and James were gone.

"They ran away!" Ash said, spreading his hands.

"That's fine! Just tell Nurse Joy!" Misty said, not concerned that they had escaped.

A rookie trainer being able to face off against Team Rocket alone made Misty believe that Ash really did defeat Fearow earlier.

"Okay!" Ash didn't say much and went to the infirmary to explain the situation to Nurse Joy. After hearing that Team Rocket had escaped, Nurse Joy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you very much." Although there were many trainers in the Pokémon Center, not many dared to deal with this kind of situation.

If these Pokémon in foster care were stolen, it would be a big deal for the Pokémon Center, and she wouldn't know how to explain it to the trainers.

At the same time, the reputation of the center would be damaged. In the future, trainers might not trust the Pokémon Center to care for their Pokémon.

"You're welcome, Nurse Joy," Ash said, shaking his head slightly.

The Pokémon Center's treatment and accommodation for Pokémon are free of charge, funded by Pokémon League subsidies. Only catering and food incur a small fee, kept affordable since trainers are often far from home and may not have much money.

The main source of funding is the Pokémon League, with some fees charged for food to cover part of the costs. After all, if a trainer has a Pokémon like Snorlax, it could be a real loss if everything were free. The Pokémon Center is the most important institution in the world, helping many trainers, so it's appropriate to help out in return.

Before long, Officer Jenny arrived. It seemed that, no matter the world, the police always showed up after the matter was resolved.

Officer Jenny inquired about the situation and was relieved to learn what had happened afterwards. If Pokémon had been stolen, it would have been the police's responsibility.

She thanked Ash again, but it was a pity she didn't catch the two Rockets when she arrived.

With the two escaping and wanting to continue their pursuit, Officer Jenny hurriedly gave instructions to the other officers stationed at the Pokémon Center and left in a rush, hoping to catch Team Rocket.

Ash and Misty went to eat. Although the circuit was damaged, the generator could still be used normally, and the circuit was being repaired.

Today, I was on the road all day and didn't have time to eat in the evening. I realized I was starving, so I called out to Magikarp and Pikachu and took them to the restaurant for a good meal.

Then, we went back to our rooms to rest. Fortunately, Pikachu didn't blow up the Pokémon Center like in the original anime.

It's a relief we still have a place to stay. To be honest, Ash is a bit curious. In the anime, after the last Pokémon Center exploded, where did the trainers end up staying?

However, there are too many unsolved mysteries in this world, and no matter how much I think about it, I can't figure it out. Gradually, I start feeling sleepy.

"Ahh! Good night, Pikachu."


Pikachu was also tired. Although he regained his energy after the treatment, he was still exhausted from the battle against Team Rocket. He lay next to Ash, shook his ears, closed his eyes, and fell asleep quickly.

A day's travel made Ash fall into a deep sleep, and the next morning, he woke up early as usual.

Pikachu woke up at the same time as Ash. The time was about the same as in the jungle. Most people hadn't woken up yet. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Ash said to Pikachu.

"Pikachu, let's continue training today!"

Although they were in the city, Ash still didn't intend to stop training if conditions allowed. After all, they were getting closer to Pewter City.

"Pika!!" Pikachu had regained his energy and could feel his tail was more flexible. He was sure Ash's training method was very effective, and he cheered up instantly.

Ash changed into his running clothes and took Pikachu out. At this time, it was not yet fully light, and there were almost no people on the street. Ash took Pikachu directly to the park near the Pokémon Center for training.

Pikachu continued moving forward with his tail. From the entrance of the Pokémon Center to the park, it was exactly ten kilometers. By the time they reached the park, Pikachu was out of breath.

"Huff... How are you, Pikachu? Can you still go on?" Ash asked, letting out a slight breath and glancing at the early time.

"Pika!" Pikachu responded.

Although he looked very tired, he was much better than yesterday. It was a pity there was no river. Otherwise, Ash would want to continue training Magikarp, but that would have to wait for now.

"It's still early; let's practice Iron Tail!" Ash decided to try some more training in the park.

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered up instantly.

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