63. Melee

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Clefairy let out a scream as it was thrown by the explosive blast, the Moon Stone in its hand tumbling to the side.

"Ah!! These guys actually attacked such a cute Pokémon!" Seymour exclaimed, clenching his fists in frustration.

Seeing the situation, the two poachers grinned with excitement, ready to capture Clefairy. Misty, noticing this, expressed her concern.

"What Should we do, Ash??"

Ash was about to respond, but the Rockets made their move.

"It's not that simple! The Moon Stone is ours. Koffing, use Smokescreen!" Despite having been attacked earlier, the Rockets' Koffing and Ekans were still battle-ready.

As the poachers focused on Clefairy, James commanded Koffing to unleash another Smokescreen. Thick black smoke filled the area, creating a suffocating atmosphere.

"You two!!" The flat-headed poacher fumed. "These guys dare to interfere!"

"Venomoth, use Whirlwind..."

"It's not that easy! Ekans, use Wrap!" This time, the Rockets were prepared. At James' command, Ekans leaped through the air.

Just as Venomoth began to clear the Smokescreen, Ekans wrapped around it, causing Venomoth to fall helplessly to the ground.

"Damn it!!" The poachers grew even more frustrated.

"Good opportunity. Misty, Brock, and I will handle them. You take Uncle Seymour to Clefairy, and get out of here after rescuing Clefairy!" Ash whispered urgently to Misty.

"Okay, got it! Be careful!" Misty and Brock agreed, and Seymour nodded as well.

They cautiously made their way through the smoke. Misty and Seymour reached Clefairy, who was still dazed. Without hesitation, Misty scooped up Clefairy and hurried to the other side of the cave.

"Now, Pikachu, use Quick Attack to grab that bag!" Ash ordered.

Pika! Clefairy Clefairy!!

Pikachu, glowing with silver light, dashed through the smoke in the direction Ash indicated.



With a flash of silver light, the smoke was blown away, and Pikachu struck the bald poacher's arm. In pain, the man reflexively released his grip, and the bag in his hand fell to the ground.

"What?? Who's there??" The poachers, startled by the attack and the voices, realized they weren't alone.

"This voice, could it be??" Jessie and James exchanged surprised glances. They recognized that voice anywhere.

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing Ash and Brock standing behind the two poachers. The poachers, now aware of their presence, grew irritated that these two kids dared to challenge them. Not far behind, Misty and Seymour, with Clefairy in tow, were making their escape.

"Brats?!" Jessie, James, and Meowth exclaimed in surprise when they spotted Ash.

"Yo! We meet again." Ash waved casually, then his gaze shifted to the bag that had fallen on the ground, his expression turning serious as he sprinted towards it.

"Where do you think you're going? You're asking for trouble! Rhyhorn, use Take Down!" the bald poacher barked. His temper flared, especially after being attacked by Ash and losing Clefairy. He wasn't about to let Ash take their goods without a fight.


With a fierce roar, the Rhyhorn charged at Ash, the air around its body forming a protective barrier, intensifying its already powerful attack.

"Watch out, Ash! Zubat, use Supersonic!" Brock quickly reacted, tossing a Poké Ball into the air. In a flash of blue light, Zubat appeared, hovering above the battlefield.

Buzz buzz!!

Zubat unleashed an ear-splitting Supersonic attack, emitting sound waves that disoriented Rhyhorn. The charging Pokémon veered off course, crashing into the cave wall and leaving a massive hole while causing the ground to tremble.

"You little brat! Venomoth, use Confusion!" The flat-headed poacher snarled, his patience wearing thin.

Venomoth's eyes glowed blue as it used Confusion on Ekans, who was still tangled up. The psychic energy forcibly stretched Ekans before flinging it away with a powerful telekinetic force.

Ekans flew backward, colliding with Koffing. The impact sent both Pokémon hurtling towards Jessie and James, who were caught off guard and knocked into a heap, creating a chaotic mess.

"Venomoth, use Psybeam!" the flat-headed poacher ordered, now aiming directly at Ash and Brock.

"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!"


Pikachu jumped up, electricity crackling around its body, and released a powerful golden current that clashed with Venomoth's Psybeam. The two attacks locked in a fierce struggle.


The conflicting energies grew unstable, leading to a massive explosion. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the cave, dispersing the remaining smoke and shaking the surroundings.

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