87. Cerulean Gym Attacked

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"What are you guys doing?" Misty shouted anxiously as she watched the scene unfold.

"Hmph! Little girl, don't you understand? We need to drain the water so that the Water-type Pokémon in the gym will lose most of their fighting power," Jessie sneered in response.


Hearing this, Misty grew even more anxious. She instinctively thought of Ash and Brock, only to realize they weren't there to help.

Faced with this situation, she scolded herself for always relying on Ash and Brock. This was her gym! She needed to take charge.

Determined, Misty sprinted forward. Her three sisters' expressions changed slightly at her sudden action.

"Misty, what are you doing?"

"I'm the Cerulean Gym Leader, and I'm going to protect my gym!" Misty declared as she ran toward Team Rocket.

"Little girl, I won't let you interfere! Come on, Ekans!"

"Koffing, go!" Jessie and James released their Pokémon, blocking Misty's path.

"Darn it! Starmie!!" Misty frowned, knowing she needed to stop the machine before the pool drained completely, which could harm the smaller Pokémon.

She called out to Starmie in the pool, and despite the strong current, Starmie heard her voice.

Just then, Starmie began spinning rapidly. Unlike other Pokémon, Starmie's unique body structure allowed it to maneuver in the water, cutting through the current and quickly rising to the surface.


Starmie shot out of the water, spraying droplets everywhere as it hovered in the air and then landed in front of Misty.

"Starmie, use Water Gun!" Misty ordered, seeing Starmie as her savior. Starmie leaped into the air and released a powerful stream of water from the gem at its center.

"It's not that simple! Ekans, dodge and attack with Poison Sting!" Jessie commanded. Ekans and Koffing swiftly dodged the Water Gun, and Ekans unleashed a barrage of purple needles at Starmie.

"Starmie, dodge!" Misty shouted. Starmie quickly dropped from the air, avoiding the Poison Sting.

"Koffing, use Smokescreen!"

Without any hesitation, James ordered Koffing, who then floated up and spewed thick black smoke, engulfing the area in darkness.

The black smoke quickly spread, filling the surroundings. Misty instinctively covered her mouth and nose, but her vision was severely impaired, making it impossible to see Koffing and Ekans.

"Ekans, use Tackle!"

Jessie took advantage of the smokescreen, ordering Ekans to attack. In the haze, Ekans lunged like a spring, slamming directly into Starmie.

The impact sent Starmie skidding back several meters before coming to a stop. However, with the thick smoke still lingering, Starmie lost sight of Ekans again.

"Darn it! Where is it?"

"Hehe! Little girl, without your friends, you don't stand a chance against us," Jessie taunted, her and James' faces brimming with smugness.

"Is there really nothing I can do without them? Ash... Wait, what would Ash do?"

Misty started to doubt herself but refused to give in to despair. She thought about what Ash would do in this situation and remembered how he handled Team Rocket in the Viridian Forest.

"Wind?! I got it! Starmie, use Rapid Spin!"

A spark of inspiration lit up Misty's mind. She quickly commanded Starmie, while Jessie and James, unaware of what she was planning, continued to gloat.

"Useless, little girl! In this smokescreen, you can't hit Ekans or Koffing."

"Who said I was trying to hit them?" Misty shot back confidently.

Starmie followed Misty's order, leaping forward and rapidly spinning in place. As Starmie's spin intensified, it created a powerful gust of wind that began to disperse the surrounding smoke.


Jessie and James looked on in shock as the smokescreen was blown away, revealing Ekans and Koffing.

"Now, Starmie!" Misty seized the moment and signaled for Starmie to attack.

Starmie, still spinning, darted forward like a whirlwind, striking Ekans with incredible force. The impact sent Ekans flying back, crashing into Koffing.

"Misty is amazing!" Violet and Lily exclaimed in awe as they watched from the sidelines.

Their older sister, Daisy, remained silent but thought to herself while watching Misty's determined stance. "Misty, you've really grown up! Maybe Ash was right; you're truly meant to be a Trainer."

Meanwhile, outside the gym...


Ash and Brock had just returned to Cerulean City when they noticed a plume of black smoke rising from the gym. The smokescreen, scattered by Starmie's Rapid Spin, had found its way out through an opening made by Team Rocket.

"Something's happening," Brock said, frowning as he followed Ash's gaze.

"It sure looks like it. Let's hurry!" Ash replied, and the two quickly rushed into the gym. The sounds of the ongoing battle made it clear that something serious was happening.


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